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Chapter 17

"Did you really expect him to come?"


"Where the hell have you been?"

That cold eyes staring deeply at me right after I opened the door.

I froze.

"I went to the arcade with Taehyung."

"So you're dating him now huh?"

"No I'm not." He kept on staring at me with that cold and cruel eyes.

"You're married and you're still dating someone else?" He came closer.

"Don't you dare to come closer!" He stopped but then he pushed me so hard until my back hit the door.


"Why did you go to the arcade with him?"

"What the heck is wrong with him?"

"Why? Are you jealous?" I smirked.

"Jealous? Oh please. No I'm not."

"Then why are you acting like this?" I raised my eyebrows.

"It's because I...I... forget about it." He rolled his eyes and went upstairs.

I went to the kitchen to take a drink then I went upstairs too.


Graduation day~~

"Taehyung-ah you'll come right?" I asked through the phone.

"Of course I will..." he answered, then he hung up.

I looked at Jimin who was staring at me.

"What?" I tilted my head.


"You comin' or not?"


I glared at him, then I slammed the door.

"What kind of husband he is" 
I cursed under my breathe.

"Congratulations to Ms. Kim SoYeon who had successfully finished her college life." The headmaster(a/n: Idk the name of the person who is in charge of putting the medal) said as he gave me the certificate and the medal.

As soon as the graduation finished, I didn't see Taehyung. I was expecting him to come, did he lie to me?

"Hey." Someone tapped my shoulder.

"Taehyu– Jimin?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Where is Taehyung?"

"Did you really expect him to come?"

"Where is he?" I looked around.

"Hey! Your husband is here and you're searching for another man?!"

"Shut up!" I cupped his mouth. "Where is Taehyung??"

"He went to our concert already, I told the manager that I have to come to your graduation and he let me, since the concert start in 4 hours, so I still have time to go here." He smiled.

"Wait what? He smiled? That's rare. Wth."

"Here, flowers for you." He gave me a bouquet of white roses but wait...

"I have to go now, congratulations for your graduation, this is for you." He gave me another gift, a letter.

"Okay then." I smiled. "Bye." He bid goodbye at me and left.

"He never gave me a letter. Oh my God! Maybe it's related with the divorce things."

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