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Chapter Six

"Sometimes people play hard to get,to make sure that the other person's feelings are real."


Soyeon POV

"You already married?!" HyunSik raised his voice.

Darn it.

"No, I...I...I mean my.. my cousin." I stammered.

"You're stuttering. I know you're lying and that ring is not the ring that your mother gave you, it's your wedding ring right?" ShinHye tapped my shoulder. "Tell us the truth."

I looked at them then I looked down, feeling guilty not telling them about my marriage, but Jimin asked me to shut my mouth. I don't care they're my friends anyway so I better tell them the truth now.

"Yeah, I'm married." I said with a low voice.

"Whoa. You're 19 and you're married. That's crazy." HyunSik chuckled.

"So what? Bella Swan is 18 when she was getting married with Edward Cullen." ShinHye raised her eyebrows.

"Duh. Well nevermind. What's his name?" HyunSik asked.

"Umm... can you guys keep this as a secret. Don't tell anyone, okay?" They both nodded in unison.

"Park Jimin." Their eyes widened and gasped.

"The famous Park Jimin is your freaking husband?!" I nodded slightly.

"So, tell us what brought you here?" HyunSik changed the topic.

"I hate him. He was so rude and I think falling in love with him is the biggest mistake I've ever made." I sighed heavily.

"Are you serious? Did you know who is Park Jimin SoYeon?" ShinHye asked with one of her eyebrows raised.

"A jerk."

"That's not what I mean. Do you know who is he?" ShinHye sighed.

I shook my head slightly.

"You don't know BTS?" Hyunsik added.


They both shook their head in disbelief.

"Everyone loves him okay. Why would you hate someone like Jimin? He's not rude to his fans." Hyunsik said as I rolled my eyes.

"Well I think the best thing to do is not to fell for his perfect eyes,nose, lips or something if you hate him that much. Remember, play hard to get. You're a girl, who is supposed be chased not chasing." ShinHye smiled.

"You better go back to your house." HyunSik tapped my shoulder.

I stood up and bid them goodbyes before I walked home.

Play hard to get

That sentence keep on repeating in my mind.


Jimin POV

I sat down at the couch, watching my solo performance on stage to get me out of this boring world. I don't see her existence in this house until now, I wonder where she went.

I was about to walked upstairs when suddenly the door swung open, revealing SoYeon with her...

What happen to her? Is she mad? What?

"Hey. Are you mad?" I grabbed her wrist.

She gave me a death glare and threw my hand.

"What do you think?" she crossed her arms.

I drowned in confusion. I don't understand.

"Hey, SoYeon you're not answering my question!" I shouted.

"No need to shout! I can hear you clearly!" She barely raised her voice toward me.

"You're not answering my question!"

"Don't care." She rolled her eyes and went upstairs.

That is weird. This is not her. This is not SoYeon.

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