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Chapter Five

"This is the biggest mistake I've ever done in my life."


Jimin POV

She looks cute with that outfit tho.

I only said that. It doesn't mean that I like her okay.

"Hyung, admit it, you like SoYeon right?" Jungkook whispered to me.

"What? Like her? No way." I crossed my hands in front of my chest with a frown face.

"Stop lying. I know you like her, you keep on staring at her." Jungkook chuckled as he hit my arm.

"I said no." I gave him a death stare.

Everyone were busy introducing themselves to SoYeon. I'm just standing on the door looking at them. But one thing caught my eyes.

I saw Taehyung and Jungkook getting closer with SoYeon. I rolled my eyes lazily.

"SoYeon, let's go home." I  grabbed her wrist.

"What? But–"

"No But."

"Jimin-ah stop being so cold toward your wife!" Taehyung barely raised his voice when we are about to went out from the room.

"Guys, how many times should I tell you?! We're not married for real, it's because our parents asked us, more like forcing us to get married. We have no choice, we'll divorce later on tho." I smirked, my hand was still gripping onto her wrist.

The members can only looked at us without letting a word came out from their mouth.

"Jimin let me go." she said as she slowly walked behind me.


"I said let me go!" she was about to fall down when suddenly I grabbed her waist, our eyes met. I can't lie, her eyes were so beautiful.

The members coughed on purpose.

"Hey guys, we're still here." I heard NamJoon's voice.

She removed my hand from her waist and walked in front of me.

"Soyeon!" I yelled out her name but she was running outside.

SoYeon POV

I hate him. I think this is the biggest mistake I've ever done. Why did I fall in love with him? This made me look like I'm a bitch, who easily fell in love with stranger.

I know he's an idol not a stranger, but I never heard about BTS before.

Why does he have to be so cold as fck. Why can't he treat me like he treat his own fans, I was talking and chatting with the members but he pulled me suddenly and asked me to go home. How rude.

I think I ran far enough. Now where should I go? I think I should go to ShinHye's house, Jimin didn't know about my friends so it should be safe.

"ShinHye! ShinHye!" I knocked her door as I yelled out her name.

The door opened, revealing ShinHye with her boyfriend.

"Oopsie, did I interrupt you guys?" I chuckled.

"No no no." HyunSik said.

"So what happen? What makes you come here?" ShinHye asked as she gestured me to sit next to her on the couch.

"So I came here because I have a probelm with my hus–"

Oh shit I almost forgot, they don't know about my marriage.

"Hus?" HyunSik tilted his head.

"Husband?" ShinHye

"You already married?!" HyunSik raised his voice.

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