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Chapter 20

"He went from cutiepie into a daddy."


No one POV

She asked Jimin to change his clothes, she sat at the sofa and played her phone.

"What are you playing honey?" Jimin appeared out of nowhere.

SoYeon raised her eyebrows, Jimin never calls her using honey or any other husband-and-wife-nickname.

"Who are you?" She asked playfully.

"I'm Jimin, your husband."

"What? Really? Sorry I don't know you." Jimin pouted as he sat beside her.

"I only know the cold and arrogant Jimin, not the cutie pie Jimin." SoYeon chuckled.

"Okay then. You asked for it." Jimin went from cutie pie into a daddy in a second.

"Whoa, calm down Jimin." She pinched his cheeks, making him smile.

She rested her head on his shoulder while Jimin caressed her head slowly.

"Hey, mom and dad are coming to–"

Ding dong~

"I'll open it." Jimin walked toward the door, he looked through the peep hole.

"It's mom and dad." He opened the door. SoYeon walked approached Jimin.

"Hey guys!!" Soyeon's mom greeted excitedly.

"Hey eomma." Jimin and SoYeon said in unison.

"Jimin-ssi, your mom is taking something." Soyeon's dad knew that Jimin was looking for his mom.

"Ohh okay, come in eomma." Jimin made a space for them to come in.

"Jimin-ssi. Have you guys..."

SoYeon's face turned red.

"Ohh.. I see you guys haven't."

"Jiminn!!" Another woman with red clothes and black leather pants appeared. It's Jimin mother.

"Hey eomma." He hugged her and kissed her cheeks.

SoYeon's mom greeted his mom too and they sat together.

"Mom, what brings you here?" SoYeon asked.

"Oh yeah, we want a gift from you guys, since you are newlywed."

"We're not newlywed couple anymore mom, it's been a month." Jimin answered with a small smile.

"Fine, fine okay, we want a grandchildren!" His mom and her mom said in unison meanwhile her dad's eyes widened.

SoYeon and Jimin exchanged  glances.

"We'll give you when she is ready. I don't want to rush things." Said Jimin as he wrapped his hand around SoYeon's shoulder.

Her heart skipped a beat. She never thought Jimin could be this lovely and caring.

"Okay then, we'll wait. But don't forget okay, we want grandchildren, it could be boy or girl it doesn't matter." His mom smiled.

"Okay mom." They said in unison.

"Darling we have to go." Her dad smiled.

"Where are you guys going?" Jimin asked.

"Japan." The three of them said in unison.

"Okay then, have fun there." SoYeon kissed their cheeks and bid them goodbyes.

Later on...

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