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Chapter 14

"I need to get away right now or else something unwanted will happen."


ShinHye POV

"Your mom didn't say that you should end our relationship if I come with you." He smiled and wiped my tears. I'm melting for God sake.

"You've got to be joking." SoYeon tapped his shoulder as she chuckled.

"No I'm not, I don't want to break up with her, I love her so much." HyunSik gave a flirty stare to me.

I got confidence after I heard what HyunSik said to me. I went back to my parents, took my suitcase and went back to where HyunSik was. I clenched my fist so hard till my knuckles turned white.

"Honey! Don't you remember about the choices?" Dad barely raised his voice.

I smirked as they exchaged glances.

"Listen well, I'm not gonna repeat this again." They walked one step closer toward me.

"If you think that you guys are one of the good parents in this world, you better think. No parents would give their own daughter a choices like that, I don't care if you guys don't wanna see me anymore if I stay here in Seoul, I can live freely in here, no rules, no bullshits."

"ShinHye!" She raised her voice, I could see that everyone's eyes were on us.

"I learned from my experience mom, you kept on saying you'll take care of me, it turns out you only care about your work, money, money and money. You're not a gold digger are you?" I smirked. My mom looked down.

"I choose to stay here. You don't want to see me? It's fine, I don't need a gold diggers like you." We left them standing there blankly.

SoYeon POV

"Oh no, my hus–" I cupped my mouth. Luckily, they didn't hear what I was about to say.

"Guys, I need to go home fast." I ran as I waved toward them.


I arrived at home, as usual, nothing change only silence filled the house. I went inside and spotted Jimin on the kitchen, making something. I tip toeing as I raised my hand, wanted to surprise him.

"Don't you dare or I'll give you punishment." My eyes widened as I heard him.

Did he has an eye on his back? How did he know?

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Making a food. I'm starving to death." He groaned.

I patted his back.

"Wait. What are you doing SoYeon?! You need to get away right now or else something unwanted will happen."

I slowly walked away but he pulled me. My back hit against the wall, he caged me in.

"As expected. Something unwanted happened."

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