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Chapter 13

"I just can't accept this reality where I stucked between a hard fcking choices."


ShinHye POV

This is maybe the last time I'll be here. I walked slowly as I pulled my suitcase, I didn't tell HyunSik about this, I have the same reason. I don't want him to be sad to hear my last goodbye.

"Mom! Dad!" I found them sitting on the waiting room, playing their phone.

"Hey honey, how is it? You're ready?" Mom asked.

"Umm... Mom, Dad, can I asked you something?" I kinda nervous to asked this question.

"Sure, go ahead." They smiled.

"Is there any specific reason why I need to move to Australia with you guys?" I looked down.

"Because if you moved to Australia we could take care of you easily." Dad explained but that reason was too weak for me.

"But Dad, you are too busy with your work, there's nothing different here and there. You guys are still too busy with your business. I don't want to leave, I want to stay here! In Seoul! My birthplace! My hometown and my nationality!" I clenched my jaw and fist.

They exchanged glances. All I can do now was holding in my tears, I'm not ready to leave HyunSik and SoYeon. They suddenly looked at me with a small smirk on their face. What are they thinking?

"Honey, listen well, I won't repeat this."

She grabbed my shoulder tightly. I looked at her eyes.

"I'll give you choices."

"What choices?" I raised my eyebrows.

"If you want to stay here, you won't see us anymore, if you come with us you have to risk everything including your relationship with HyunSik." My eyes widened as I heard the choices that my Mom gave.

"ShinHye!!" I heard someone called my name. I turned my head and saw... No way..

I ran toward them and hugged them tightly, I cried in their embrace. I just can't accept this reality where I stucked between a hard fcking choices.

"I don't want to leave you guys." My tears won't stop falling.

"ShinHye." HyunSik raised my head. "Just go with your Mom and Dad."

My eyes widened as I heard his suggestion.

"But then we have to break up."

"Who said that?" SoYeon's raised her eyebrows.

"Mom. Sh..she said that if you stay here in Seoul I won't be able to see them anymore, but if I go to Australia with them, I...I have to risk everything including my...my relationship." I sobbed.

"I'll go with you."

"What?!" SoYeon and I widened our eyes in unison.

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