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Chapter four

"I just want you to realize that I love you from the bottom of my heart."


SoYeon POV

I walked down the stairs and they all stared at me with blank face.


"You look cute." Jungkook smiled.

"Thanks." I replied his smile. One thing caught my attention, Jimin wasn't wearing our wedding ring.

"Jimin-ah..." he raise his head slowly.

"What?" I could see his cold stare.

"Where is your wedding ring?" I raised one of my eyebrows.

"I don't know, why did you ask that? We're not really married, I'll just need to wait 4 months left, then we'll divorce." His answer made my whole body boiling, then I realized I shouldn't have ask him that question. Taehyung and Jungkook exchanged glances.

"Come on, let's go." said Jungkook breaking the awkwardness.

We all went inside Jimin's car. It only took 30 minutes to get to their dorm.

"Welcome to our dorm." Taehyung smiled.

The dorm was very spacious it left my jaw dropped. I could see a big transparent shelf filled with trophies and awards they got.

"Jimin!" Someone greeted him as he walked down the stairs.

"I see you brought your wife here." said another man with grey hair and a red bandana.

"Whatever." Jimin rolled his eyes lazily.

"Hi, I'm SeokJin." he suddenly stretched his hands. I smiled at him and shook his hand.

"Come with me, I'll introduce you to our members." Jin said as he intertwined his hand with mine.

"Hyung, come on..." Jimin groaned behind my back.

He pulled me upstairs and I got Jimin, Jungkook and Taehyung tailing behind me as I walked up the stairs.

I could hear a loud noise once I stepped on the second floor. Jin opened the door in front of him and I could see a confetti?

"Wow, you guys are having a party?" I asked and everything changed into a silence.

"Guys, this is Jimin's wife." Jin smiled as the other ran toward me.

"You are so pretty, I'm Hoseok." His smile brightly.

"I'm RapMonster, you know, R A P monster not D A N C E monster. You can call me Namjoon if you want." I need to raise my head a little bit because he's so tall, or is it because I'm so short? I was shorter than Jimin tho...

"I haven't introduce myself since the first time we met downstairs. I'm YoonGi, but call me Suga because I'm swag." I chuckled at his weird introduction.

"You're a lazy ass boy." NamJoon chuckled.

"Hey, I'm trying to introduce myself. Don't ruin it." Said Suga. "Hey hey, you want this?" He pulled his necklace that was hidden under his shirt. It was a gold necklace. "It's 3 dolla."

"Come on Suga hyung, stop telling people about your 3 dollar necklace." Jungkook groaned.

"Fine fine."

"So are you guys are having a party?" I asked.

"Yeah, It's Jungkook's birthday today!!" Jhope yelled.

"Ya hobi! Shut up! I need to sleep!" Suga said as he went to couch.

"Saeng-il chukkhaeyo Jungkook-ah!" I patted his shoulder.

"Gomawo Soyeon-ah." He rubbed his neck shyly.

"Don't mind about his attitude SoYeon-ssi, he's still a baby who doesn't know girls." Jin said.

"SoYeon, let's go home." Jimin grabbed my wrist.

"What? But–"

"No But."

"Jimin-ah stop being so cold toward your wife!" Taehyung barely raised his voice when we are about to went out from the room.

Well, from the very first moment I stepped into their dorm, Jimin was only walking, groaning nonsense thing with his hands crossed in front of his chest and a frown plastered on his face.

"Guys, how many times should I tell you?! We're not married for real, it's because our parents asked us, more like forcing us to get married. We have no choice, we'll divorce later on tho." Jimin smirked, his hand was still gripping onto my wrist. It was hurt but I can't say anything.

The members can only looked at us without letting a word came out from their mouth.

"Jimin let me go." I said as I slowly walked behind him.


"I said let me go!" I was about to fall down when suddenly Jimin grabbed my waist, our eyes met. I can't lie, his eyes were so beautiful even though his stare was so cold as ice.


This is a long chapter xD😂😂

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