Chapter One

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"Hiro!" A slim woman in six inch heels chased after her son, who darted out from the cab and towards his smiling grandfather.

The grandfather, Aihara Shigeo, held his arms opened wide smiling joyously as his grandson jumped into his arms.

"Ojīchan!" The child, Aihara Hiro, cheered as his small lips planted a giant sloppy kiss onto his grandfather's cheek.

"Hiro..." The woman, Aihara Kotoko, groaned as she tries to catch her breath.

Kotoko straightened out her flower summer dressed, that got wrinkled in the eventful chase, as she walked over to her father.

The darling young woman gave Shigeo a kiss onto his other un-kissed cheek

"Hello, Otosan." Shigeo smiled as he placed Hiro onto his hip, leaned over to his daughter and wrapped his free arm around her waist pulling her in for a small side hug.

"Hello, my daughter." He smiled kissing Kotoko's cheek softly, Kotoko smiled before she glared at her grinning child who held no care in the world.

Not to long after the heartwarming reunion Kotoko, Shigeo and Hiro all helped bring in their things to the extra bedroom in Shigeo's apartment.

"So Kotoko did you bring Hiro's christmas headshots like you promised?" Shigeo nudged at Kotoko's side as she placed down the last box they had brought with them, she felt a small chuckle rise in her throat.

She reached into her purse and pulled out a thick envelope and placed it into her father's greedy hands.

"There is enough to show your entire reunion class of your grandbaby." Kotoko smiles as her father flipped through each photo awing at each one, she felt a bit of pride at how cute her sweet son was in each of those photo's.

"Oh my god, I am so framing this!" Shigeo gushed as he pulled out a photo of Kotoko and Hiro playing at the Los Angeles beaches burying Kotoko's manager, Joey Rice, into the hot sand.

"I knew you'd like that one." Kotoko laughs as she began placing Hiro's clothes into his spiderman dresser that Shigeo order and built about a week before they came.

Hours had past since the two had returned home and Shigeo joyously made a welcome home feast, though Kotoko had eaten so little, Hiro had helped his grandfather finish the rest off.

He was now rolling around the living room floor groaning and complaining how full he was.

"Mamaaaaaa my tummy hurts!" Hiro whines as he throws a stuffed animal at the distracted mother emailing her manager about her landing and reaching her father's home.

"Darling that is your fault you decided to eat so much of Ojīchan's delicious food." Scowling at his mother Hiro ran up then laid his head in her soft lap and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"But mama if I didn't eat it, it would've gone to waste. All of Ojīchan's hard work down the trash!" Hiro exclaimed as his mother softly ran a hand down his head.

Giggling softly at her over exaggerated young boy she shuts off her laptop and places Hiro into her lap, she wraps her arms around his small body and kissed his tiny cheek.

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