Chapter Twenty-Three

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Two weeks had pass and finally Kotoko grew enough courage to tell her father.

Kotoko greeted her father as he came down fixing his uniform.

"Good morning father." Shigeo stood a bit shocked.

"Kotoko what are you doing up so early?" He questions as Kotoko poured him a cup of coffee.

Her heart became heavier as she pushed the words out of her mouth.
"I am pregnant."

Shigeo stopped, his eyes widen as he looks up at Kotoko.

He began to laugh whole heartedly "Nice job kid, but you cant play pranks on me."

Shigeo went back to fixing his uniform as Kotoko slid the sonogram in front of his face.

His mouth became dry for words as he took hold of the picture.

His eyes slowly looked up at Kotoko who could only stare at her feet in shame and fear.

Without words Shigeo hugged his daughter, "It's okay. You are okay."

These words made Kotoko's heart, that stayed in her throat, fill as fresh tears spilled down her face.

Shigeo placed his hand upon his daughter's head.

"No matter what happens Kotoko, I'll support you."

"I want to keep my baby, Otosan." Kotoko softly cried.

"That's alright baby." Kotoko gripped onto her father's shirt.

"Who is the father?" Shigeo asks while pulling away a bit.



Kotoko woke up to the sound of her son giggling in the next room. Groggily getting up, Kotoko walked towards the noise to find Hiro and Yuuki playing in the living area.

"Yuuki what are you doing here?" His eyes looked up, with a cheeky grin he shoots up from his seated position and walks towards a bag of McDonald's breakfast.

"I thought you might of needed a bit of a pick me up." Kotoko watched at Yuuki waved the bag in front of her.

A chuckle rose inside her throat as she took the bag from him.

She sat on the floor next to her son while digging into the treats.

Yuuki sat beside Hiro "So," he began as he played with Hiro's toys.

"How are you doing?"

"I'm doing as good as anyone would in this situation." She replied while covering her pancakes with syrup.

Yuuki nodded feeling the tension in her voice.

Kotoko turned to Yuuki "Right now, I think it's best for everyone if Hiro and I stay out of the picture for a bit."

Yuuki felt his heart skip a beat as Kotoko continued "I mean with the new baby on the way. And their wedding, Hiro and I will just live our life as it was."

With that Kotoko began eating.

Yuuki sat their holding Hiro toys, his knuckles turning white. He fought the empty feeling growing in his heart.

The sister he idiot sister-in-law he waiting so patiently for finally said the words he feared.

With that Yuuki sat and played with Hiro, taking in every second, of what could be his last chance to be with Kotoko and Hiro.


As Kotoko was sending emails to clients her door swung open revealing her two best friends Jinko and Satomi.

"What-" Before she could get a word out the girls lifted her from her chair and sat her on the bed.

"We are going out." They said in unison while sifting through her closet.

"What-No!" Jinko leaned down in front of Kotoko and said without blinking.

"We are going out. You dad is going to watch Hiro." While putting emphasis on the word we Jinko pulled off Kotoko's pajamas.

Before she knew it, Kotoko was standing in front in a light blue tight fitted dress that had a small slit on her left leg.

"Why am I letting you guys do this to me?" Kotoko whines while Satomi curls her hair to give a cute wavy effects.

"Because we are best friends and we know what good in a crisis, music, dancing and booze."


Kotoko stood at the tall tables near the bar while Jinko came over with three Tequila shots.

Satomi placed the glass into Kotoko's reluctantly hand "To us girls for having to deal with stupid men!" With that Jinko and Satomi slammed their shots.

They both turned to Kotoko while cheering her on to drink it.

Letting out a sigh Kotoko complies and downs the shot. She felt it as it bitterly slid down her.

The girls cheered loudly while waving over a bartender with a plate full of shots with different types of liquors.


Several shots later Kotoko found herself on the dance floor jumping up and down to the song Bullshit By G-Dragon.

She felt the music flow through her as a strong arm wrapped itself around her waist.

She swirled around and pushed her hips into the man who held her against himself.

She leaned into his body as he began to kiss her neck. She giggled as the ticklish feeling bubbled in her stomach.

"Let's go to my hotel room." His husky voice whispered in her ear. Shivers ran down her spine as he lead her out of the bar and into his a car.

He held her tightly while softly kissing Kotoko neck and chest.

Kotoko moaned in an unfamiliar pleasure. Her nails dug into his shoulder which caused the mystery man to groan with pleasure.

Soon enough they reached the man's room, and he lifted Kotoko up and she instinctively wrapped her legs around his torso.

He pushes her into the wall, a soft groan escaped Kotoko's lips.

He stops for a moment, he leaned into her ear huffing with desire behind his tone.

"I'm sorry."

Kotoko pulled on his collar, forcing him to face her. A dim light shine on his face, she saw his dark brown eyes glint with a beastly desire she was not use to seeing.

Instead of being fearful she felt this desire grow in the pit of her stomach.

"More..." She begged while planting her lips onto his, enjoying the taste of his tongue inside her mouth.

The man moved from the wall and made his towards the bed not for a second stopping the kiss.

He softly places her on the bed and hovered over her, his eyes roamed over her body taking in her beauty.

The mystery man stared at the slightly intoxicated woman that laid before him, held a look of wanting more.

He felt his pant tighten, he tugged off Kotoko's dress while softly kissing her neck.

"I want more..." Kotoko moaned into the man's ear as the night of endless pleasure began.

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