Chapter Nineteen

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"Naoki Irie is the father of Ms. Kisses son?!" Ms. Oizumi shouts distraught.

Sahoko sat on her family's couch staring intensely at the picture of Naoki and Hiro hugging besides Kotoko.

She began chewing nervously on her newly pedicured nails. Her mind raced with different thoughts, though they all involved the Irie's and Kotoko.

"How could Naoki do such a thing to us!" Ms. Oizumi shouts hysterically, she paced around the room mumbling less then friendly words about the Iries.

"I am going to cancel all ties with the Irie." Sahoko's Grandfather announces while reaching for his phone to call his secretary.

"Wait!" Sahoko suddenly stood up.

Everyone turned their eyes towards her as she held a weak smile.

"You can't."

Mr. Oizumi stared Sahoko with a questioning gaze.

Placing a hand over her stomach Sahoko looked up "We have to go through it because I'm pregnant with Naoki's child."


Mrs. Irie placed some tea in front of Kotoko which she accepted gratefully.
The sweet sensation of Mrs. Irie tea calmed Kotoko's worries a bit.

"It's so nice to be next to you Kotoko." Mrs. Irie gushed while scooting closer to her.

Kotoko smiled softly, while in America Kotoko had always feared that being in the Irie household would feel so empty.

Like she no longer belonged.

However, all the warmth that she felt all those years ago embraced her happily.

"It feels nice." Kotoko mumbles while taking another sip.

As the two relaxed together while the boys played outside, a knock came from the front door.

Kotoko stood up and raced toward it. She sighed in relief as Joey's face stood in front with no reporters behind him.

"Took you long enough!" Kotoko whined while dragging him in.

"Well sorry It was hard convincing the news that you were at the office." He responded while they walk into the living area.

"Where is your baby daddy?" Joey joked.

Kotoko smacked his shoulder "Don't call him my baby daddy! Remember they speak English!" Joey chuckled lightly as Mrs. Irie walked towards them.

"Hello Mrs. Irie its a pleasure to meet you again." Joey greeted with a bow.

"You as well." She smiled.

Kotoko looked at the two then towards Mrs. Irie's eyes that held a bit of worry.

Kotoko nudged Joey side, he nodded knowingly.

"We need to talk about this." He pulled out his phone and showed the article.

"Yes. Onii-chan, Yuuki, Hiro!" Mrs. Irie shouted.

They all came running in out of breath.

"Mama." Hiro panted as he held up his arms.

Kotoko picked him up and smiled as Hiro snuggled into her.

Everyone sat down at the table.

"We need to clear this up. Especially since Naoki is marrying Sahoko." Joey started as Kotoko held her tired out son in her arms.

"We can't have this scandal getting to big." Joey said while eyeing Naoki.

Naoki sat down with his usual expressionless face.

Though inside he felt all different types of emotions that he never felt so intensely before.

"We need to come up with a lie-"


Everyone was started by Naoki suddenly speaking up.

"I will not deny that Hiro is my son."

Kotoko's eyes shot up, the look of sencerity evident in his gaze.

Kotoko couldn't help the burning feeling of her love for him begin to show.

She shot her head down to her sleeping son to unlock Naoki's eyes.

"I would never ask that of you."

"Yes but I would." Joey stated.

"Naoki do you realize what you could do to Kotoko's career? It was one thing when she was a single mother but for everyone to find out that you," Everyone stared at Joey in shock

"The CEO of Pandai and fiancé of Sahoko Oizumi." Kotoko and Naoki's hearts began to squeeze.

"Kotoko is the other woman with your child. Both your careers may be shut down."

Naoki stayed silent.

For a few moments everyone stayed silent until Mrs. Irie spoke up.

"Why dont we take a moment? Watch some tv."

After grabbing hold of the remote and clicking on the tv, Sahoko and her family stood in the screen.

Sahoko smiled widely "Thank you all for showing up. I would like to take this moment on behalf of my fiancé, and explain to everyone what is happening."

"What is the world is this little cunt doing?" Joey snapped everyone but Kotoko gasped.

Kotoko knew Joey's temper.

"As you all know Naoki Irie and Kotoko Aihara have a son his name is Hiro Aihara. And I welcome him into our home." Kotoko bit down as she felt a bit of anger bubbling inside her stomach.

"And I am happy to announce that he will be a big brother soon enough."

Everyone stared at the screen, wide eyed, their jaws opened.

"That's Correct. Naoki and I will soon enough be starting a family." The screen ended with Sahoko rubbing her stomach happily.

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