Chapter Five

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As his mother ran around the house trying to get dressed as quick as she could, Hiro just sat on the couch eating some sliced apples that his grandfather cut up right before set off for work.

His hazel eyes followed his mother with each step she took, even when she would just move in a circle. As he reached for another a sliced apple his eyes wander to a pair of beige colored heels, hiding underneath the coffee table.

"Mama." Kotoko whipped her head to her son who held the thing she ran over the entire apartment looking for.

"Hiro!" Jumping onto her son she kissed his cheek repeatedly "My savior!" She declares as the heels slipped onto her feet.

Hiro followed behind his mother as she locked up the apartment and went down to the elevator. While his mother was talking on the phone with her secretary, Hiro stood watching the numbers slowly change as they elevator descended.

"Mama I'm hungry~!" Whined Hiro as he rushed over to his mother, Kotoko looked away from her new designers for this new line of clothing.

"What would you like darling?"

Without a thought Hiro shouted "Ojisan's restaurant!" Her eyebrow scrunched up as she placed down the paper in her hands then bent to his level.

"Hiro you've gone to his restaurant everyday this week, why do you keep going over t here?" Kotoko watched as her son's slightly pale cheeks tint with a soft pink. "Is there a special reason?" She grinned as the embarrassed Hiro nodded his head.

"T-there is a b-boy who always comes down at this time." Taken back a bit Kotoko stared at him for a second before smiling, "Is he cute?" He nodded so hard Kotoko worried he'd strain his neck.

"What's his name?"

"Yuuki!" smiling softly she saw her son begging eyes, she couldn't help but want to let him go.

"Alright, if you wait a minute. We will go." Hiro's eyes lit up with happiness.

"Mama hurry you're so slow!"

"Hiro, I'm in heels don't pull so hard." Kotoko trailed behind her son who kept tugging at her hand.

"We have to get there before Yuuki leaves!" Hiro shouts as Kotoko and he slammed through Shigeo's restaurant doors.


Kotoko watched as her son ran into the arms a very familiar boy. Her eyes widened in disbelief, the boy her son would meet for lunch everyday for the past few weeks was none other the little boy who teased her every chance he could while she lived with him and his family.

Yuuki smiled at Hiro who clinged onto him, his eyes trailed up the shocked Kotoko. His expression matched Kotoko's. The two were unable to speak, their brains suddenly stopped working as if it were shutting completely down.

Hiro pulled away from Yuuki's hug and ran towards his mother grabbing hold of her stiffen arm, "Yuuki, this is my mommy! Mama this is Yuuki." The two darted their gaze to the grinning small child, then back at each other. Kotoko felt tears trickle down her face as she slowly stepped towards Yuuki.

Yuuki, the small boy who was a little brother she never wanted, kneeled on the ground staring up at her as though she was a mystical being, that will disappear if spooked. Kotoko took in his appearance with each step she had taken, she couldn't believe that five years was long enough for a boy barely in middle school could grow up into such a handsome grown man.

"Yuuki..." Without thought Kotoko launched onto Yuuki, her shaking body wrapped itself around Yuuki.

"Kotoko..." His hands gripped onto the only girl's he ever consider to his sister. No longer able to hold his urges after so long of never exchanging any sorts of words, Yuuki finally let out all his feelings towards Kotoko "Baka! Baka! Baka! Baka!" his balled fist weakly began hitting Kotoko's back.

"How dare you leave us! Without a single word of goodbye!" Kotoko ran her hand through the youngest Irie's hair, trying to soothe his anger.

"You are so cruel, Kotoko!"

"I know Yuuki," Kotoko mothering instincts overcame her action as she tried to calm the man who still was a small child in her eyes.

"I'm sorry, Yuuki."

After a bit of time Yuuki had finally calmed down, Kotoko and he talked a bit, all the while Hiro played at the counter with Kinnosuke.

Although his mind raced with questions, Yuuki's mouth didn't speak any of them.

Kotoko was really doing all the talking, mostly about her life for the past few years. She asked Yuuki how school was but he would just answer with simple and bored shrug.

Unable to take his silence no more Kotoko asks a question she knew he'd have to answer.

"How is Naoki?"

Yuuki's eyes widen at the sudden question about his brother, a warm feeling heated his confused heart. Does she still love him? A smile crept onto his lips. "Onii-chan is fine. Or so he says. In my eyes he's working himself to hard, and his useless fiance is all caught up in the wedding to notice-" Yuuki stopped mid-sentence as he realised his mistake.

Stupid... Looking up from his drink he saw Kotoko smiling at Hiro who held up his fist in victory while Kinnosuke shouted 'You cheated!'

She didn't hear me Yuuki let a sigh of relief, however that didn't last long. "So Naoki and Sahoko didn't get married yet." Kotoko's gaze turned from her son to Yuuki who's eyes held pity. "For some reason I'm pleased to that. Is that bad?"

"No!" Everyone turned to Yuuki after his shout, he coughed "I mean no. It's not bad."

Smiling lightly Kotoko reached over and patted Yuuki's head "Thank you Yuuki." She set down some money to pay for Yuuki and her meals. "It was delightful seeing you once again." Kotoko picked up her son, who was laughing at Kinnosuke's defeated state, and placed him at his feet.


"Yuuki be sure to keep this meeting from everyone. I don't think Obachan will be very pleased to know you saw me before she did." Silently Yuuki nodded watching Kotoko and Hiro walk out the restaurant.

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