Chapter Eight

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"So, instead of coming up with a lie or plainly saying no," Joey, through the computer screen, gave Kotoko a look of annoyance. Kotoko held her head down staring at her hands.

"We are gonna go to the celebration of the man, who rejected you and you still love, upcoming wedding?" Kotoko nodded.

"And they think that we," he pointed at himself then to Kotoko a couple of times.

"and are married because of this Kid, name Yuuki." Kotoko slowly nodded still staring at her hands gripping her skirt.

"When is this celebration?" The word gave Joey a sour taste of displeasure in his mouth.

"Three days."

"Three days!?" Joey watched as Kotoko flinched, he took a deep breath as he reached for his schedule.

"Though I didn't plan on coming down to join you there for another two week, I guess desperate times call for desperate measures." Kotoko looked up to find Joey smiling at her like he always did whenever she needed.

"I'll be there by tomorrow. We'll cancel everything you have and spend the entire day getting you ready for this celebration." Kotoko smiled thankfully as she gave him a small bow out of respect, she turned off her computer as they said their goodbyes.

"Yes!" Kotoko squeaked falling onto her bed with ease and without a bit of worry. Well for the most part, until one small detail invaded her train of thought.

"Irie-kun." She breathed out.

The thought of seeing him again, this time face to face, filled her with a mix of uncontrollable emotions. All of them contradicted each other, leaving Kotoko's mind and heart in a puddle of confusion.


A couple days have passed and Kotoko was now standing in front of her bed, in nothing but a towel and her damp hair wrapped in curlers. She picked up one of three outfits, placed it against her body then turned to her son who sat on the bed laughing at her.

"This one?" Once again her son shook his head in disapproval. Out of aggravation she toss the outfit onto the bed.

"Darling, We are picking up Joey-san, not meeting the Queen." She stalked towards her closet and flung it open wide, moving to the side giving Hiro full access she said with an annoyed sigh "Go pick out something."

Lazily Hiro stood up from his conformable position on the bed as stared into his mother's closet, his mind deep in thought.

Not after long he pulled out a long knitted winter-y dress, thick black leggings, white snow boots, golden earings and white heart necklace.

Kotoko watched, her mouth agape, as her four year old son picked out a better outfit she, a fashion designer, could come together in short period of time.

"Mother don't catch flies." Snapping of her trance, Kotoko grabbed one of Hiro's stuffed animals and threw it at him. Hiro laughed as it hit the door he just closed.

Huffing out in annoyed Kotoko began to change into Hiro's of it choice. "He's becoming more and more like his father." She chuckled lightly at her thought, her mind envisioning Hiro and His father standing side by side with the same exact smirk.


"Jo-Jo!" Hiro jumped into Joey's arms with delight, he repeated kissed his cheek. Kotoko felt displeased "What the-? Why don't you treat me like that when I return from long trips!?" She shouts.

Hiro shrugged "Buy me chocolate and we'll talk about it." Hiro grabbed hold of the Chocolate drops Joey-san brought him from L.A, Kotoko gasped.

"I gave you life!!"


The trio arrived at Aihara for a minutes to relax and feed Joeysan after a long flight full of, his words, 'Actual cows anus' food from the plane.

After several thankful bows from Aihara and many minutes of Kinnosuke's death glare, they finally sat down with food prepared by Aihara and Kinnosuke themselves.

"Yummy~" Hiro moaned as his slerped down his food, Joey and Kotoko nodded in agreement as the also dived into their own meal.

"I love your father's food! No wonder you were so fat when I met you-ack!" As a result of his comment a piece of tofu landing on his eye, throwing by none other than Kotoko herself.

"Just each your food, you wanker." She said repeated the word many of her British friends used in front of her a lot.

Joey chuckled lightly as he continued eating his delicious food.


The entire day went on the same as always did, nothing felt different from the usual time Joey, Kotoko, and Hiro hung out together.

The only difference being, the three of them are in Tokyo, Japan and not in Los Angeles, California.

It was now nearing 8 O'clock, the three felt the weight of the day finally hit them. Kotoko could barely stand as Joey carried Hiro into the bedroom, Kotoko tucked him down after changing him into his PJs.

The two walked out towards the living room ad flopped onto the couch with a loud 'omph'.

Kotoko turned her head weakly towards her best friend who was now loosening his tie. She leaned over, laying her head onto his shoulder.

"What is it?" He asks, feeling Kotoko's head on his shoulder.

"Thank you."


"Coming down and coming down to this celebration for me. Without you I wouldn't be able to do it." Smiling lightly Joey placed a hand onto Kotoko head, his finger slowly run through her hair.

"Hunny, I would do anything for you."

"I know."

"But if there is any interested men, I want a divorce." Kotoko held her stomach as laughter erupted from her.


The two entangled their pinkies, solidifying their promises.

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