Chapter Twelve

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Naoki sat by himself in the corner far from everyone, he watched with interest as the guest chatted, laughed and danced among each other. Sipping on his second glass of champagne, Naoki let out a yawn.

It was only half way into this uneventful gathering, the young boy already wanted to go home, fall into a deep and never wake again.

As his eyes slowly scanned the room, they land a very familiar woman laughing at something Joey had said. Naoki's heart ached, he wanted to be able to hear her laugh. He wanted to hear her voice.

He wanted to feel her persistent presence with him once more. Even for a second. Gulping down the rest of the drink he heads towards the nearest waiter holding more glasses on the serving tray.

As he was nearing the waiter his fiance came over and latched onto his arm  "Hello Sahoko." He forced a smile as Sahoko pulled smiling. However Naoki knew it was forced, "What's wrong?" He asked gueiunly worried.

Sahoko shook her head "Nothing." She turned her head towards to Kotoko and Joey sitting by themselves once again, her gaze turned back to the Lead Singer who made his way towards the Mic.

"From request by the Bride to be will everyone grab a dancing partner." He announced, everyone grabbed someone's hand and made their way to the dance floor.

"Come." She smiled pulling Naoki along with her straight towards the laughing couple, "Hello Kotoko-san, Joey-sama." The two turned to Sahoko and Naoki. Kotoko felt her heartbeat quicken as she now realised how close Naoki is to her.

"I'm terribly sorry to interrupt but may I have this dance Joey-sama?" Before he could answer Sahoko had already dragged Joey off to the dancefloor.

Kotoko and Naoki stood silently, the two felt the need to say something, anything really but as hard as they could try nothing would spit out of their mouths.

Finally Kotoko spit out in hopes to make it somewhat less of an awkward situation "W-would you like to dance?" Naoki turned to Kotoko who held out her hand. "You don't have to- but would you like too?" Naoki stared at her hand, his mind raced with what to do.

Kotoko began to retract her hand as it seemed he didn't want to after all. Naoki reached up and grabbed hold of her hand.

He fear this would be his only chance to be with her, even if his responsibility scream for him to not, the voice inside his heart screamed louder than all the rest.

Naoki lead her to the dancefloor far away from the rest, his arm wrapped around her waist gripping tight enough to set his heart at ease. Kotoko placed a hand onto his shoulder, their hand clamped together.

They each gripped onto one another, though unaware of the other person tight grip, the two feared of letting go.

Their eyes locked in a trance, with each step they took the more the world around them disappeared into darkness. Soon it felt as if they were the only ones left in this Universe. Naoki took this time to remember each of Kotoko's features as she did to him, after five years they changed so much from the last time they we together.

The two matured, physically, from Kotoko's short hair to Naoki's built frame.

Now Kotoko realised how much she still loved the man hold her in his arms as the two spin, How can I not love the father of my child... She thought painfully. Naoki ending their dance with him bowing Kotoko, the two escaped their trance as everyone in the room began to clap.

Naoki and Kotoko stared at everyone that surrounding them, smiling and clapping. Kotoko pulled away from Naoki, his arms felt empty. The warmth of Kotoko presence start to disappear as she walked passed everyone leaving Naoki in a puddle of confusion.

Everyone disparted, the only ones who stayed in front of were his brother, {now sober} mother, father, and Joey. The four of them walked towards him as he kept staring at his hands, slowly losing Kotoko's warmth.

His mother was the first to speak up "Onii-chan," She began making him look at her "If she walks out those doors, you will lose her forever." Naoki looked at everyone who nodded in agreement.

Naoki turned to Joey "You're married to Kotoko why are you agreeing?" He questioned.

Joey laughed "Hun, I'm gay."

"He's not lying. I saw him checking out several male Waiters as they walked passed him." Mr. Irie stated as Joey laughed nervously.

"But you-"

"I lied. Seriously big bro? 200 IQ and you can't tell if someone is lying tsk tsk shame." Yuuki admitted smirking at Naoki.

"If that's true then who is-" Sudden realisation hit the young man. He pushed past his parents and after the woman who ran from him just like before.

Yuuki and Joey smirked staring at Naoki "Looks like Mr. Genius finally realised it." Yuuki states, Joey nodded.

Mr. and Mrs. Irie stared at the two in confusion "Realised what?" They asked.Yuuki and Joey stared at each other before leaning into the couples ear and whispering some delicious news.



Kotoko stood outside the Pandai building searching around her purse for some money for a cab in the pouring rain, as she searched deep down a voice shouted.

"Kotoko wait!" She turned to Naoki running towards her, She placed her purse over her head as she shouted back at him.

"What are you doing!? It's pouring." Worriedly she began to try and push him back inside.

Naoki pushed off her hands telling him to go back "Why didn't you tell me?" Kotoko stared at him in confusion.

"Tell you what - Nevermind- That doesn't matter right now go back inside!" She states as she tries pushing him once again.

Naoki grabbed hold of Kotoko's hand "Why didn't you tell me you were pregnant?!" The pursed that shielded Kotoko from the rain fell to the ground with a loud splash.

The two stood in the middle of the sidewalk, the rain soaked them as they stared at each other silently. Naoki panting breathlessly.

"Mama!" A voice Kotoko new all to well shouted from a far, the two looked over and saw Hiro running towards them amprella in his hand. Kotoko's father ran after him once he saw Naoki.

"Hiro wait!" His grandfather shouted, however he was too late. Hiro was already in front of the tow, staring at Naoki with a curious expression. Only for a few second until his face lit up with happiness.


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