Chapter Twenty-Five

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Kotoko ran down and out the building, she felt her weak knee give out. And now Kotoko sat on the fountain in front.

Wiping away all the tears that streamed  down her face, a shadow came over her.

Looking up she sees Jin holding out a handkerchief.

"Thank you..." Kotoko softly said while using the handkerchief to wipe away her tears.

"So," Jin sat next to Kotoko while crossing his legs.

"What did Mr. Nerd-Brain say that has you so worked up?"

Kotoko tighten her grip around the handkerchief at the thought of Naoki.

"He wants to punish me." Kotoko stood up and handed back the handkerchief to Jin.

"But I won't let him. I am so sick of having that Narcissistic Jerk in my life." Kotoko began to walk away fixing her dress.

"Hey!" Kotoko turned around to find Jin waving something light pink in the wind.

"What are you doing with that?!" Kotoko reaches up to pull it out of his claws however he hides it by placing it into his coat pocket.

"You left it for me remember." He grinned playfully.

"No I didn't give it!"

"Have lunch with me."

"What? Why?"

"You seem like you could use a drink. Also I need a date."

Jin walked in front of Kotoko with a glint of mischief in his hazel eyes. Leaning in close causing heat to rise in Kotoko cheeks

"Have a a drink with me and then I'll give them to you."

Kotoko suddenly no longer felt like fighting "Alright." Jin smiles brightly while grabbing hold of Kotoko's hand.

He laced his fingers into hers.


Kotoko stood in awe at the scene before her. Kotoko and Jin stood alone in a closed museum full of extraordinary paints.

"Woah! So cool!" Jin held a small smile as he watch Kotoko study each painting.

Suddenly a painting of young girl caught Kotoko's eyes. Her long black hair into two ponytail, she smiled brightly despite all the paint spattered over her body.

"She's so cute."

Jin looked over Kotoko's shoulders "She's my first love."


Jin chuckled lightly while pointing at the cheery young girl "I met her a long time ago, my family was visiting Japan for vacation."

Jin then turned to Kotoko with a shy smile "She won me over with her stupidity."


Seventeen Years Ago

Young Jin Feng sat on a park bench reading his book of fine arts.

As his scan the pages a soft voice spoke up to him, "What are you reading?"

His eyes peeked up from the page, his eyes wondered to a young girl leaning on the bench. He notice how desperately she tried to see what he was looking at.

"None of your business." Jin rudely stated while loudly closing his book.

As Jin moves away, the girl slips and tumbles forward and over the bench, landing near Jin's feet.


Jin eyes widen as he stared down at the groaning young girl at his feet.

Suddenly a burst of laughter escapes Jin's throat.

"This isn't funny. That really hurt!" The little girl whines while rubbing her head.

"Haha you are stupid." Jin couldn't stop.

"Stop calling me that." Jin froze when he saw the tears in the girls eyes.

"Are... you really hurt?"

"It's not to serious." The Girl told him while cleaning off her dress.

Jin eyes wandered over to her bleeding knees. He takes his handkerchief and gently wipes away the blood away.

The girl sat on the ground a bit shocked.

"Thank you..." The Girl softly said.

Jin eyes widen while his heart quickened. His cheeks flushed red as he helped the girl to her feet.

"I'm Kotoko." She introduced herself while holding out her hand.

"Jin." Young Jin says while shaking her hand.

"Do you wanna paint with me Jin?" She ask while pointing at her paints sitting on the grass in front of them.

Jin never liked paint however something about that girl pulled out him out of his comfort zone.


"Jin?" He shakes away his daydream while looking at his first love with a sly grin.

"It's nothing just remember her." Kotoko turned back to the painting.

"She's really pretty no wonder you liked her." She laughs.

Jin watched as Kotoko laughed, his eyes never left her lips. It held the most beautiful smile he's ever seen for his own eyes.

"She's perfect."

Kotoko turned to him, he suddenly felt flustered and looked away.

"Do you want something to drink?" Before Kotoko answered he ran off somewhere.

Leaving Kotoko on her own to explore.


Naoki stood patiently at Kotoko's place. He checked his watch as two familiar people coming laughing away.

"Uncle, Hiro." Naoki breathes out.

"Daddy!" Hiro ran from his grandfather's side and into Naoki's arms.

"What are you doing here?" Pride Welles in Naoki's heart as Hiro speaks to him in english.

"I wanted to see your mother."

"Oh Daddy speaks English; not many people speak English here." Hiro grins.

"Mama is out today we haven't seen here since this morning time." Hiro explains as they all enter their apartment. Hiro leading Naoki.

"Really Uncle?" Naoki asks, Shigeo nods and while taking the groceries into the kitchen.

"Daddy look!" Hiro shouts as he runs out then runs back with his drawings.

Naoki softly smiles as he looks on at Hiro's drawings.

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