Chapter Fifteen

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Kotoko sat in her room, her eyes watching her son greedily. She watched his chest move up and down as he breathed. His small hands clutching onto his stuffed bear. Her eyes studies his face.

Hiro only had his mother's eyes. While everything else he inherited, came from Naoki. From his sometimes cold personality to his cheeky/sly grin. With her beloved son looked almost completely identical to his father, Kotoko new hated his father for how he treated her would never work.

Her fingertips ran themselves acrossed Hiro's soft cheek, Kotoko retracted her cheek after seen him begin to stir. A sigh exited Kotoko's lips.

Kotoko scooted Hiro a bit and crawled into the spot next to him. Cradling his sleeping body in her arms, Kotoko fell asleep.


Naoki sat in the living room getting disappointed stares from his parents. Unable to take the silence anymore he finally shouted "Alright! I get it. I messed up." The two nodded in agreement.

"That you did Naoki." His father flatly said, sipping on his hot tea his wife had made for him.

Naoki placed his heated head into his cold hands, the cooling feeling calmed the approaching migraine.

"So," Began his mother. The men turn their gaze to the woman grinning from ear to ear "What does my grandbaby look like? Does she look like Kotoko? If they do they'll be so cute!" Mrs. Irie gushed. Images of tiny Kotoko pronounced around her mind.

"His name is Hiro." Naoki emphasized that his child was a boy. His mother pouted a bit, "And he looks exactly like me." Mrs. Irie's pout turned into a wide cheeky grin.

"He would be so cute in girl clothes!" Naoki pointed at his mother with a warning glare.

"Don't go near my son with your 'Wanting a girl' issues!" He ordered. The Older Woman grumbled in disappointment.

Naoki turned to his father who held a proud smile, raising a brow Naoki asked "Why are you smile like that?"

Mr. Irie patted his son on the back "You called Hiro your son. That already says what you are gonna do." Mr Irie's voice was filled with pride for his eldest son.

Naoki thought for a moment as he realised that he did indeed call some kid he doesn't even know or raise, his son.

"I guess I do. I'm going to be there for my son and..." Naoki's voice trailed off as the her voice echoed in his mind.

His mother leaned over with a sly grin "And Kotoko-chan?" She question hopeful.

Naoki slightly smiled at an image of Kotoko, him and Hiro all waking up on a sunny sunday morning. "And Kotoko." Mrs. Irie shot up from her seat with a loud cheer.

"I finally will have Kotoko as a daughter in law." With dream filled tone thoughts of a future wedding played in her mind. Suddenly she started speaking with the boys about the wedding which shocked them.

"Mama don't plan a wedding so soon! They aren't even living with each other! And Naoki needs time with his son." Mr. Irie explained pulling his wife back into reality.

She gasps "You're right! But that can be solved soon enough!" The boys shook their heads.

"Mom we can't force them to move back in." Naoki argued.

"No but I sure will try to convince my lovely Kotoko the benefits of being back at home with me!" Mrs. Irie let out a menacing laugh.

The two men looked at each other before sighing in defeat.


The next morning after her husband tried convincing her to let them be, she ignored him and made her way to Mr. Aihara's restaurant. The woman bounced inside shouting for her long missed friend "Ai-san!"

From the back came Mr. Aihara wiping his hands on a towel "Missus! What do I owe the honor of your presence?" Mrs. Irie laughed at his missed greeting.

Taking a seat at one of the bar counter seats Mrs. Irie began to explain her reason of being here, "Well you see Ai-san,"


"So let me get this straight," Aihara began rubbing his now slightly throbbing temple. "You want me, to convince my daughter," Mrs. Irie nodded along "To move her son and herself into the home of the man who broke her heart?" Mrs. Irie nodded slowly. Now realising how cruel and stupid this sounds.

"I know that this is very stupid but Naoki regrets everything." She explained. "And even though my son is a complete and utter idiot..." Aihara hummed in agreement. "Does that give any less of a right to do right by his son and Kotoko?." Aihara sighed and thought for a bit. "He's sorry and he wants to be in their life. Please just speak with Kotoko for me. If she says no I'll back off. I'll tell Naoki he can't be in his son's life."

Aihara wiped his face with his hand and sighed once again, "I'll talk to her-"

"Thank you so much Ai-san! You won't regret this!" Mrs. Irie jumped from her seat and ran out back home to tell her family.

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