Chapter Seven

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"Hiro!" Yuuki called out as soon as he saw a familiar boy walk through the doors of Aihara restaurant.
As soon as Hiro's eyes laid upon his newly found crush, they lit up in excitement. The young boy rushed over to Yuuki with haste, his grandfather following behind him.
Yuuki stared at Aihara a bit confused "Where's Kotoko?" he asked as Aihara walked towards the back "She has a fitting meeting with a Bride To Be!" He answered as he vanished into the back of his restaurant.
Oh crap... It didn't take long for Yuuki to realize that Kotoko and his mother would soon meet once again. And his lie would be revealed.
The two woman sat in silence as everyone around them continued to speak with joy and excitement "Sahoko you didn't tell me that you know Ms. Kisses??" Ms. Oizumi asks her daughter who was still trying to figure out the eerie feeling inside her gut.
Ms. Oizumi clung to Kotoko side, fangirling "Well I never thought I'd see her again. Nē Kotoko-san!" Kotoko shot up as her train of thought suddenly disappeared, Sahoko leaned forward hushing the volume in her voice.
"What's it like being married to Joey-sama?" Mrs. Irie ears perked at the sudden talk of the husband Kotoko was said to have.
"Yes! Naoki told me that Yuuki said your husband was handsome and kind, I knew instantly that it was Joey-sama! The way you two act, it's so obvious!" Kotoko cursed the teenage delinquent, that she called her a little brother.
That child...
"Yuuki said that he even that you two are planning on children! You two would make such cute children!"
I thought her husband name was Hiro? Who is this Joey-sama?! Mrs. Irie thought out of annoyance as she watched her future daughter-in-law pester to her dream daughter.
"Who is Joey-sama?" The two older women asks full of curiosity at the new name with such a high title, and relation with Kotoko.
Kotoko opened her mouth to speak but as she began speaking Sahoko butted in with "Joey-sama is charming man who woos ladies to their knees from just a simple smile!" Kotoko watched as Sahoko held a look of admiration in her eyes.
She couldn't help but chuckle at how much praise Sahoko was giving her best friend/ manager. Well he is devilishly handsome but I wouldn't say he's a woman woo-ier. Man woo-ier? Most definitely.
"He's also her manager!" The two older women stared at Kotoko in astonishment.
As Kotoko again opened her mouth to explain, Eiko tapped her shoulder and then with her index finger pointed at the time.
I'll just explain it next time.
"Sahoko-san we only have very short time, we must get on with taking your measurement and talking about your dream dress."
"Oh yes!" Sahoko stood up and moved closer to Kotoko who held a measuring tape.
Mrs. Irie watched in satisfaction as her dream daughter worked with such ease and a bright smile plastered across her angelic face.
My Kotoko looks so mature! Mrs. Irie held back the urge to squeal with pride. The dumb teenage girl she once took care of, was a beautiful young adult.
As she smiled at her Kotoko a question poked at her thoughts If she's married to Joey-sama, who is Hiro?
Ten minutes past before Kotoko finished taking all the measurements needed. Now it was time for the questions.
The two sat next to each other, Kotoko held with a tight grip onto a clipboard filled with the necessary questions that needed to be answer for the dress to be done properly and on time.
The first question on the page, cause her heart to ache as the she watched to skip it.
"What is your wedding date?"
"December 24."
Her {Kotoko} breath hitched as Sahoko answered with deep happiness within her tone. The all too familiar feeling of stabbing pain stuck her heart once again.
They chose the day right before Hiro's birthday.
Swallowing the large lump in her throat, Kotoko began to ask the rest of the question.
With each question that Sahoko answered with utter glee slowly made Kotoko realise this home she once called her safe place turned into her endless cycle of hell on earth.
Thirty questions later and countless drink of water to ease the stress closing her throat, Kotoko finally finished the meeting. She could finally run out of this home and to her son whom she wished to hug until the end of time.
As Kotoko made her way towards the door, following close behind Eiko, Sahoko asked a question that Kotoko didn't want to be ask.
"Nē Kotoko! We are having a,gathering to celebrate out wedding at Pandai's office! It would mean a lot to me if you and Joey-sama could come over!" Kotoko stood in front of her stunned.
"You see, Naoki and I don't have many married couples as friends. So it would be great to have you guys over." Kotoko shook her head.
"No I don't think-" Sahoko grabbed hold of Kotoko's hands and with the best puppy dog eyes she could muster up.
"Please Kotoko-san? For me?" Forcing a tight smile Kotoko nodded unable to say no.
"Yay! It's on Saturday at 6 O'clock! At Pandai!" Kotoko weakly walked towards the limo and slouched into her seat groaning.
Why didn't I say no!?!!?!?

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