Chapter Thirteen

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Even after five years of mental preparation for the moment her son and his father would finally meet. Face to face. Each time the frightening thought occurred a new conversation would come up.

From Naoki welcoming the two of them with open arms, even shed a tear of gratitude and relief. Too the genius shooing them from his sight screaming curse words at them out of disgust and anger.

Even with every outcome she imagined, the real thing filled her body with fear and uncertainty. Not even all the time in the would could prepare anyone for the meeting a son and father who you kept apart out of your own selfish fears.

She always thought it would have been easier on her, if maybe she told Naoki the day she, herself, found out about the new life growing inside her womb.  AS she stared at her son hugging the man who knew absolutely nothing of him, the bittersweet memory of Hiro's creation passed through her thoughts.


The weather that day certainly was sunny, so Kotoko Aihara, wore one of the spring dresses Mrs. Irie, bought for her, along with a sun hat and a pair of white sandals. She was as bubbly as always, skipping her way home bringing her Mr. Irie, some of her father's homemade fat free soup he knew he loved so much.

Since his heart attack doctors had put him on bed rest till his surgery, which Mr. Irie didn't mind. It gave him some quality time with his family, though in his place Noaki took over. Which at the time worried Kotoko, she knew how much Noaki hated working at Pandai and how much he wanted to become a doctor.

Kotoko reached her home opening the door and was about to announce her presence when Mrs. Irie began to shout. "Noaki how could you do this to us!?" She sobbed "How could you ruin all my hard work!?" Kotoko came running into the living room where Mrs. Irie was in front of her son sobbing.

"Auntie!" Kotoko gasps setting down Mr. Irie soup and rushed over to Mrs. Irie's side.

"Auntie what's wrong?" Kotoko asks worriedly as she wiped away the tears from Mrs. Irie's cheeks.

"She's being over dramatic." Noaki mumbles whilst rubbing his throbbing temple.

"Auntie what is wrong?" Mrs. Irie looked over to the girl she wished to be her daughter. She even dreamed of the day Noaki and Kotoko would get married, have many little children and grow old together.

"Noaki you are gonna break Kotoko-chan's heart!" Mrs. Irie sobbed as she covered her face in her hands.

"Mama..." Mr. Irie tried to pick up his wife but she didn't budge.

"No! Noaki is being selfish!" She screamed. Kotoko started between Mrs. Irie, Mr. Irie and Noaki.

Mrs. Irie grabbed hold of Noaki's shirt tears streaming down her face "Noaki please don't marry that girl!" Kotoko froze.

Finally she realised what was happening, Sahoko and Noaki were really getting married. She had thought maybe Noaki was kidding and didn't really meant to get married. Kotoko's mind was racing as she tried to understand how to react to this, her heart said cry and beg him not to but her mind said to run, run away as fast she could.

As she kneeled there besides Mrs. Irie sobbing body a tear fell down her cheek. She turned to Noaki who was shocked, his eyes never left her face. a Pang of guilt stabbed at his heart,

"Kotoko-chan!" Without a second thought Kotoko bolted out of the house with everyone shouting for her.

"Noaki go after her!" Mrs. Irie shouted, even though Noaki wanted to his feet were planted to the ground. No matter how hard he tried to force himself to go they wouldn't move. The guilt in his heart held onto his every movement.


Later that night Kotoko arrived back home, a bit more tipsy than she had left. Stumbling a bit Kotoko made her way towards the stairs, as she grew near to her destination a bright light leading to the living room. Like a mosquito, Kotoko made her way to the light attracting her.

With each step Kotoko grew nearer to a scene she had never thought to see, maybe ever.

Naoki Irie, a man who built his personality around his composure, laid across the couch in a drunken state. The suit he wore was disheveled, his hair, each strand going in different directions. His face flushed, he snored softly enjoying the cold feeling of his house.

Kotoko stepped forward kneeling beside his sleeping form, watching as he breathed. Reaching up her fingers grazed against his heated cheeks, Naoki stirred a bit shocking Kotoko. As she retracted her arm, Naoki opened his eyes.

He smiled at the sight of Kotoko and breathed out a soft 'Kotoko', Kotoko felt her heart flutter at the sound of her name escaping his lips.

"Irie-kun get up you need to go to bed..." She whispered softly in his ear, gently pulling at his arm in hopes to get him from his lying position. Which it did but he was now only in an sitting position, staring at Kotoko. "Irie-kun I can't be the only one trying," Again Kotoko tugged at his arm, Naoki turned his head to the stairs then back at Kotoko.

"Kotoko do you still love me?" Kotoko froze in her place.

"Why do you ask such a question when I need you to get up?" Kotoko groaned as pulled at Naoki's arm again, though fortunately this time Naoki complied with her and got up to his feet, leaning onto Kotoko.

As the two reached Naoki's bedroom, the drunken young man stopped her from opening the door by placing his hands on either side of Kotoko's body, pushing her against his door.

Kotoko stared up at Naoki with wide eyes from his sudden movements, his intense eyes stared down at Kotoko. He spoke to her softly yet with some kind of sternness behind his tone "Do you love me?" Kotoko was hypnotize. She felt like her body and tongue were under his spell, without any words Kotoko nodded.

Slowly Naoki leaned down and planted a kiss onto her lips, Kotoko, with weak hands, tried pushing him away. However, his intoxicated scent filled her lungs, the drink she had at a local bar helped along. Her hands soon found themselves being wrapped around Naoki's neck.

Noaki grabbed hold of Kotoko's thighs and lifted them up, fearing of falling she instinctively wrapped her legs around his torso.

Kotoko was a perfect fit for him, her tiny frame fit against him. She was made for him and he to her. The two lustful young adults clung to one another Kotoko sucked on his neck, causing a moan to escape his lips. Noaki groaned as he pushed open the door to Kotoko's bedroom.

He closed the door with his foot as placed Kotoko onto her bed, her legs still wrapped around his torso. With a heavy breath Noaki unbuttoned his pajama shirt with the help of Kotoko. He groaned each time her cold fingertips touched his burning skin.

Kotoko stared in awe at his bare chest, admiring every centimeters of it. Kotoko leaned up from her laying position and began kissing Noaki's neck and chest. Kotoko's heart was filled with satisfaction with each time he moaned.

Slowly Noaki grabbed hold of Kotoko's dress and pulled it off of her. Leaving her in her bra and panties. Noaki's eyes roamed over her body, though she didn't have much to show off, it was more than plenty for Noaki.

She was already sexy to him. He pushed her down with his body and began kissing her body all over removing the last bit of clothing that restricted both of them.

The two stared at each other breathing heavily, both of them craved for more but knew little of what to do. Since they were both virgins, Noaki may be a genius and has read books upon losing one's virginity. But it didn't make it any less worrisome for him.

He wants to please Kotoko with best of his abilities as does Kotoko. So they start out slowly, though their urges were begging them to hurry. Noaki stared at Kotoko who was breathing just as heavy as he was.

"I love you Irie-kun,"

As the night went on the two fulfilled their lustful desire and feeling of love together.

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