Chapter Twenty-Six

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Kotoko walked up to her door Jin following behind, she stopped right in front of her door "Thanks you for a great night." She said.

Jin leaned in and kissed her cheek "Thank you." He said with a sly grin before walking off.

Kotoko enters her apartment, she is then greeted by her son.

"Mommy guess what!"

"What?" Kotoko ask while kissing Hiro's cheek.

"Hello." Her head snapped up at the sound.

"What are you doing here?" She asks Naoki with a scowl.

"We need to talk."

Kotoko worries he wanted to fight her on custody.

"We talked earlier-"

"Kotoko!" Her father shouted to hush her up.

Kotoko continued to scowl, Kotoko slipped off her shoes, then walked passed the boys into the kitchen.

"So what do we need to talk about?" Kotoko asks while getting a glass of water.

Naoki watched her silently, thinking of ways to start the conversation.

'Should I tell her I love her?' He wonders.

Kotoko looked at him, she questioned why he was so silent.


This caught him off guard, he looks up.

"What are you thinking?"

Naoki opens his mouth to speak.


He ultimately interrupted.

"One second." He says while holding up a finger.


"Naoki?" Sahoko says worriedly.

Naoki cursed Sahoko for calling.

"Where are you?" She asks.

"In a business meeting."

Kotoko glared at Naoki 'My sons life is not a business meeting.'

"How long will you be?"

"I don't know." Naoki replied.

"Okay... love you."

"Yes... love you too." With that he ended the call.

Kotoko took a sip of her drink.

'He told her I love you.' She sighs.

Naoki places his phone back into his pocket.


"If you wanna fight for Hiro I wont let you." Kotoko told him.

Naoki felt shocked. That wasnt the reason why he was there.


"No Naoki you cant just run my life!"

"KOTOKO!" He finally shouts.

"Just listen for a second!" Naoki walked over to Kotoko and cupped her cheek.

"I love you." He finally said.

Kotoko stood shocked.

"I-I-I..." She kept studdering, her brain didnt process what he said.

"What are you saying?" She spat out.

"I'm saying I love you."

"But Sahoko- the baby."

Naoki froze, he had completly forgot about the baby that Sahoko carried in her belly.

"You forgot..." Kotoko said, she backed away from his hands.

"I-" Naoki couldn't speak.

Kotoko stood silently, trying desperately to think of something to say to him.

"Daddy!" Hiro comes running in with toys.

"Let's play." He says with a bright smile.

"Not right now buddy-"

"No go play, we are done talking." Kotoko interrupts.

Naoki looks at her, pleading.

Kotoko grabbed a hold of Hiro's shoulders and said "You should play with your son, WHILE you can."

Naoki nodded then Hiro took his hand, then led him to the living room. That night Naoki played with his son for the first time, Kotoko took this time to finish up some work. Mostly to keep her mind off what Naoki said to her.


Sorry this part is so short, I wanted to get it out as soon as I could. Hope you enjoyed it Chapter 27 will be out real soon.

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