Chapter Six

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Late in the evening, Yuuki returned to his quiet household. His mother greeted him with a weak smile, like she always did since the news of wedding. Though it wasn't her best smile, she wanted to push away the thought of something that'll never happen.

"Welcome back, Yuuki." He nodded as he placed a kiss on his mother's cheek, this action shocked her a bit since he hasn't done that since she made him in elementary.

"What was that?" Yuuki shrugged as they walked into the living room where his father and brother sat watching the tv. "I guess I wanted to kiss my mother's cheek." an eerie feeling bubbles in Mrs. Irie stomach.
"She told me not to say this but,"

Yuuki watched his brother who kept staring at the TV taking in the news on the screen.

"I ran into Kotoko today." Everyone stood still as Yuuki went on "She and I talked, she is doing wonderfully." Mrs. Irie gasped.

"Sadly I didn't have the pleasure of meeting her husband, though she said he's very handsome and oh so kind." Everyone stared Yuuki, Mrs. Irie felt heaviness in her heart as Yuuki went on and on about Kotoko's fake husband.

Finally Naoki was fed up from all this unwanted talk of Kotoko's husband, he stood up. Naoki felt his body heat rise from jealousy, his heart against his chest angrily. Yuuki smirked as he finally hit his brother last button, "Oh Onii-chan is something wrong?"

Yuuki faked worry in his tone. "No. I just realised that I have work to do, is all." Feeling happy with his brother actions Yuuki let's his brother leave with one final push.

"Mother she also said that they are thinking of having children together." Naoki left the room and climbed up the stairs to his work area, he closed the door and stared at his room/office. Unable to hold in his anger any longer, he slammed his hand onto his desk.

"Dammit," Without thinking Naoki pushed off everything on his desk including his computer. His kicked his chair over and over until his anger subsided leaving him in a panting state surrounded by his now broken chair and cracked computer screen.
His body gave out, he flopped onto his bed his hand over his eyes, I shouldn't even be in love with her. So why does it hurt so much?
"Achoo!" Kotoko wiped her sniffling nose on her handkerchief as a cold fall breeze nearly blew her away.
"Are you alright Ms. Kotoko?" Eiko worriedly asks.

Kotoko nods as she places her handkerchief back into her pocket "I'm alright Eiko, it's just the sudden breeze. I'll be fine." She smiled reassuringly.

"Well if you need a break, let me know and we can go somewhere warmer." Kotoko gave Eiko a grateful smile as the Photographer called for another set of photos.

After two hours worth of seventeen million poses and five wardrobe changes, Kotoko was finally able to leave for the day. Since the incident with Yuuki aa couple days ago, Kotoko would meet him at her father's restaurant for lunch with Hiro became a regular occurrence.

However today wasn't a day for that, instead Kotoko and her assistant had a fitting meeting with a Bride To Be, Bride's Mother, and Mother In Law.
As the two sat in the Limo, they began to speak about the fitting "What's the name of the Bride To Be?" Kotoko asks as she organized her bag to be ready for the measuring part of the meeting.
Eiko's eyes roamed over papers in the folder in her hand "Ms. Oizumi." Kotoko stared at Eiko with a questionable gaze. Eiko looked up from her tablet.

"What's wrong?"

Kotoko shook her head.

"It's nothing. That name seems oddly familiar but I can't put my finger on where I heard."

"Maybe you heard on TV, or something."

"Probably..." As Kotoko thought more about the name, the rest of the way the two sat in silence.
Mrs. Irie placed down plates filled goodies and empty tea cups in preparation for the Fitting Meeting.

"Mother-Irie!" Mrs. Irie turned to Sahoko who came bouncing down the stairs in a soft blue colored dress, with her Mother in tow.

Mrs. Irie couldn't deny the fact that Sahoko was indeed a beautiful young woman with many great qualities. In all honesty, she was a great catch, however Mrs. Irie couldn't see her eldest son and she {Sahoko} being, what others called, a 'Perfect Match'.
Smiling lightly at the Bride To Be, Mrs. Irie welcomed her with "Well don't you look darling," A small blushed crept onto the Young Girl's cheeks.

"Thank you."

After giving a small curtsy nod, Mrs. Irie turned back to her coffee table filled with coasters, empty cups and an assortment of snacks. As she overlooked each item, her mind wandered to the only girl she ever considered a daughter.

I was hoping to do this with Kotoko, sit in our home with each of her friends as she got measured for her perfect wedding dress. Mrs. Irie heart ached for the sound of Kotoko's voice to echo through this empty house. The look on Onii-chan's face as he would watch Kotoko slowly walk down the aisle holding onto her father's arm.

"They are here!"

Mrs. Irie dreaming was interrupted by the sound of a loud car stopping in the front of her home.

Sahoko grabbed hold of Mrs. Irie hand and dragged her along with her "Come Mother-Irie!" She exclaims happily as the three women make their way to the front door.

As Ms. Oizumi pulled open the front door with excitement, Mrs. Irie gained back her balance from Sahoko sudden pulling. She patted down her dress and glanced outside as the limo doors opened.

A beautiful woman with short black hair stepped out, a familiar feeling a warm filled her heart as her eyes widen in shock.

The daughter that her heart begged for stood in front of her house, taking in the scenery in front of her.


As if she heard Mrs. Irie's heart calling out to her, Kotoko turned her head up and stared wide at the only mother she ever known in her life.
The voice in her head told her to run but her weak legs couldn't move as if glue to its place.


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