Chapter Twenty-Two

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A Week Later, after waking up to the feeling of dinner last night crawling it's way back up, Kotoko took a walk to the doctors where they tested her urine.

"Congratulation Miss Aihara, You are about eight weeks pregnant." The doctor smiles at Kotoko who sat there staring at the sonogram picture the doctor had printed.

Kotoko now held proof in her hands, she was finally convinced. "Now you'll need to take some Prenatal Vitamins," The doctors voice faded out the only sound in Kotoko head was a loud heart beat.

After first she thought it was hers but as she put her hand onto her stomach the sound slowed a bit as if calmed down.

To Kotoko it was like her baby was saying 'I love you, mama.'

That's all Kotoko needed.

She knew she wanted this baby.

No one could stop her.

'Mama will protect you baby.' She thought while hugging her stomach.

On the way home the doctor sent with her a few months worth of Prenatal Vitamins, "How could I need so much? What are you going to do to me baby?" Kotoko smiled stroking her stomach softly.

Thoughts of her life after the baby being born filled her mind with joy and jealousy for her future self.

"Why are you rubbing your stomach like?" Kotoko jumped at the sudden voice behind her, instinctively her arms wrap themselves around her abdomen.

"Kin-chan what are you doing here!?" Kotoko asked still a bit shocked.

Kinnosuke raises up his hands to reveal a a goodie bag filled with soup.

"Boss sent me over to give this to Mr. Irie." Kotoko suddenly got whiff of the bag, the next thing you know she is bent over the side of the road emptying her stomach's contents.

Kinnosuke leaned over and held back her hair. "So who's the father?" Kotoko froze in her place, as her hands was about to wipe away the bit of saliva still on her lips.

"H-how did you know?" Kinnosuke lifted up Kotoko and wiped her lips with his handkerchief.

"I heard you talking about Prenatals and calling your stomach 'BABY'." Kotoko looked down at her feet ashamed.

Kinnosuke rubbed her cheek softly "So who's the father?" Kotoko looked into Kinnosuke's eyes and for the first time in a while she broke down into tears.

She wrapped her arms around his body, as she screamed into his chest repeating 'I'm sorry,' or 'I didn't mean to' over and over again.

Kinnosuke just held Kotoko in his arms, combing his fingertips through her hair, and every few seconds softly whispering 'It's okay.'

For the first time Kotoko realised how wonderful Kinnosuke was, how sweet, loving and kind he was.


After stopped crying Kinnosuke didn't pressure Kotoko to tell him anymore, he just sent her home with the soup making sure the lid and the bag was tightly on.

Kotoko rushed up to her room after placing down Mr. Irie's soup on the counter, she read the doctor's instructions that he had given her.
"Take one every few hours." Kotoko read aloud.

After grabbing a glass of water Kotoko returned to her room where she spent most of her days, in hopes of avoiding Naoki on his days off.

Like this one.

As Kotoko flipped through a magazine filled with children equipment.

"Kotoko mom wants you down stairs for some tea." Kotoko was about to decline when Yuuki said "She has sliced mango." Tossing aside her magazine, Kotoko rushed out the door passed Yuuki and down the stairs to everyone eating some fruit and drinking tea.

Kotoko plopped into the one seater couch, she stuffed her mouth with all sorts of fruits. Each bite caused her to groan happily.

"Calm down Kotoko-chan before you choke," Mr. Irie laughed hading the hungry girl some ice tea,
"It's juwst swo gwood!" Kotoko defended swallowing the fruit with the drink. 

Mrs. Irie laughed "It's good to see you eating. So what did the Doctor say you have?" Kotoko stopped chewing.

She turned to everyone staring at her, thinking of her words carefully she began "Well, The Doctor says that I am-"

The loud sound of Knocking echoed throughout the house.

"Who is that?" Yuuki wondered.
Naoki stood up and slowly walked towards the door "It's Sahoko. I invited her over." Kotoko gripped onto the couch.

"Onii-chan why did you invite her!?" His mother hissed.

"Ma, it's my day off. Shouldn't I hangout with my fiance on my days off." Naoki answered the door and walked back with Sahoko behind him.

Everyone forcibly smile at Sahoko. She greeted them politely. The did so in return.

As Sahoko sat down next to Naoki, Kotoko stood up and bowed to Sahoko "I'm sorry but I have a test to study for monday. Please excuse me." She apologized.

"Kotoko-" Kotoko ignored as Mr & Mrs Irie calls for her as she rushed upstairs to her room.

Kotoko sat on her bed stroking her abdomen.

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