Chapter Nine

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After two days of Joey sending people after people, to poke and prodded Kotoko into the design of beautiful she truly is, it was finally four hours before the unwanted celebration of Naoki and Sahoko's wedding announcement.

Kotoko sat in her office chair staring at a piece of jewellery laying gorgeously in front of her. Joey picked it out today while kotoko was getting her finger/toenails done in the salon.

He said it would embrace her beauty, she would outshine the bride to be. That even he agreed was very beautiful, once she saw a picture of her in a magazine. Kotoko sat and debated on the decision of whether or not to wear it.

As Kotoko was thinking, her door clicked open causing her to jump a bit and swing her chair to the sound. Her eyes landed on her son who held a confused and worried expression.

Her motherly instincts kicked into action as her arms open wide, inviting Hiro for a hug. To her surprise, he declined the offer and sat on the bed across from her.

"Mama," Her heart ached as her son's came out weak and unsure. Worry filled her mind as questions began to fill out in her thoughts.

"Is papa a bad man?"

Kotoko stood shocked at this sudden question, never once had she ever called or signified his father to be bad.

"Mama why is papa a mean man?" Kotoko sat in silence staring at her son in unter shock.

"Why does papa not love me?"


A couple hours earlier at Hiro came in for lunch as usual to see Yuuki, who like always, sat in his usual spot greeting Hiro with a warm smile.

"Hello Hiro!" Hiro beamed at Yuuki as he sat next to him like he always did.

One of Aihara's workers welcomed Hiro, "Welcome Hiro! Would you like your usual?" Hiro nodded eagerly. The cook gave a nod of understanding and went to work.


A couple hours had passed and Yuuki stood up and went to use the bathroom leaving Hiro by himself sipping on his drink.

"That poor kid..." Hiro's ear perked as he saw two workers staring him from the door, they each gave him pity expression. Hiro didn't understand why.

"This poor kid has such a bad father."

"I know! He so sweet! How could such a cruel man help create such sweet child."

"He is left to without a father who loves him."

Hiro froze in his seat. Papa doesn't love me? Tears filled his eyes, his small hands gripped onto his pants tightly.

"Sorry Hiro. I'm back." Yuuki laughed as he took his seat once again, he looked down to see Hiro begin to shake.


"Hiro!" Eiko called from the entrance of Aihara's restaurant "Let's go home!" She called. Hiro grabbed hold of his jacket, bolted from his seat and out the door into the limo without a word of goodbye to Yuuki.

What happened while I was away? Yuuki thought worriedly as his eyes never left the entrance.


Kotoko grabbed hold of her now sobbing son who roughly tried to wipe away his tears.

Kotoko ran her fingers down through Hiro's hair.

"Hiro your papa isn't a bad man, and he certainly does love you." Hiro sniffled.

"Why haven't he come and get us?" Kotoko smiled weakly.

"Well because, papa is working really hard. You can't expect a King to not work hard his Kingdom now can you?" Hiro shook his head.

"Well now Papa is working hard to make sure all his people are happy. Even if that means marrying someone other than mama." Hiro shook his head.

"No papa should marry mama!" Kotoko smiled.

"I want to marry Papa. But that's won't be able to happen." Hiro looked down at his hands.

"Mama do you like the woman papa will marry?" Kotoko thought for a moment.

"I like her. You will like her too." Hiro nodded. "Mama next time you see papa tell him. I'll like his new wife. Even if it's not mama." Kotoko nodded, she laid a kiss on Hiro's forehead and let his run out of the room.

She turned back to the necklace that held a diamond, with a soft sigh she placed it around her neck and clipped it into place.

Kotoko turned to the mirror and stared at her reflect Papa's new wife...


Kotoko and Joey finally arrive at Pandai, the feeling of anxiety ate at Kotoko's mind while Joey helped her out of the limo.

Joey grasp hold of Kotoko hand and gave it one squeeze of reassurance. Against the demands of her thoughts, Kotoko walked inside of the building, many people dressed to kill surrounded the entire floor.

Kotoko's glanced around the room, in search for the nearest open bar. "Don't even think about getting drunk and leaving me to carry you home!" Joey hissed in a hushed tone.

Kotoko pouted as she retracted her leg that was darting towards the bar.

The two walked around in searched for the woman who invited them to this gathering.

"Where is that damned woman!?" Joey hissed as he placed Kotoko and himself at one of the standing tables near the stage.

Kotoko laid her now throbbing head onto the cold table in hopes of somewhat healing it. "I don't know but all this freaking anxiety is giving me headache." Sympathetically Joey began to rub her back trying to ease her pain.

As the two stood there a voice called out "Kotoko!"

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