Chapter Seventeen

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"Kotoko, do you still love Naoki?"

Kotoko stared at her father, his sudden serious stature confused her a bit. And then the sudden questioning of her loves towards Naoki. Her mind could understand.

"Pa w-why are you asking so suddenly?"

Aihara grabbed hold of his daughter hands and held them tight. He stared deep into her eyes, trying to read his now closed off daughter's feelings. "Do you still love Naoki?" He asked once more.

Kotoko ripped away her hands, she held them close to her heart. Her eyes stared at the magazine that laid on the floor.

Her head said 'I don't love him!' While her heart ached with a 'Yes! Yes! I do.'

She had no clue on which was speaking the truth and which was blinded with lies.

"I don't know," She breathed out.

Kotoko jumped up from her position and pronounced around the room "And why does that matter?! He's getting married to Sahoko! You shouldn't even talk about this!"

Aihara sighed as his overreacting daughter walked around the living room, spitting about how this has nothing to do with her.

"Kotoko!" Finally Aihara shouted, his daughter turned to him a bit surprised by the sudden shouting.

Aihara gently took his daughter hands and led to the seat next to him.

Taking a deep breath Aihara smiled while softly grazing his fingertips over her cheeks, Kotoko calmed down as soon as his warm finger grazed against her skin.

She leaned into his hand, eyes slowly closed, Kotoko let his comforting motions envelope her and ease the racing mind.

"Darling daughter," Aihara began. "I was only asking because from what I hear from Joey and Mrs. Irie. It seems you two are in love with each other."

Kotoko opened her eyes, tears welled in them.

AIhara's heart ached at the sight of his daughter, once again after five year, with the same broken essences.

"Papa he doesn't love me, he never had loved me." Kotoko's body trembled, the tears began falling down her cheek.

"What can I do papa? I can't hate the one person in this world who deserves it!" She admitted, clutching onto her arms.

Aihara's watched while Kotoko finally confessed her true feelings.

"How do you hate some who looks exactly like some you love with the entire world?!" Kotoko screamed.

Her silent tears turns into violent sobs, her hands pounded into her father's chest lightly.

She kept screaming of how much she wanted to hate Naoki.

Aihara held onto his daughter as she sobbed and sobbed until finally Kotoko fell into an exhausted slumber.

He carried her into her room where his grandson slept, his small body clutching onto his favorite stuffed flower.

Dry tears on his cheek.

Aihara placed down his daughter and softly kissed both their heads.

"Like mother, Like son" He chuckled lightly as he went to his bed.


The next day early in the morning, as Aihara left his apartment he is greeted by his best friend.

"Ai-san!" Greeted the grinning fat man as he jogged over to Aihara.

The two hugged.

"Iri-san what are you doing here?" Asked Aihara while walking with Mr. Irie back to his car.

"Well I came because my wife told about your meeting yesterday." Aihara smiled weakly.

"I guess you are here to convince us as well." Mr. Irie laughed, he shook his head in response.

No, although I would like to see my first grandchild someday." Aihara laughed as Irie nudged at his side lightly. "I don't want to force you or Kotoko into this. After what my idiot son has told me, I'm surprised Kotoko hasn't gotten a restraining order on us." The men laughed as they grew nearer to Irie's ride.

"Irie if it was up to me I would let you see Hiro even if Naoki did hurt my daughter," Aihara glared a bit at the car before returning back to his usual calm self.

"However, Hiro is my grandson. And Kotoko is his mother, she knows what is best for her own child." Irie nodded. Aihara guided his friend into his seat, as he was about to shut the door, Irie grabbed hold of his hand and held out a letter addressed to Kotoko and Hiro.

Aihara grabbed it and looked it over, "It's a letter from Naoki, he wanted me to give this to Kotoko. He had been called into Oizumi's office to discuss the canceled wedding." Aihara looked up at his old friend with wide eyes.

"Naoki cancelled the wedding?" Aihara asked a bit astonish.

Irie smiled weakly and nodded, the old man shut the door, his driver drove off leaving Mr. Aihara to stare at the letter.

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