Chapter Fourteen

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The bright sun peeked through the curtain, awaking the young woman engulfed in warmth. Tiredly Kotoko rolled over, as she slowly opened her eyes the face of the man she loved dearly laid in front of her snoring with ease. Memories of last night flooded her thoughts. Kotoko's cheeks heated as she peeked under blanket in the two were wrapped in.

Her lips turned up in a cheeky grin, her fingertips grazed against Naoki's soft cheek.

'So warm~' She thought while retracting her hand and stared at him.

'Finally, he loves me. Not really how I wanted it to go, a kiss in the rain would have been a bit better.' Kotoko chuckled at her thoughts 'But this is perfect for me...'

Kotoko looked over Naoki's shoulder to his clock, the time she read nearly made her scream. 'I'm late for school!'

As carefully as she could Kotoko grabbed all her belonging and raced to her room where she got ready for school.


That day Kotoko went to school smiling brighter than she did ever before, her friends stared at her. They each worried about their friend's sanity.

Finally, they had enough when she giggled at nothing.

"Kotoko! Kotoko!" Snapped out of her trance, the young girl turned to her friends, they held worried expression.

"What is making you so happy? Satomi asked.

Kotoko whipped her head from side to side, in search for people around them, when she say no one. She grabbed hold of their arms and pulled them over to a nearby tree, leaning in close. Kotoko began to explain to them.


"Shh!" Kotoko frantically waved her hands in front of them trying to quiet them down.

"W-well are you two a couple now??"

"Is he canceling the wedding?"

Kotoko nodded while playing with her fingers, "I think so. I mean after last night he'd have to." Kotoko grinned.

The girls grabbed hold of Kotoko and hugged her tightly cheering their bestfriend on "How wonderful Kotoko! You finally got your dream man!" Kotoko smiled taking in her friends praise.


All throughout the day Kotoko held a smile, her sour mood she once was in faded away into nothing. Even as the tennis club used her as an dog, she smiled with joy. Shockingly it gave relief to her school/clubmates, they couldn't no longer stand her blain and un bubbly Kotoko.

As Kotoko turned the street, bouncing happily in each step while her hands clutched onto her pink backpack. Looking up from nearly stepping in a pile of dog mess, Kotoko's smile slowly slid into frown.

The sight before her caused her pounding heart to ache.

Naoki leaned down and placed a soft kiss onto Sahoko's cheek before she gotten into the car. He smiled down and said something.

Kotoko was to far for her to hear him.

As the car pulled away, it passed by Kotoko, Sahoko leaned out the window and waved at Kotoko.

Kotoko turned back to Naoki who was already heading inside his home. Kotoko rushed after him, she planned to ask why Sahoko was here.

She entered the house to find Mrs. Irie shouting at Naoki, "You bring that woman here even after I tell you not to!" Mrs. Irie booms.

"Mother why wouldn't I bring my fiance home?" Kotoko's hand clutched, tears threatened to fall.

"What if Kotoko had seen her? Your chances of being with her will be ruined!" Mrs. Irie explains. Kotoko could hear her stomping around the living room

"Mama calm down... you could hurt yourself." Mr. Irie soothed.

"Ma why would I care if I lose my chances with Kotoko? I don't love her." The tears finally released themselves, Kotoko clutched onto her shirt, her heart pounded against her chest making it harder for her to breathe.

Kotoko watched through and everyone's eyes turned to the new prenance in the room. Their eyes widen in shock "Kotoko w-what are you doing home so early?" Mrs. Irie asks trying to smile reassuringly.

Kotoko turned her gaze to Naoki who was staring at her tears,

"I hate you."

This shocked everyone.

"Kotoko-chan what are you saying?" Mrs. Irie forced a laugh while walking towards Kotoko.

"I hate you. And I wish I didn't waste my love on someone so heartless and cruel." Kotoko ran upstairs leaving everyone stunned to silence.

She jumped into her bed and screamed out her sorrow.

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