Chapter Twenty-Seven

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A Month has passed, Kotoko and Hiro havent heard from the Iries in that time, however Jin wasn't shy about his affection towards Kotoko asking her out every few days.

Kotoko woke up to Hiro laying across her, she said heavily while moving Hiro to the bed.

"I am getting you a bed." She told his sleeping body.

She walked over to her closet and wrapped her rope around her body. Slowly she made her way to the kitchen, where she made coffee. And read the note her father left her.

"Wont be back til late, restaurant had an emergency." She read out loud.

After she grabbed her coffee, she grabbed her computer and started to read some emails while watching Hiro's favorite cartoon.

This woke Hiro up, he came to the living room rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"Mama..." He yawns in english,

"Baby boy are you hungry?" She asks while placing her computer to the side.

Hiro nods while rubbing his stomach, Kotoko got up and headed to the kitchen. She got a bowl and some cereal. Hiro rushed in with a couple of toys and sat at the counter. Kotoko pasted the bowl to Hiro whop began to eat while every now and than feeding his toys.

Kotoko took this time to check her phone, as she did this nauseating feeling bubble from her stomach. Before she knew it she hovering over the sick, puking.

"Mama you okay?" Hiro asks worried.

Kotoko nods, wipes her mouth and grabs a glass. Fills it with water and continues to take a drink.

After a moment she felt better. "Are you sick mama?" Hiro asks.

Kotoko nods "Yes baby."

She placed her hand onto her stomach, making sure the vomit has subsided.

"That's was strange." She muttered while putting her glass into the sink.
The day proceeds on with Kotoko feeling nauseous with a few time of throwing up.

Out of curiosity Kotoko decides to check her calendar for her period which wasn't due for another three days.

"Maybe I'm pregnant?" Kotoko questions.

She decide to take Hiro and herself to a local market. There she found a pregnancy test the fast response kind, which she took once she got home.

"Three more minutes..." Kotoko sighs while anxiously awaiting for the results.

The minutes passed agonizing slowly, but soon enough the result came in.

Carefully Kotoko picks up the test and reads the result. "Oh shit..." against Kotoko wishing the test came back positive.

"How could this have happened I haven't-" then the faithful night with Jin popped into her mind.

Kotoko sat down and placed her head into her hands. Feeling slightly defeated.

"How am I going to tell Jin?" She asks herself.


Later that night came and Kotoko has planned on telling her father. Which happened to be after dinner when Hiro went to bed.

She sat him down feeling very disappointed in herself.

"Dad... I'm pregnant."

"Yes! You and Naoki made up!" He cheered.

This shocked Kotoko "No dad. It's not Naoki's."

"What? Who's is it?" Shegio asks annoyed.

"It's from this guy that owns a toy company like Pandai." She told him.

"What are you going to do Kotoko? I mean two children." He tells her.

" I don't know but I am going to keep it." She says to him.

"Okay. I'll support you." He hugs her.

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