Chapter Eighteen

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Kotoko woke up the next morning feeling a gnawing headache at the back of her head.

Running a hand through her messy short hair that was a bit tangled.

Her eyes weakly look down at her son as he clung to her hip, his grip grew tighter as she sat up.

Unhooking his hands from her waist, Kotoko raced towards the bathroom feeling a nausea feeling bubbled up her throat.

She spent the next fifteen minutes covering the toilet. As the feel subsided, Kotoko felt a tiny hand run over her back reassuringly.

Kotoko looked up, Hiro stood beside with his usual supportive grin.

This gave Kotoko the strength to fight the nauseating feeling and smile back at her son.

After Kotoko cleaned up, she and Hiro ran towards the kitchen giggling.

"What would my little Shining Knight like for breakfast?" Kotoko asks while pulling out the ingredients for a basic American Breakfast.

"I want scrambled eggs mama! The one's Aunt Clara makes!!" Hiro answered back.

"You know Im bad at that," Kotoko pouted. Hiro grinned waving playfully for her to do it.

"Fine, go watch tv!" Kotoko pushed the young boy out and continued to cook.

Hours have passed, Hiro and Kotoko had both eaten their fluffy eggs now they sat on the couch playing Patty Cake.

As their hands came slamming into one another Kotoko's phone blew up with text messages.

"Hold on buddy." Kotoko told Hiro who turned his attention towards the tv.

Kotoko picked up her cell phone, as she clicked it on she is swarmed by thousand of text messages and tagged post on all her social media.

At random she clicked on one.

"Holy shit!" Kotoko jumped from her seated position another her feet.

"Mama swear jar!" Hiro scolded as he held out his palm.

Kotoko reached into her purse and pulled out a quarter, then passed it to Hiro.

Kotoko's eyes scanned the photo from edge to edge.

In bold letter the title read 'Finally found Ms. Kisses' baby daddy.'

Kotoko scanned the picture of Naoki and Hiro hugging in the rain. Her eyes read the font on the picture

'The CEO of Pandai Naoki Irie, who is engaged to Sahako Oizumi is Hiro Aihara's father!'

At that second Kotoko's phone lit up with Joey's face.

With a heavy heart Kotoko clicked Accept and placed the phone to her ear.

"This is bad..."

That Morning at the Irie home, as they all awoke from their delighted slumber sounds of cameras clicking, people shouted.

"Ma! What is going on?" Yuuki complains as Mrs. Irie walks out in nothing but a robe.

Naoki soon followed out rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"What is all that stupid shouting?" He grumbles as they all make their way downstairs.

They all walked towards the front door where thousands of news reporters stood outside their door.

"What the hell?" Naoki opened the door only to be blinded by the flashing camera lights.

"It's him! It's Naoki!"

People pushed through trying to get some answers.

"Naoki! Naoki! Are you and Kotoko Aihara married? Is Hiro really your son?"

The Irie's stood shellshocked by the situation.

"What are you talking about?"

"Are you and Ms. Aihara an item? Are you breaking off the engagement with Oizumi?"

Suddenly Naoki is pulled back inside by Yuuki.

"Big Brother look!" Yuuki held up his tablet To Naoki's face.

Naoki's eyes widen.  The photo of Him and Hiro swarmed the internet.

"Naoki Irie is Hiro Aihara's father!" Naoki read aloud.


Kotoko, Joey and Hiro all sat in the Kotoko's car and watched the Irie's house that is swarmed with reporters.

"Mama why are they all swarming that house?" Hiro asks while looking at the Irie's house with concern.

"Because they have caught the eyes of the public." Kotoko tells him as Joey places his phone back to his side.

"Okay I contacted Yuuki," Kotoko looked over at Joey who held up his finger towards outside next to the house back door.

"He on his way," Everyone turned towards a man in a black hoodie running across the street towards them.

He knocked on the passenger window, which Kotoko reached up and unlocked.

Yuuki hopped into the front, shut the door, took off his hood while turning to them.

"Hey," He greeted with a soft grin while giving Hiro a high five.

"How are we suppose to get you all past that, and into the house?" He asks while pointing back to the crowd of reporters.

Kotoko let out a sigh of annoyance as her head began to throb.

Hiro took note of her state and began playing with her earlobe. Which calmed Kotoko a bit.

She leaned into her son's hand while look up at Yuuki.

"We could try to cause a distraction."


Everyone in the Naoki and Mrs. Irie sat in the living room. While Naoki sat calming on the couch, Mrs. Irie paced.

"What if they get ambushed? They could get hurt! Reporters are heartless creatures!" Mrs. Irie cried while biting her nail.

"Mother stop that! You are over thinking it! Yuuki is with them they'll be fine."

At that second a knock came at the back door.

Their eyes widen when Kotoko, Hiro and Yuuki all stood there waving at them to open the door.

"Oh my goodness! Are you okay?" Mrs. Irie asks while slamming the door open and embracing Kotoko.

"Wow not even a bit concerned for me," Yuuki joked while going inside with Hiro.

Hiro grinned happily as Naoki appeared from behind Yuuki.

"Daddy!" Hiro ran happily into Naoki's arms.

"Hey Hiro." Naoki greeted while placing his cheek onto Hiro's.

Naoki looked up at Kotoko who stared at them with a certain look in her eyes.

A long time ago, Naoki could read Kotoko like a book. However, like said, that was a long time ago.

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