Chapter Three

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Hello everyone! I would like to start out by saying thank you kotokixnaoki for the shoutout. And thank you for commenting I truly like your story.

It makes me really excited to read even though you just began your story a couple days ago I really like it.

For those who don't know nor have read it, they have written a story about Itazura Na Kiss but with a twist *wink* hint they switch positions.

It's called 'Itazura Na Kiss With A Plot Twist' please go read it and show it some love cuz I think it deserves it! It's on FanFiction.Net

Yawning profusely Kotoko boredly stared at the photos the photographers had taken of her, after the fifthteenth one they had showed her Kotoko had began to lose interest. Kotoko now just wanted to take her son and visit her father at his restaurant

"Ms. Aihara!" Kotoko's newest assistant, a young girl freshly out of college, Otani Eiko came rushing over to Kotoko nearly tripping over her own two feet.

The girl stopped right in front of Kotoko panting like a dog in a hot car,

"Eiko I've told you many times to call me by my name, we are the same age."

Shaking her head from left to right nearly giving herself whiplash "I could never! You are my boss, that's completely unprofessional!" Letting out a sigh of defeat she takes the papers from Eiko's grasps and looks them over.

"What is this?" Kotoko asks, Eiko flipped the front page over and showed Kotoko a note from her father 'I have a big party coming so I won't be home til late this evening.'

Pouting like a lost little puppy, Kotoko gave back the papers to Eiko.

"Eiko what do I have after this?"

Eiko scanned a page in the calendar in her phone "Today you have a facetime meeting with Mr. Rice this afternoon after that you are free. However, tomorrow you need to speak with Mrs. Nakamura about the build site for your new store ."

Kotoko nodded as she got up from her seat and walked towards the dressing room, she finally could remove the newest dress one of her other fashion designer friends begged her to model for the magazine.

After the meeting with Joey, Kotoko finally made her way to her rental car with her son sleeping like a log in her arms. Buckling him in his booster seat and placing one the blankets she kept hidden in the trunk around his small body. Kotoko turned to the daycare and bowed gratefully.

Along the way home she passed by a rather familiar looking pair, as she began to drive closer and closer to them the more she could recognize. Kotoko's heart began to race as the face of the man she once lived with smiled at his fiance, the two turned around at the sudden sound of a car.

The two stood starstruck as the one person they never thought to see drove past, staring at them intensely.

"Naoki? Was- was that Kotoko-san?" Sahoko asks as she turned to her dazed and almost hurt fiance. His eyes never left the street in which Kotoko had drove off.

Kotoko soon after reached her father's apartment complex, but once she removed the key, tears pooled in her eyes. Her softly breathing became heavy as unwanted sobs escaped her lips, she tried her best to keep quiet seeing as her son was inches away from her.

Despite her constant argument with herself everyday for the past four almost five years she wouldn't cry after seeing him. However as you can see, that didn't go as she intended.

Kotoko wrapped her arms around her shaking body as if to manipulate it to calm down. Not to long after that began to work, Kotoko was finally able to gather herself up and retreat her son from his seat then take him upstairs to their bed, where she just laid with him in her arms softly running her hands through his hair.

Silently he sat in his office chair as he stared at the article on his computer screen, the only woman to make his head and heart throb at the same time stood surrounded by falling leaves cupping her hands around her swollen stomach.

A strange man kneeled down and kissed the top of her belly smiling at it with joy in his hazel eyes.

Emptiness welled inside his head causing it to throb, his eyes scanned the picture until his eyes landed on her face. Naoki ran his finger over the screen trying to remember the feeling of her skin, the sound of her voice burned in his ear.

The words 'Irie-kun! I love you!' echoed over and over in his ears until finally they consumed his thoughts, tears of regret began to slide down his cheeks.

The anger and sorrow he felt the day she ran away finally surfaced once again, he now knows what his actions has costed him.

The love of his life, the woman who once who made his hair fall out, held his heart in the palm of her hand, but he no longer could make her his.

Not now, and not later.

Never again will she say 'Irie-kun! I love you!'

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