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Journeè POV

      KAHLIL STOPP. "Mama chill I'm just playing" he said laughing hard beginning to choke. "You know I hate bugs, got me running knowing I'm full" I say running out of breath. "I just like messing with anyway what you gonna do when we get out of school" he said chewing his gum with his jawline showing every time he chew. I just stare at him thinking how we meet at the pizza place we just went to Cheesy Pizzazz. It was the night we won with Hover Football team 65 to 13. The best game I ever went to. Me and my best friend Toya walked in the pizza place with a group of niggas starring at us. I pay them no mind and go to order my food. "What would you like" the cashier asked. "I will have the 12 peace hot wings with a large Hi-C. "That will be $5.65" the cashier said. I began to reach in my purse as I hear a loud slap on the counter. I look up to see this boy chewing his gum with a strong jawline showing. "I got you mama" he said biting his lips. "Thanks" I said nervously. The cashier gives him back the change as he took it he pulled me to the side. "What's yo name mama" he said looking deep in my eyes. "Journeè and you". "Kahlil" he said smiling hard asf. "TWELVE PEACE HOT WINGS"the man yeld. I walked over to get my food and beginning to walk off as I felt a hand grab me again. "Can I get yo number" he said. I grabbed his phone saved my number and walked off with a smile. Toya was outside talking to Quincy. "Wassup Quincy" I said giving him the head nod". "Wassup kid" he said nodding his head as well. "Toya come on man". "Alright alright lets roll" she said kissing Quincy.
I felt a push on my arms getting me out my thoughts it was Kahlil. "Girl what's wrong with you" he said looking confused. "Nothing what you said". "I said what you gonna do when we get out of school" he said looking at the loud car passing. "To be honest I don't know". "Hold that thought babygirl come on" he said grabbing me and fast walking back to his car. He opened the door for me, closed it and hurried to his side. The car started and we pulled off so fast.
Next thing you know we was at this abandoned looking house. "Come on" he said hurrying up out the car. I went into the building looking it up and down seeing weed scales and more. Bitches walking back and forth in panties and bras. I have this stank ass look on my face as one of the girls look at me. I followed where Kahlil went and all the niggas was looking at me when I stepped in a room with lots of money. "Uhhh hi" I said feeling uncomfortable. Before they said some Kahlil grabbed me and we went back outside. "What was all that for" I said so concerned about what just happened. "Nothing mama" he said with a mean as look on his face. I didn't say nothing else the whole ride cause I didn't want him to blow up on me. Deep down I wanted to ask him why we rushed off like that. He pulled into my driveway looking at me. He lended in and kissed me I got out the car not saying nothing. When I opened the door to my house he pulled off. I made a big sigh after closing the door. I just walked to my room closed my door and laid down.

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