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Journeè POV

2 months later

Sitting down watching tv, I was finally living the good life. Me and Jákaden still talked and he always stayed the night at my apartment but we still didn't live together. It was now March and I was 8 months pregnant. Of course Kahlil came by to see me to but he never stayed that long. Last month when I went back to the clinic to check on my baby I found out that I was pregnant with another baby. A baby girl at that. So I decided to go ahead and set her room up to. Me and my girls gonna have so much fun together. I already came up with my second baby girl name. Her name would be Jánaya.
         I never thought that I would have two baby's at 19. Even tho I'm very young I'm still gonna do my best to go out my way for these little girls. While on my phone there was a knock on the door. Getting up slowly I looked through the peephole. Seeing my girls I opened the door fast. "Hey y'all" I say hugging them. "Hey girl, you got some more company" Melody say looking to the side of her. Melody was now 6 months and Paris was 4 months. Looking over her shoulders Jákaden, Chris, and Quincy was behind her.
"Hey" I say hugging them all. "Wassup" Quincy say hugging me. "Wasssup kiddo" Chris say hugging me also. As they walked in Jákaden came up to me. "Wassup baby" he say kissing my lips. "Hey baby" I say kissing him back. Walking back into the living room ever body was sitting down. Well except for Chris and Quincy cause they always go to my refrigerator. "Y'all wanna check the kids rooms out" I say while Jákaden was all on me. "Mel and Paris ain't say nothing, they just ran back there instead. As Chris and Quincy walked past me and Jákaden with a sandwich I just looked at Jákaden and started laughing.
Walking to the room with everyone else Pairs and Mel was just awwwing. "So y'all like" I say walking in to Jánaya's room. "Girl yes, they are gonna love it" Melody say still looking around. "They are so spoiled. And I'm still gonna spoil them" Paris say doing a fake cry. "You right about that" I say looking back at Jákaden. As the boys went into the living room me and the girls went in my room. "So how my boy doing" I say rubbing Melody stomach. "He doing good. Just ready for his ass to come out" she say with a serious face. "Tell me about it" I say rubbing my stomach.
"Paris I already know what yo ass having" I say looking at her smiling. "A boy I already know" she say smiling. "Yelp, when you going to see what you having" I say sitting on my bed. "Probably next month" she say playing with her fingers. "You nervous" I say looking at her. "I am" she say still looking down. "It will be alright girl. It's nothing but the best feeling to see if you having a son or a daughter" I say rubbing her back. "Yea you're right" she say looking up at me. "So you still living in that apartment huh" I say getting up. "Hell yea I'm not moving in with him no time soon" she say walking out the room with me and Mel.
"Fuck y'all was having a meeting or some" Quincy say looking at us. "If we was nigga we was" Paris say pushing his head as she sat down. "Man chill out with all that" he say pulling her onto his lap. "What y'all doing today" Melody say sitting beside Chris. "Well y'all can do some I really don't feel like getting into nothing" I say sitting on Jákaden lap. "You never do" Paris say pouting. "You not 8 months yet Paris you won't get it" I say grabbing her chin. "I know" she say still pouting.
"Well Journeè we finna head out cause I gotta get ready for work" Melody say walking to me giving me a hug. "Alright well I'll catch y'all later" I say getting up hugging them. As they went out the door I went and sat down next to Jákaden. He was zoned out looking at the wall. "You alright" I say sitting next to him. "Yea I'm good just thinking" he say wiping his face. "Well what you thinking about" I say looking at him. He took a deep sigh before he looked at me. "Why Journeè" he say looking me in my eyes.
         "Why what" I say so confused. "I don't like you being out on your own. I mean like yea it's cool and all but I really don't like it. You got a apartment and already have the girls rooms set up. Are you even coming back to stay with me"? I just looked away from him and didn't say nothing. He was hurt inside and I knew it. "Look at me" he said as his voice cracked. "Jákaden you was fucking another girl while we was together, I caught you at that. What was I supposed to do just stay. We not living together but i know that we still have feelings for each. So let's just work on the path that we're on now" I say looking at him. 
         As he just looked at me I began to turn my head slowly. Before my head was all the way around, he grabbed me by my chin and kissed me. We both pulled back breathing heavily. "Damn I love you so much man" he said still holding my chin. "I love you to Jákaden" I say kissing him again.

30 minuets later

     "So you planning on having a baby shower for my babies" Jákaden say as I lay on his lap. "I really don't know I mean they already got what they need so I guess not" I say getting up. "No you have to. I still wanna spoil my baby girls" he say looking at me like I was crazy. "I know but it would be nice to have one but I really don't know to be honest" I say looking back at him. "Just know you is having one" he say looking at tv. "No Kaden it's alright I don't need one". He just looked at me and back at the tv.
     Looking at tv together I was enjoying the moment. "Ohh shit I gotta get to work" he say looking at the time. As he got up I walked him to the door. "Well I see you later" I say pulling him back kissing him. As he went out I locked the door behind him. Going back to the couch I was starting to have second thoughts about moving out. "But I paid to much money for this damn apartment" I say out loud. I sat down looking at tv just reminiscing.

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