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Journeè POV

Walking into the house my phone was just flashing. I had to put my phone on silent cause I knew Jákaden was gonna say something. "Damn baby I'm tired" Jákaden say laying his head on my shoulders as we walk up to the room. "Damn Kaden get you heavy ass head off me" I say pushing his head up. "My bad baby" he say kissing me as he picked me up bride style. Laying me on the bed he laid beside me. "Kaden" I say playing in his hair and turning on the tv. "Kaden" I say looking down at him.
He was out sleeping so good on my stomach. Gently moving his head to the side I got out the bed and took my clothes off. Putting one of his shirts on I cut the light off and got in the bed. Looking at tv my phone was still flashing. Getting my phone off the nightstand I looked at my notifications. Seeing that Kahlil called, FaceTimed, and texted me I just put my phone down. I already knew what he was calling me for and I didn't have time for it. Getting ready to close my eyes there was a knock on the door.
Getting up I walked to the door and looked through the peephole. Seeing Pairs standing there crying I opened the door so fast. "What the hell Paris, why you crying" I say pulling her into the house as I locked the door. "Quincy just gone crazy. I think it's cause if that bitch. Every since she was over here and he walked in he just been drinking like hell. He even put his hands on me a few times" she say sitting on the couch crying. "I thought everything was good. He was looking ok at Galaxy Zone" I say sitting down next to her. "Yea y'all think he was ok. He was just acting like cause y'all was around" she say whipping her tears.
         "Do he know you left" I asked rubbing her back. "Yea he know I left he kicked me out. He just don't know where I'm at tho" she say as she lay in my lap. "Well I know you tired so go up there to the guest room" I say standing up grabbing her hand. "Walking upstairs we went our separate ways. Laying back in the bed Jákaden wrapped his arms around me. Going to sleep I hope Paris and Quincy get back on good terms cause nun of us don't need to split up.

          When I woke up to go to the bathroom I heard a chip bag open downstairs. Using the bathroom and washing my hands and putting on some shorts, I walked downstairs to see what Pairs was up to. Since Jákaden was still sleep I knew who it was atomically. Walking into the kitchen Pairs was sitting at the counter eating chips with ice cream. When I was first pregnant I was always eating chips with ice cream or fries with ice cream. "You pregnant girl" I say sitting next to her. She didn't say nothing just looked up at me instead.
         "Paris" I say looking at her. "Yes" she say with her head down. "Is you pregnant" I say once again. "Yes" she say looking at me. I couldn't do nothing but hug her. I knew something had to be up last night when she came over here crying. Pairs never cried over no nigga. So to see her crying now I knew some was up. "How far long" I say taking a look at her. "2 weeks" she say as tears run down her face. "When you was gonna tell me"I say getting up to get both of us a bottle of water.
         "Was gonna tell you today, but i guess you knew cause of what I'm eating" she say smiling. "Yea you right" i say smiling back. "Journeè, who gonna fight bitches now. All three of us pregnant. You know I like knocking bitches out" she say with a straight face. "Well you just gonna have to lay low" I say laughing at her. "No hell my cousins moving here so I'm good" she say breaking in to a dance. Pairs had these two cousins and they don't play bout each other.
         Both of her cousins was 20 cause they was twins. One name was Iris and the other was Ivy. Ivy tried to get with me when they came to visit the first time,but I'm straight I don't do girl. Not gonna say that I didn't want to try it cause Ivy was fine as hell, well both of them was fine as hell really. "I thought they just moved to New York" I say sipping my water. "They did but they wanna move to Detroit now. They even gave me there money to go ahead and buy they house" she say eating her chips and ice cream. "Damn they ain't playing" I say. "Hell nawl" she say still eating.
         "Wassup Paris where my brother" Jákaden say waking down shirtless. "I don't know nor care"she say walking into the living room. "Well damn" he say walking over to me to give me a kiss. "Go put a shirt on" I say stoping him in his tracks. As he ran upstairs I put bacon into the oven. "Ahhhhhh shit" I say as I bent down. "What's wrong" Pairs say running into the kitchen. "This lil girl kicking me like hell" I say walking over to the island bar. "Hope I don't have the same problem"she say putting her hand on her stomach.
         "What problem" Jákaden say as he walked back into the kitchen looking at where Paris hand was. "Mhm" he said as he walked over to me and kissed me. "Shut up Jákaden" she say walking back into the living room. "What you got in the oven babe" he say still in my face. "Bacon then Imma cook some eggs so y'all can make a bacon and egg sandwich cause I'm not cooking that much" I say kissing him and getting up. "Shii that's fine ma" he say slapping my ass. "What the date is ma" he say sitting on the counter. "The 29th why" I say looking back at him. 
            "Cause in two more days you gonna be 6 months" he say smiling. "Yes I will" I say walking between his lap and kissing him. "You got a name" he say looking into my eyes. "Yea how about Kènnedy" I say looking back at him. "That's a pretty name for my pretty girl. I hope she have your skin color cause y'all gonna be looking like twins" he say smiling rubbing my stomach. "I hope to" I say walking away to check the bacon. "Ayeee Brooo" Quincy yelled through the house. Turning around I see Pairs running upstairs. "Keep a eye out on the bacon for me" I say to Jákaden.
         "Hey Quincy" I say walking upstairs. "Wasssup sis where yo hubby" he say looking at me. "Kitchen" I say still walking. Walking into the guest room I see Paris laying in the bed looking at tv. "Pairs you need to talk to him" I say closing the door. "No Journeè I don't want to talk to him" she say making no eye contact with me. "Please Paris" I say standing at the door. She didn't say nothing so I walked out the room. Walking into the kitchen, Quincy and Jákaden was talking eating bacon. I popped the bacon out of both of there hand making them look at me crazy.
          "Wait till the eggs are done" I say looking back at them. "And she upstairs in the guest room Quincy" I say putting the eggs on the oven. Before I turned around Quincy was gone. "I hope this go well" I say looking at Jákaden why he just look at me crazy like he don't know what's happening.

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