32. Anger

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Journeè POV

         "So you enjoying the place" Jákaden say holding my hand across the table. "Yes" I say smiling at him. "Hi I'm Lexis. I will be your waiter tonight. How about we start with drinks" she say smiling. "Yes I'll have tea" Jákaden say looking at the lady. "And I'll have a strawberry lemonade" I say looking at the lady also. "Okkk. And how about to eat" she say writing down the drinks looking up at us. "I'll have the Alfredo with the shrimp and chicken" I say handing her the menu. "And I'll have the Steak with broccoli" Jákaden say heading her the menu also.
         As the lady walked off me and Jákaden was just talking about random things. "Soooo when Kènnedy get here you thinking about having her a little sister or brother" Jákaden say looking at me. "I'm way ahead of you on that" I say smiling. As the food was sat in front of us my mouth was watering. Looking at Jákaden he wasted no time. Laughing at him I just began eating my food to.

50 minuets later

         Walking out the restaurant me a Jákaden was just laughing away. "Fuck nigga" a dude say bumping Jákaden as we walked outside. Looking up there Kahlil stood with another girl which I assumed to be his hoe. "Bitch ass nigga what you say" Jákaden say walking up to him but I pulled him back. "Nigga you heard me" Kahlil say walking getting into Jákaden face. Next thing you know punches was being thrown. Trying to get Jákaden off Kahlil it was so hard. "Alright now break it up" this man said as he helped me get Jákaden off Kahlil.
         "Thank you" I say looking at the man. Looking at Kahlil face he had a busted lip and a black eye. "Now you see how it feels to have a black eye and busted lip" I say waking off with Jákaden. Getting in the car the whole ride was quite till we got home. "So you not gonna talk to me" I say as walking into the house. "I wouldn't fucking had that problem if that wasn't yo fucking ex" he say walking upstairs. "So you fucking blaming me" I yelled stopping him in his tracks. "Hell fuck yea I'm blaming you, that's yo fucking ex and the father of yo baby. Of course that nigga gonna come for me" he say getting in my face.
         "I'm not finna deal with this" I say walking away from him. "Yea whatever" he say walking out the house. I couldn't believe this nigga really blamed me for this shit. It's not my fault that he throw the fuck first punch. Walking to the room I stripped out my dress and got in the bed.

     Waking up in the morning Jákaden was no where in site. Calling his phone he sent me straight to voicemail. Feeling so hurt I just started crying. Being that it was my 6 month of my pregnancy I would've thought he would've been home. Walking down to the living room there was a knock on the door. Opening the door Kahlil was standing right in my face. "What" I say with a attitude. Next thing you know he grabbed me by my neck and started kissing me. Breaking the kiss I pushed him out the door and locked it.
Looking through the peephole he was waking back to his car. "How he know where I live"I say out loud. Walking up to the room the door was opened buy Jákaden. Looking at him I can tell he was drunk. Walking to him he picked me up and kissed me aggressively. As he walked me up to the room throwing me on the bed, I blacked out while he entered inside me.

Jumping up the room was completely dark. Looking around the room Jákaden was gone. It all felt like a dream but it wasn't. Getting up I say so sore between my legs. "Nooo, lay back down" Melody say walking into the room as Paris carried a bowl of soup behind her. "Where's Jákaden" I say laying back down. "Him and the boys went out. You hungry though" Pairs say putting the bowl of soup on the nightstand. "No" I say turning on the tv. As flipping through the channels Pairs and Melody laid in the bed with me. Looking at my body I see I only had on my panties and bra.
"What the fuck" I say under my breath. "What" Paris say looking at tv. "How my clothes get off" I say getting out the bed. "We don't know we just getting here" Pairs say still looking at tv. Running to the bathroom I sat on the floor and was throwing up like hell. "Damn Journeè what's wrong with you" Paris say as her and Melody ran in the bathroom with me. "I don't know, I just feel so fucking bad" I say leaning my head on the tub. "Let's get you off the floor" Melody say as her and Paris helped me to the bed.
         "We back baby" Jákaden say walking into the room. "So where you been" I say with my eyes closed. "Just been out with the boys. We finna head to the game room" he say kissing my head. I haven't seen or been with Jákaden all day. I was starting to get this felling but I didn't know if it was right or not. Laying down almost sleep I hear Melody fussing down stairs. Before I could even get up Pairs was out the room. Walking slowly down stairs cause of the soreness I see Chris and Melody going at it. "What's going on" I walk over to Paris. "I guess Chris got caught texting another girl" Pairs say shrugging her shoulders.
         Walking over to Melody, Jákaden grabbed my arm with a tight grip. Looking at him he had this look on his face like I better not go over there. Snatching away from him I walked over to Melody grabbing her hand and walking upstairs. As she sat on the bed I change into some tights and a pull over and my UGG boots. Putting my hair into a mess bun I then here Quincy and Paris going at it. "Mann oh my gosh" I say grabbing my phone and keys along with my wallet as Melody followed me. Walking downstairs I grabbed Pairs hand as we walked out the door. "Where the fuck y'all going" Jákaden say coming around the corner with Chris and Quincy behind him.
         "Just finna go to the beach or something to clear they heads" I say looking back at him. "Mhm" he say looking at me. "What you did that for" I say catching a attitude. "Bye man" he say turning back around. Closing the door I walked to the car. Starting the car and driving I looked to the side of me. Seeing Melody cry I really wanted to know what Chris did. "What beach we're going to" Paris say with her head on the window. "Belle Isle" I say still driving. This was our favorite beach Cause we always go there to clear our minds and let our feelings out.
         Still driving so many things was going through my head. I hope that Chris ain't do no stupid shit and that we didn't have to end our friendship.

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