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Journeè POV

          Looking at my phone it was 1:53. "I really need to do something" I say laying my head on the arm chair. Getting up to go to my room, I ran the shower water. Taking off everything and hopping in the shower there was a knock on the door. Taking my shower they was still knocking. Getting out the shower and drying off the knocking stop. Putting on lotion and my clothes I went in the bathroom to do me a neat bun.

         Grabbing my purse and phone I walked out of the room

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         Grabbing my purse and phone I walked out of the room. Turning the tv off I grabbed my keys off the counter. Getting ready to open the door there was a knock again. "Goddamn man" I say as opening the door. "What" I say with a attitude as I open the door. "You heard me knocking the first fucking time" Jákaden say as he walked past me. "I'm finna go so you can get out" I say as I pointed outside. "So I'm still gonna stay here. Where you going anyway looking cute" he say smiling.
         "Somewhere bye" I say walking out. Walking to my car somebody walked past me fast bumping into me. "Excuse the fuck outta you" I say turning around to look at me. They turned around looking into my eyes as they winked and walked back off. "The fuck" I say so shocked. Whoever that was looked so familiar. They looked just like Javion but I prayed to god that it wasn't. Getting in my car I was just thinking. Getting ready to start my car there was a knock on the window.
         Looking at the person they looked just like Javion but wasn't Javion. Starting my car and rolling down my window the person smiled at me. "So you don't remember me" he said bitting his lips. "Noo" I say slowly. "Jalyn"  he say leaning inside the car. "Ohh Yea" I say looking away from him. Walking over to the passenger side he got in. "Jalyn what you doing" I say looking at him crazy. "Let's go for a ride" He say closing the door.
         "Uh Jalyn I don't think we should do that. Plus I got somewhere to go" I say lying. "You better get this car moving" he say looking at me with one eyebrow raised. Driving off there was silence. "You know my brother get out tomorrow right" he say breaking the silence. I didn't say nothing as he burned a hole into me. "You know my brother not gonna like that you pregnant, especially when it's not his baby" he say looking away. "Jalyn, that's nun of my business. He shouldn't did what he did to make me leave him. That's his fault" I say looking at him and back at the road.
         "Don't blame that shit on my brother that's yo fault. You wouldn't have to go through all that if you chose to be with me anyway. But you wanted him, and that's yo fucking fault. Now you had to sit there and get yo ass beat, that's not my fault" he say looking at the road. "Why the fuck you always bringing up the past Jalyn. You still fucking mad cause I choose your brother instead of you" I say coming to a stop light. "Nahh, I'm good. Shii I'm getting pussy every night, I'm good shawty" he say grabbing my chin.
         Making a u-turn I drove back to my apartment. Pulling up in the parking lot. I looked at him as he looked at me. Kissing me on my cheeks then to my neck, I was catching chills. As he got out the car and went to his car I signed. "I gotta get the fuck outta Detroit" I say driving off. Driving I wasn't feeling to good. Pulling into the yard where my mom stayed at I was kind of feeling a little better. Getting out the car my mom came out the door.
"Hey ma" I say hugging her. "Hey baby how you been" she say pulling me back taking a good look at me. "Not to good" I say looking at her. "Well come on in and let's talk about it" she say leading me inside.
60 minuets later
" Yes mom my life just been crazy lately" I say with head in my hand. "Baby it's gonna be alright god is with you, you gonna be just fine" she say hugging me. I been at my mom place for a minute. I decided to stay longer since my mom told me she would be heading back to New York tomorrow. "Well mom it's 10, I think imma head on out" I say standing up and hugging her. "Alright baby" she say kissing me on my cheeks.
Walking out the door my mom stood in the door way while watching me. Starting my car I backed out while waving at her. "Ughhh I should really go back to New York with her" I say getting on the main road. While driving Down South by Kodak came on. Thinking of Jay I started smiling. Getting out my phone I hope that he would answer. While calling him he answered on the first ring. "Wassup babygirl" he say in his sleepy voice. "Did I wake you, I'm sorry" I say pulling up into the parking lot. "Nahh you good ma, I'll get up" he say still in his sleepy voice.
"No Jay you can go back to sleep. I'll call you tomorrow, plus I'm finna go up to my apartment" I say getting out the car. "What you doing out by yourself at night. I don't like you out by yourself at night" he say in his regular voice. "I'm going up to my apartment now I'll call you back" I say hanging up laughing cause I knew he was gonna give a whole speech. Getting ready to open my door someone called my name. Not caring who it was I went into my apartment. Walking in it was dark as hell.
           "He never can't stay in one fucking place"I say walking to my room. "Damn you just talking about me" a voice say behind me. Stoping in my tracks I froze. The voice sound so familiar and I knew it wasn't Jákaden's.

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