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Journeè POV

         "Baby I'm finna go to the store one of these fuck niggas tried me" Jákaden say making me jump out of my sleep. "Babe what happened" I say getting out the bed. "One of these niggas tried to steel from me. I'm finna go down there and handle that shit right now" he say kissing me and walking out the room. Getting back into the bed i looked at my phone to see Kahlil called 10 times. Calling him back he answered on the first ring
Kahlil: Hello
Me: What Kahlil
Kahlil: Damn why I had to call you like ten times
Me: Cause  I was sleep anyway what you want
Kahlil: My momma wanted to know if she can come to the hospital when the baby is born
Me: Kahlil I'm only five months and me and your mom don't even get alone what you really want
Kahlil: Alright alright I wanna know if you can come over and chill
Me: Boy I got work
Kahlil: Alright well hit me back up later
Me: Mhmm

      Hanging up the phone this nigga really thought he was slick. I lied to him about the job, I was off for two weeks. Walking into the bathroom I started my water. Getting into the shower I was watching the water hit my stomach. I'm really having a baby. A baby girl at that. I had so much shit planed for her. I just hope her ugly ass daddy don't act different when she get here.
         I even thought if he should be at the hospital when I do have her. Showering for 45 mins I brushed my teeth. After brushing my teeth I just sat on the bed wrapped in my towel looking at tv. "Baby" Jákaden say walking in the room. "Yes" I say looking at him. "Thank god whoever that person was didn't take nothing. "What happened" I say drying off in front of him.
"Some niggas tried to so call rob me. But they pussies cause when they saw cops walking by they ran" he say starring at my body. "Damn, so they really thought that cops wasn't gonna be walking around. They in a mall" I say lotioning my body. "That's What the fuck I'm saying. But I'm finna ride over Chris house you coming" he say walking into the bathroom.
"Yea" I say as I put on my clothes. "Is it cold out there" I yelled. "Nah" he yelled back. Putting on a mini white dress with my PINK slides sock less I was ready. Putting my hair into a messy bun and my earrings in I grabbed my wallet. "Come on" I say standing in the doorway. "Alright lets roll" he say kissing my lips and rubbing my stomach. Every time Jákaden rubbed or touched my stomach she always kick. Walking downstairs out the door it was warm, it felt like spring. But it was January.
40 Minuets Later

"Wassup fam" Quincy say walking into Melody and Chris kitchen. "Wassup y'all" Paris say behind him. "Hey" I say to them. As the boys was doing there daps Paris walked over to me and Melody to give us hugs. "Hey it's boring let's go to a arcade game place or something" I say standing up. "Let's go to Galaxy Zone then" Pairs say. "Let's go then" Jákaden say standing up.
Getting into our cars, we was heading to Galaxy Zone. It really didn't take that long we was only 20 minuets away. Grabbing my wallet we was heading inside. Walking to the counter to getting our cards Pairs came and whispered in my ear. "Why that bitch looking at me" she say pointing to Toya. "Stop damn pointing" I say hitting her hand down.
"Journeè I don't care if she see me I want her the see me" she say looking at her. "You don't care if who see you" Quincy say turning around giving us our game cards. "Nobody" I say pulling Paris to the side. "Listen Pairs don't pay Toya no mind tonight. I don't want Quincy to be upset so try your best to stay away from her" I say looking into her eyes. "Long as she don't touch me I'm good" she way walking away.
Walking back over to the group Jákaden grabbed my waist. Seeing Toya, Zee,Mahlik, Kahlil and that girl that was at Kahlil house the other day sitting at a table I hoped no shit was finna go down. Walking over to a shooting game with the boys me and the girls walked to a table and ordered a pizza. "Why she got on all that damn black on she ain't Darth Vader" Paris say looking at this lady walk by.
Me and Melody looked at each and bust out laughing. This girl been talking about everybody tonight, I'm just glad she didn't bring up Toya name. "Girl why you talking about people" Melody say laughing as she was taking a sip of her drink. "I really don't know I guess it's in my blood" Paris say taking a bit of her pizza. "I'm finna head to the bathroom y'all" I say getting up. "Alright, if you need me just holla" Paris say holding her set up.
I just walked away and laughed. Walking to the bathroom I just felt eyes on me and I already knew who eyes they were. Almost walking into the bathroom someone stoped me. Turning around seeing Toya I really didn't have time for her shit. "Ummm hey" she said so nervously. "Hey Toya I thought you was here for a day" I say so confused. "I took another day off cause I wanted to spend time with Kahlil them" she say looking back. "Oh that's good" I say looking over her shoulders trying to see who she looking at or for.
         "How come you didn't tell me about Quincy and that girl" she say playing with her fingers. "Cause that was not my business to tell" I say looking at her. "Oh well I gotta go" she say walking away. Going into the bathroom I thought that was kinda weird. She was looking back and she just walked off like that I knew some was up. Using the bathroom and washing my hands I fixed my bun. Walking out the bathroom Kahlil was right in my face. "So you got to work huh" he say with his arms folded. "Kahlil that's nun of your business" I say walking past him.
         "You is my business if you caring my baby" he say pulling me by my arms. "Nigga don't throw that my baby shit in my face. You wasn't saying my baby when you was fucking other bitches. You wasn't saying my baby when you always came home late. And you damn shol wasn't saying my baby when you was getting that hickey on your neck" I say looking into his eyes seeing that they turned darker.
         "You done growed some balls talking to me like that" he say gripping my arm tighter. "Damn shol have big ones to" I say snatching from him. Walking away I was pulled back. "Don't you ever walk away from me you better be lucky MY FUCKING BABY is keeping yo ass from getting beat" he say getting in my face. "Well she gonna keep doing that to cause you ain't gonna be brave to do it in front of her" I say snatching away and walking off again.
Walking to the table all the boys was sitting down eating pizza. "Damn baby what took you so long" Jákaden say getting up as he pulled out my chair. "She got lost in the damn toilet" Paris say laughing. "Shut up no I didn't your lil friend stop me to talk to me" I say being petty. "That ain't my damn friend" she say knowing who I was talking about. I just laughed cause Paris was crazy as hell. "Baby I'm ready to go" I say laying on Jákaden shoulders as Kahlil look at me with a death stare.
"Well let's go baby" He say picking my head up and kissing me. As the crew followed us everybody who was sitting at Kahlil table had they eyes on us. It was funny cause they was grown ass people acting like lil ass kids. But they didn't ruin my night one bit so I was good.

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