19. Dirty Laundry

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Journeè POV

Waking up by my phone ringing with a call. I rubbed my eyes and answered. "Hello" I say. "Hey baby I'm so sorry I missed your calls. I been wanted to tell you that I had to move to Atlanta. I had quit school and got this job as a model. Please don't me mad at me please don't" Toya said on the other line. "No it's ok I wanna see you happy at least one of us are" I say as tears came down my face. "What you mean by that you not happy" she asked. "I am" I say lying through my teeth.
"That's very good. Well I just wanted to call you and hear your voice. Gotta get ready to get back on my job. Love you so much Journeè" Toya say as she hang up. "Love you to" I say as the line on the other side went dead. Walking down stairs seeing that Kahlil wasn't here I was kinda happy. Walking back up to the room. I went into the bathroom. Looking into the mirror I see I had a black eye along with a busted lip. Crying looking into the mirror, I can't believe that my beautiful face was ruined.
As I think about Toya I see that we went our different ways. She has a happy life as mines going down the drain. Never seeing Kahlil like this I start to get a different vibe. Thinking about the happy times we had and how sweet he was things are going bad. Laying in the bed I jumped as I hear the door slam. Hearing his footsteps walk up to the room my stomach starts to eat it self.
As he walks into the room. He takes off his shoe along with his pants and shirt. Climbing into bed he doesn't say a word to me. Getting up walking out the room his deep voice scared the shit out of me. "Where the fuck you going" he say making me jump. "Down to the living room" my harsh voice say. As he didn't say a word I walked out the room. Sitting at the counter I cried my heart out.
"SHUT THE FUCK UP WITH ALL THAT CRYING MAN" he say looking into the refrigerator. Still sniffing I try to stop my cry. "SHUT THE FUCK UP" he say walking over to my jacking me up by my arms. Putting my hands over my mouth as my tears run down my face, I try my best not to make a sound. As he let me go I walked up to the room. Knowing that he's not gonna let me go no where I just sit on the bed with my head in my hands.
Filling my head getting lifted up aggressively. I was now looking into his eyes. Not saying nothing he just stared at me. Touching the bruises on my face I flinched in pain. Pulling my face away from his hands. He grabbed my face again. This time pushing his hands away. My face was getting grabbed, this time my cheeks are getting pushed into my mouth.
Shit hurt like hell but I knew I couldn't do nothing cause I didn't want to get hit. "Please stop" I say as pulling his hands away from my face. Getting back slap I hold my face. As he walks out the room I start to cry. "Let me hear you cry down here I know something" he say as shutting the door.
Hearing him welcome somebody into the house, I hear a female voice. Starting to cry I put on my puma joggers, hoodie as I leave my shirt off and my puma shoes. Hearing him make love to her downstairs I start to get angry. Putting my hair into a mess bun, I grab my keys, phone, and purse. I creep down the stairs trying to make a run for it. Seeing who the girl was I get more angry then I was before. This Tiffany bitch and Kahlil was fucking once again.
Running to the door I make it out the house. Getting into my car getting ready to close the door it was opened back up by Kahlil. Hitting me in my face, my eyesight start to get blurry. Covering my face crying I get dragged out the car. Since my face is covered he decided to go for my ribs. Kicking me in my ribs I cry harder. Pulling me into the house by my hair I hear laughing. Knowing it was Tiffany I paid her no mind. Now dragged me up stairs I get a sharp pain to my ribs. Getting thrown to the bedroom floor my ribs are getting kick once more. Balled up crying on the floor my purse get thrown at my face as the door closes. Getting off the floor walking into the bathroom I look at my self in the mirror and cry harder.
Getting the blade I cut my self over and over again. Once my wrist then my thighs then my stomach. As I sit in my blood on the bathroom floor I cry harder. Looking at the time on my phone it is now 6:59. Looking at the time my eyesight get blurry again and I lean over on the bathtub. I closed my eyes hoping that god would take me now.
As my eyes was closed the blade rolls out of my hand. Now seeing black and coldness hitting my cuts. I wanted to go leaving this place knowing no one gave a damn about me especially Kahlil. "God please take me now" I cry as I say under my breath. Breathing heavily I balled up laying in my blood.
Thinking how could I get out of here or would I even make it alive. All this hits me as my eyesight get black and my body shuts down.

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