33. What Is Love

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Journeè POV

         Pulling into the parking area, Melody wasted no time getting out. I slowly got out as Kènnedy started kicking. Still walking I just put my hand over my stomach. Walking towards Melody, Paris helped me sit down beside her. It was dark but the lights on the buildings and plus the moon it was a little light. "So Mel what happened" I say looking out towards the ocean. "Well it all started when I went in the kitchen to grab something to drink. He left his phone on the counter and it was going off like hell. So I checked his phone and saw him texting a bitch name Tiffany" she say sniffing.
         I started to feel anger inside me but I never let it showed. "So what she say" I say as she lay on my shoulders. "Was he gonna come over tonight. Last night was his first time coming home late. I knew some was up" she say whipping her tears away. "It's alright, it's gonna be ok" I say rubbing her back. "And why you and Quincy was fussing" I say looking over to Paris. "Cause I told Chris he was wrong  so Quincy jumped all down my throat. But ain't nobody worried about that nigga" she say slapping the air.
         "Yea whatever" I say laughing. "Aye y'all remember our first fight here" Melody say looking up. "Hell yea, Paris started beating that  girl head in with a dead jellyfish" I say laughing so hard. "Hell yea that bitch tried me. I told y'all if I see anything around me while fighting I'm picking it up"  She say laughing with us. "I'm sorry ladies but the beach close at 12" the guard came up to us. "Oh we so sorry. I wasn't even checking the time" I say getting help from Paris and the guard. "It's alright. Just wanna make sure no one is at the beach at this time for safety"he say stepping back.
         "I get it" I say dusting my pants off. Walking away Melody got on her phone. "WHAT THE FUCK" Melody yelled out loud. "What" me and Paris say walking over to her. "This bitch as nigga just love for me to go off in his shit" she say showing us the phone. Looking at her phone someone took a picture of Chris getting a dance from a stripper. In the back I could see Jákaden getting a dance from a dark skin girl and Quincy all hugged up with a girl. "That ugly red bone baster" Paris say holding the phone all the way up to her fast.
         "Man let's go" I say jumping into my car. Speeding to the strip club Pairs was cussing and punching the seat. "Keep punching my goddamn seat" Melody say turning around. "My bad Mel" Paris say with a mean looking on her face. Pulling up to the strip club I could see the scared look on Jerry face. Jerry was one of the security guards. Getting out the car we all walked up to him. "Where the fuck they at Jerry" I say walking up to him. "I-I". "Stop stuttering nigga" Paris say getting in his face. "They in there"he say pointing. Walking into the strip club Paris pulled out two guns and a taser. "Give me the gun Pairs" I say snatching it out her hand.
         Giving Melody the taser we all walked through the club. Seeing them no where around we headed back to Jákaden office. Turning the doorknob it was locked. "Go get Jerry" I say through teeth. Seeing Melody run funny but I didn't laugh. This was the fastest I seen her run while she was 1/2 months. Seeing Melody come around the corner with Jerry by his ear he was still scared. "Kick this motherfucker down" I say giving him the death stare. As he kicked the door, all of our niggas was getting fucked by bitches.
         Quincy was getting head by this red bone. Jákaden was fucking Chyna. And Chris was fucking Tiffany. They all jumped as they saw us at the door. Walking over to Chyna I pistol whipped that bitch as Melody tased the Tiffany and Paris dragged the red bone girl. "What the fuck y'all doing" Jákaden say picking me up. "Get the fuck off me bitch" I say bowing him in the face. "You bitch" Chyna say coming towards me. Shooting the bitch in the leg with no hesitation I walked over there to Tiffany. "Wassup bitch" I say pistol whipping her. Beating Tiffany with the gun I looked back and show Paris doing the same to the other girl.
         Getting picked up and towed out the room I didn't put up a fight. Getting sat on my car trunk I just looked at Jákaden. "Why the fuck you did all that for Journeè"Jákaden say so calm. "I could say the same to you. Why you in there fucking that bitch. Just cause you can't fuck me because I'm pregnant doesn't mean you can go out her fucking other bitches" I say yelling in his face. "I know I know I fucked up" he say with his head down. "You damn right you fucked up" I say getting off the car. "You going home right" he say standing in the same spot. "Fuck nawl" I say seeing Melody and Paris coming out the building with Chris and Quincy chasing them. "Fuck you, you trick ass bitch. Best believe you gonna be on child support nigga" Pairs say snatching away from Quincy.
         "Get the fuck off me you just don't get it. You just got caught texting this bitch now you up in the strip club fucking this bitch" Melody say slapping Chris. "Man y'all lets go" I say tired. Getting into my car, Pairs and Melody hopped in. Pulling off the boys looked so pissed and hurt. "Aye y'all, can y'all help me pack my shit" i say looking over at Melody. "Yeah" they both said. Getting out the car I popped the trunk. Walking into the house I packed all my shit and the baby things with no hesitation. With the help from Mel and Paris I was done in no time. Putting the stuff in the truck I pulled off with Mel and Paris.
         "So where the fuck we gonna stay the night at" Paris say laying her head on the window. "Shii, y'all can come to my house. That nigga ain't coming over" Mel say rubbing her stomach. The car was silent so i knew they was thinking about what all happened. Pulling up into Mel driveway I just left my things in the car. Walking into the house I locked my car. "Y'all can go up and pick which room y'all want" Mel say walking to her room. "Goodnight girl" Paris say walking into the guest room. "Good night" I say walking into the other other room.
         Taking my clothes off I just turned the lights off and got in the bed. Not turning the tv on I just looked at the dark. I couldn't believe this nigga really did some shit like that. Like I know this not his baby but damn you gonna go out and cheat. Closing my eyes drifting off I let sleep come upon me.

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