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Journeè POV

Waking up by the kicks this little girl was give me I looked to the side and Jákaden was sleeping peacefully. Walking out the room I went down stairs to open the curtains and blinds. Putting on some music I began cooking for everyone. Since Pairs, Quincy, Melody, and Chris stayed the night I suggested to cook.
While cooking I got a text from Kahlil. Not bothering reading it I continue to cook. "Mhmm, It smells good" Paris say walking into the kitchen. " Can't believe your up" I say smiling at her. "You know if I smell food I'm getting up" she say laughing. "Can you see what Kahlil want for me" I say pointing at my phone.
"Sure" she say walking to grab my phone. As I took the bacon and sausages out the oven she being to read. "He want you to come by the house to get the rest of the baby stuff"she say putting my phone down. "Mhm" was all I could say. "He think he slick trying to get Mr.Journeè all alone" she said sitting down at the island bar.
"He ain't getting nobody alone cause you and Melody coming with me" I say turning around smile at her. "Coming where" Melody say walking down the stairs. "Kahlil texted Journeè this morning talm bout come to the house to get the rest of the baby stuff" Paris say looking at Melody. "Shiiii I'm down to go"Melody say.
"Yo ass always down to go some damn where" I say taking the biscuits out the oven. "Damn motherfucking right" she say sitting next to Paris. "Man go get y'all niggas and tell them to come eat"I say walking up the stairs to wake Jákaden up. Walking into the room Jákaden was out.
"Baby get up" I say shaking him. "Man baby I don't want to" he say rolling over. "Yo ass better get up all this food I cooked" I say walking out the room. "Food" he say jumping out the bed. Walking into the kitchen with Jákaden behind me the rest was just now fixing their food. Walking to get me some orange juice everybody was eating.
It must've been good cause they wasn't making no sound. I cooked hash browns, cheese grits, eggs, bacon, sausage, biscuits, and French toast on the side, along with coffee and orange juice. Fixing my plate while everybody was eating I looked back at them. "Well is y'all gonna talk" I say laughing.
They all busted out laughing as I sat down. "What time is it" Jákaden say looking at me. "About 10" I say putting my phone down. "Alright" He say going back to eating. "Why" I say putting a piece of bacon in my mouth. "Gotta go check on the store" he say looking at me.
After I moved in with Jákaden, him and the boys got a shoe store called Detroit Kickz. He still ran the strip club but he put one of his security guards in charge of it, so he really wasn't there a lot. I was glad he got a new business cause I didn't want him bothering me about going back to stripping.
Even though stripping was cool cause it was fast easy money, I didn't want to do it no more cause I was finna raise a daughter. "Shit I'm full" Paris say laying on Quincy shoulders. "When we heading to the store" Quincy say rubbing his stomach. "Soon as we take our shower" Jákaden say getting up. As the boys cleaned their area and put their plates in the sink they all walked upstairs to take a shower.
We had three bathrooms with showers so nobody had to wait. As the boys was upstairs us girls put our plates up. "So when we heading over to that nigga house" Paris say low. "When they leave" I say back low. Jákaden never liked when I go over Kahlil house, And I understand that. He said that I never had to get shit from him cause he got me, and I understand that to but he is the father of this baby.
Washing the dishes and dumping food in the trash I got help from my girls. As we was finish we just sat in the living room and watched tv. Watching Boyz In The Hood, they all came down and stood in front of the tv. "MAN MOVE"us girls yelled at the boys cause the love playing. "I'm not moving till my wife give me some love ain't that right Quincy and Chris" Jákaden say with his arms folded.
"Damn right" Quincy and Chris said at the same time. I got up and hugged Jákaden as he tongued me down. As Paris and Melody was hugging and kissing their man I hope this was all they wanted so I can go back to watching my movie. "I love you" Jákaden say looking me in my eyes. "I love you to baby" I say kissing him again.
After the I love you and byes we was back to watching the movie. Getting so deep into the movie my phone went off. Looking at my phone it was Kahlil. "Welp lets get ready ladies" I say getting up. Walking upstairs we all went our different ways. Doing my showering and brushing my teeth i flat-ironed my hair. Walking in the room I lotion my body down and put on my clothes.
It was cold so you know I had to dress warm. Putting my white and burgundy sweater on along with my black thick tights and my Uggs bow boots I was ready. Putting my earrings in I grabbed my jacket and wallet. Walking down stairs my girls was waiting on me. Seeing that we almost had on the same thing I grabbed my keys. "Turn the tv off for me Melody" I say opening the door.
As she did that Paris locked the door behind her. "Let's see what this nigga got planed" Paris say as we got in the car. As I started the car and backed out I knew she was right. This nigga always had something going on when he tell me to come over and get the baby stuff.

50 Minuets Later

Pulling into the driveway my babygirl started kicking like hell. "Ahhh shit girl"I say as I took the keys out the ignition. "Damn is she excited" Melody say laughing. "I hope not cause we not living here" I say as we got out the car. Walking up to the door I already didn't want to be here.
I just hope this nigga hurry the fuck up and get the shit over with cause I don't have time for the extra shit. Knocking on the door someone instead of Kahlil opened the door. "Here we go with this shit" I say turning around to Pairs and Melody.

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