28. Hate Between One Another

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Journeè POV
         Knocking on the door someone instead of Kahlil answer the door. "Here we go with this shit" I say turning around looking at Paris and Melody. "Yes" some dark skin girl say as she look at me. "Where Kahlil" I say with a attitude cause I was ready to pop a bitch. "Minding his business why" she say looking me up and down.
          "Bitch move" I say pushing her head to the side. "Ugly bitch" Paris say as she jumped at the girl. Walking into the house with Paris and Melody behind me, Kahlil was no where in site. "I'll be back y'all" I say walking up the stairs. "KAHLIL" I screamed walking to his room. "Why the fuck you yelling" he say walking out the room.
          "Keep yo dogs on a leash nigga before they get hurt" I say referring to the girl downstairs. "Chill you don't need to hurt nobody" he say walking back into the room. "I will if I have to" I say standing in the hall. "Not while you pregnant with my baby" he say looking back at me. "Nigga whatever. Where the baby stuff" I say looking around the room.
         "Damn be patient" he say walking up to me. Turning around walking away, he walked up behind me and rubbed my stomach. "Get up off me" I say pushing his hands off my stomach. "Man go into the guest room" he say still walking behind me. Walking into the guest room I see baby bottles, clothes, shoes, bibs, strollers, cribs, even outfits for when she a toddler.
          "Why you got two cribs and strollers" I say looking back at him. "So one can be here with me and one can be with you" he say as he start grabbing things. Letting him do all the work I popped the trunk. Walking back into my the house with Melody and Paris the girl was still giving me looks. "Fuck you looking at" I say looking the girl up and down.
         "You the fuck" she say walking up. "Then try some hoe" I say meeting her in the middle. As Paris walked up with me she was ready to fuck a bitch up. Since me and Melody was pregnant Paris always felt like she had to fight for us cause she didn't want us to lose our baby.
         "Aye, sit yo ass down. You don't need to be fighting nobody why you pregnant with my baby" Kahlil say walking back into the house. "Well I told you to keep yo fucking dog on a leash" I say bumping him as I walked out the house. He was done putting everything in my car so I was finna roll out. "Aye come here" He say grabbing my arms before I could get in the car.
         "What" I say snatching my arm away from him. "What I can do to get you back with me" he say licking his lips. "Nothing, but what you can do is provide for this baby when she come" I say getting in to my car. Starting my car and backing out Kahlil was just starting at me with his hands in his pants.

         Arriving back to my home Paris and Melody help me set up the baby things in her room. My baby girl had a lot of things. She was spoiled and wasn't even her yet. Her closet was packed down with clothes and shoe with the help from me, Jákaden, Kahlil, Quincy, Chris, Melody and Paris.
         Sitting down on the couch with Paris and Melody I was so tired. Closing my eyes almost getting ready go in a deep sleep, my phone went off. Looking at my phone I see I had got a text from Toya. Being that I haven't seen Toya in a couple of months we really haven't been the best of friends. Me telling Paris about Toya and what her and Quincy had going on I hope it didn't start beef.
Toya: I'm in the city for a day and i would like to know if I could come by?
Me: Sure.
         Sending Toya the address I put my phone down and closed my eyes. Just a few minutes later the doorbell ringed. " I got it" Paris say getting up. "Hey is Journeè here" Toya say with a full smile. "In here Toya" I say sitting up on the couch. Getting up I hugged Toya. "Long time no see" I say sitting back down. "Journeè you is getting so big" Toya say sitting down.
         "Yulpp she is" I say rubbing my stomach. "First I wanna say is I'm sorry for leaving without telling you" she say. "It's all good you had to do what you had to do" I shrugging my shoulders. "I know but still I'm sorry" she say looking at me. "You good Toya" I say looking back at her. "Alright" she say smiling. "Anyway how is Quincy I wanna see if I can sit down and have a talk with him about our past" she say playing with her fingers.
         "He's fine and that's not gonna happen" Paris say standing on the wall with her arms folded. "I'm sorry who you"Toya say looking up at Paris so fast. The only thing me and Melody could do was look at each other and back and forth at them. "His girlfriend" Paris say smiling as it disappeared. "Heyyy ladies" Quincy say walking into the house with the boys behind him.
         "Fuck you doing here" Quincy say with anger in his eyes. "Just wanted to stop by and catch up with Journeè" Toya say getting up gathering her things. "Yea gather yo shit and get the hell out" Quincy say walking to Paris kissing her. "You still not over that shit and still mad" Toya yelled at that Quincy. "Hell yea I'm still mad. You had a fucking abortion. That was gonna be my first born. MY FIRST FUCKING BORN MAN. And you wanna abort my child to having another niggas own. Bitch you stupid" Quincy yelled at Toya as he got in her face.
         "What the fuck was I supposed to do. I couldn't take care of the child I didn't have no money, and I didn't even have that nigga baby"she say as tears run down her face. "The baby had a fucking father so don't throw that shit at my face. You knew me and Jákaden had money like hell and could've got that baby anything it need" Quincy say still in her face. "Journeè I gotta go I'll catch up with you later" Toya say walking out the house:
         I knew Toya was hurt but I also knew Quincy was the most. "I'll be back over tomorrow" Quincy say as him and Paris walked out the house. "Damn that was some fucked up shit" Chris say shaking his head. "She didn't have to abort that man first child" Melody say getting up. "Welp we finna hit the rode y'all" Melody say hugging me and Jákaden. "See y'all later peeps" Chris say walking out the house with Melody behind him.
         "Baby why you invited her over" Jákaden say sitting next to me. "Kaden She is my old friend and she was in the city for the day so she wanted to stop by. I didn't know she was gonna ask for Quincy and I damn shol didn't know he was gonna come in" I say looking at Jákaden. "Well if you wanna meet up with her just make sure Quincy not gonna be around" Jákaden say getting off the couch and pulling me to him.
         "Let's get some rest" he say kissing me. Walking up stairs to the room I was thinking about what all happened. The part that hit me the most was that I didn't even know that Toya was pregnant and she had a abortion. Knowing me I would've been mad to cause that would've been my lil nephew or niece.
         Laying in the bed with Jákaden he was out in a minute. Playing in his hair, I was out while he was laying on my chest.

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