41. Wrong Place At the Wrong Time

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Journeè POV

           "He never can't stay in one fucking place" I say walking to my room. "Damn you just talking about me" a voice say behind me. Stopping in my tracks I froze. The voice sound so familiar and it wasn't Jákaden's. Turning around I couldn't see nothing cause it's was dark as fuck. Backing up to the light switch. I could feel the person getting closer and closer to me. Turning around trying to run I was snatched by my hair. Scared shitless I started crying. "Please noo let me go!" I begged. Getting picked up off the floor I was getting strangled to death.
           "Want to have other niggas babies now!" He screamed in my face. Now my mind was running crazy. I knew that Javion was still in jail and wouldn't get out till tomorrow, and Kahlil was mad that I was pregnant by Jákaden. Crying harder I tried so hard to move his hand around my neck. "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" I say still crying. Still getting chocked to death I was getting dizzy and everything was getting blurry. "Please sto...". Before passing out I couldn't get all the words out.

A day later

            Sitting up in the bed as looking out the slide door as the sun came in I smiled. "Mommy mommy" Kènnedy say running in the room as Jánaya ran behind her. "Hey Kenny Pooh" I say hugging and kissing her. "Hey mommy" Jánaya say getting into the bed. "Hey Naya" I say kissing and hugging her as well. "Come on mommy" they both say as they pulled me out of bed. "Wait girls" I say grabbing my robe. Putting it on I walked out the the living room with them. "Daddy have something for you mommy" Jánaya say looking up at me smiling. Looking at Jákaden while he was on one knee I started crying. "Baby stop crying, I love you so much and I want to spend the rest of my life with you and my kids baby. Please will you marry me" he say smiling at me. "Yes! Yes!" I say jumping up and down.
           Sitting up in the bed I looked around in the dark room. Looking at my stomach I can see that I was still pregnant. Getting out of the bed I couldn't see shit. "FUCK!!" I say as I hit my toe on a dresser. Turning on the light, I see that I was in a different room and it wasn't my place. "FUCK YOU DOING UP" someone yelled as they busted in the room. Looking at the person I started to tremble as my eyes stayed open the whole time.
          "FUCK YOU DOING UP" he say stepping towards me getting in my face. "Nothing I- What am I doing here" I say backing up. "Your best bet is to get back in bed, it's to fucking early in the morning and you don't want to be on my bad side" he say walking out the room. Walking behind him I didn't say nothing. "What you following me for" he say walking in his room. "Why you got me here and when you got out" I say standing in his doorway. Before getting into his bed he walked over and slammed the door in my face.
            I tried so hard to stay clam cause I knew what this man was capable of when he got mad. Walking around looking at the house it looked good. "He still got taste" I say walking around looking at the decoration. While walking around I herd keys jiggling as the door knob turned. Fast walking upstairs the door opened. Looking back I saw Jalyn. Walking back downstairs he looked at me in shocked.
"What you doing here" he say walking into the kitchen. "Why the fuck I'm here. What's wrong with your fucking brother man" I say semi yelling. "Aye listen, that's my brother and all but don't ask me why you here and why he got you here cause that's not my business. That's y'all business"he say getting a bag of chips. "Is he gonna let me leave" I say sitting down at the bar. "Didn't y'all go out before, you know how that man is" he said laughing going upstairs.
"Fuck" I say under my breath. Sitting on the couch I laid my head back. As the girls kicked I rubbed my stomach. "It's alright girls we gonna go back home" I said smiling as one tear escape my eyes. "Aye he up, you might need to go back to the room. I'm finna head to sleep though" Jalyn said standing over the balcony. "Alright" I said soft not looking up once. As I heard Jalyn door close, another door opened. Hearing footsteps I caught chills.
"AYE BYE FUCK OUTTA HERE" Javion said walking downstairs. Not saying nothing i stayed where I was. As he came over to me he pulled me by my arms. Now I was up looking him into his eyes. Walking off I accidentally bumped into him. Feeling him grab me by my hair I didn't get tensed, cause I knew it was gonna happen. "Bump me again" he say now grabbing me around my neck.
"What's your problem with me. Is you mad cause I'm not pregnant by you" I say smiling in his face. My smile went away soon as his grip got tighter. "If you want to say that shit you can. But I'm not mad at that. You don't know who you pregnant by. My fucking cousin. I should kill yo ass right here, and along with your babies"he say through his teeth. My eyes was wider then ever at the words that just got thrown at me. "I can give you my child if I want to. And only MY child can be inside you.
Nii fuck outta my face" he say pushing my face backwards. Walking upstairs I was getting pain like a bitch. "SHITT" I yelled out loud. Feeling warmness run down my legs I held my stomach. "No please, not now girls" I said bending down. "JALYN COME HERE MAN" Javion say coming over to me. "What man, OH Shit what's wrong with her" he said walking to us. "Go get her bag and meet us outside" he said picking me up.
                "AHHHHHHH, SHIT" I yelled while getting put in the car. As Jalyn come out the house and got in we was on our way to the hospital. "DRIVE THIS SHIT FASTER" I said gripping the seat. "Hold up we almost there" he said speeding.

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