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Jákaden POV

         Getting off of work I was just thinking about Journeè the whole time. Before heading back home I stoped by the store. Walking back to my car I heard my name get called out. Turning around I see Genesis. Opening the door to my car she stood in front of me. "Well hey nigga" she say rolling her neck. "Man fuck you want" I say stepping back. "You act like you don't know nobody no more. I've been in the city for a week and you already treating me dirty" she say pouting. "Listen man you not my business no more so get the fuck on" I say pushing her to the side. "What that bitch Journeè got you trapped and that hoe pregnant by you when it was supposed to be me" she say stoping me in my tracks.
         I got out my car and choked her making her gasp for air. "Keep her fucking name out of your mouth or this gonna be the last time you see this city" I say through teeth. Pushing her as I let her go I got in my car. Not giving a fuck about her I just drove to Journeè place as my music blasted loud. Thinking about what just happened that bitch had me all the way fucked up.  Genesis was one of my ex's. She was my first love at that. But all that shit went out the window when she set me up.  I knew right then I couldn't trust her.

Journeè POV

         It was four in the morning and I haven't went to sleep yet. I just been up and on my phone all night. As I hear keys jiggle as my door knob turns my heart drops. Walking to the kitchen to get a knife the door was opening. As they came in I held the knife to their chest. "GIRL WHAT THE HELL YOU DOING" Jákaden say holding his hands up in surrender. "Damn Jákaden you can't be scaring me" I say putting the knife down holding my heart. "You forgot you made me a copy of the key" he say locking the door. "I really did."
         Walking to the couch he followed me. "I know you haven't been up all night" he say staring in my soul. "Yes" I say holding my head down . "Journeè what I told you about that. That's not good and do you start work tomorrow well today at that." "I do so I'm finna go to sleep know" I say going to my room before he even said some. Climbing into bed he walked in the bathroom starting to water. Before he even got out the shower I was out.

5 hours later

    "Journeè get up" Jákaden say moving my body gently. "Alright" I say slowly getting out of bed. Looking at the clock it was 9:15. Getting up getting in the shower, I had to hurry up before it was 10. After I did my  hygiene, I neatly put a bun in my head. Walking out the bathroom Jákaden was fast asleep. Walking out the room I decided to make me a bagel. As I was making my bagel sandwich I got a text from Paris.

• On my way TO WORK. Don't be late
~ Alright

    Looking at the time it was 9:40. Grabbing my things, I locked the door and walked out the house. Walking to my car the boy who I meet when I got my apartment stoped me. "Hey" he say smiling ear to ear. "Hey Jay, I really can't talk right now, I have to make it to work make sure you catch me later though" I say hugging him and walking out to my car.
     Driving listening to music it was 9:50. I really didn't have nothing to worry about cause the hospital was really around the corner. Stopping at a red light. A Challenger pulled up beside me with loud music. Looking over it was a dark skin guy that was staring at me biting his lip. I thought it was kind of weird but I didn't pay it no mind. Pulling off when the light was green, the guy went his separate way.
    Pulling into the parking lot i saw Paris walking in. Grabbing my things and getting out the car I walked in side. Clocking in at 9:55, I looked over at Pairs and smiled. "Bout damn time you not late" she say as I sat beside her at the front desk. "I'm never late" I say as she handed me my frappe. "Yea ok" she say sipping her cappuccino. Logging into my computer I looked over at Pairs. "What" she say as she logged in. "I hate this shift" I say pouting. "Well you pregnant so that's why you on this shift" she say looking at me.
    Before I could say something a girl walked up mean mugging me. "Can I help you" I say with a stank face. "You Journeè" She say looking me up and down. "I am what you need" I say looking at her. "Imma need for you to stop fucking with my man" she say rolling her neck. "Bitch who the fuck are you" I say twisting my lip up. "I'm Genesis, and my man is Jákaden just to let you know" she say rolling her eyes.
    "Listen here darling, if you not here to see a sibling or someone you close to then you need to get the fuck on. I don't have time for the shit you supposedly be throwing. I have to work and get this check for me AND Jákaden DAUGHTERS. So get to stepping" I say looking her in the eyes hoping she understood what the fuck I said.
     "Let"..... "Bitch get the fuck on hoe we got work to do" Paris say cutting her off. She walked off stumping her feet. "Who the fuck" I say looking at Pairs. "Yeah that bitch hell" she say as we busted out laughing.

8 hours later

    "Man Paris I'll see you later" I say laughing getting into my car. This girl had me dying all day. Heading home I was feeling good and wanted to stay out longer. Pulling up to my apartment I looked out towards beach. Closing the car door I walked inside the building. "Hey Jay" I say walking to the front desk. "Damn wassup" he say walking around hugging me. "You been gone all day I missed you" he say bitting his lips. "I've been working" I say smiling. "Well go on up to your place and get some rest" he say kissing cheeks.
     Walking up to my apartment I smelled weed soon as I stepped in. "Jákaden What the fuck. I told you about smoking in here" I say slamming the door. "I'm sorry baby" he say stoping the game and going to get the air fresheners. "This boy is something else" I say putting my things down.


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