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Journeè POV
4 weeks later

It was four weeks later after my baby shower and it will be a couple more days before I'll be 9 months. I'm so ready to go in to labor cause these little girls been giving me heart burns lately. Laying down in my bed I just stared at the wall. Thinking about my babies they started kicking so aggressively. "If y'all don't calm y'all asses down" I say rubbing my stomach. Soon as they stoped kicking Jákaden walked in the room. "Where you been" I say grabbing my phone.
"Chillin with the boys really" he say laying down. "Don't you have a house". "I do but until you move back in with me I will be staying here" he say closing his eyes. "Mhmm" I say looking at a message that I got from a unknown number. "You need to tell yo lil friend to stop texting my number with that my man shit. And if she come up to my job one more time all hell gonna break lose" I say getting up walking out the room. "Who the hell you talking about" he say following me.
"That Genesis bitch. Let that hoe come for me one more time" I say getting into his face. "Aye you better calm yo ass down and watch who you talking to"He say walking back to the room. I didn't mean to flip out on him but this bitch was trying me and I couldn't wait to get to her. All my emotions was starting to come out since I was close to having my babies. Walking back up to the room I started my water for my bubble bath.
"Ayee, I'll be back" Jákaden say walking past me. Not saying nothing I just took my robe off and grabbed my phone. Walking to the bathroom I turned my speaker on playing Down South by Kodak. As getting in to the tub my phone was going off. Answering it with out looking at the caller ID, jay face popped up on the screen. Looking at his shirtless self I adjusted my phone so only my face could be in the screen.
"What jay" I say smiling. "Damn that's how you answer your phone" he say smiling with his grills showing and smoke coming out at the same time. "Heyyy jay" I say being extra. "That's better" he say smiling. "What are you doing" I say looking at the background. "In my man cave chillin" he say smoking a blunt. "Should you be at work". "Nahh I can quit that if I want to, look at this house babygirl you think that job paying me enough for this" he say flipping the camera.
"Nahh" I say laughing. "That's just my side job so I won't be in the streets a lot. But I'm a drug lord babygirl" he say smoking. "I see" I say playing with the bubbles. "I know yo ass ain't on the toilet FaceTiming me" he say with one of his eyebrows raised. "Nooo" I say laughing flipping the camera. "Ohhh Ight. But that's my song right there, you here it in the back" he say pointing to the back. I turned the music down as I heard the same song playing.
         "What you doing playing my song" I say turning the music back up. "That's my song. When I'm thinking about you that's what I play"he say smiling. "Yea I bet" I say smiling back. "You need yo hurry up and get outta that tub and come see me" he say blowing out smoke. "Well let me get out." "Alright call me when you done. Hanging up the phone I scrubbed my body with the candy apple bubbles for a good minute then got out.
         Walking out the bathroom I dried off and put lotion on. Putting on my dashiki shirt, blue jeans and jays, I rubbed my stomach cause it was looking so cute with shirt. Walking in the bathroom to did my hair. I was looking good with this pregnancy thing.

         Grabbing my phone and my purse I walked out the room

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         Grabbing my phone and my purse I walked out the room. Grabbing my keys off the counter I was heading out the door. As locking the door I was calling Jákaden to let him know I was heading out. As the first ring began he sent me to voicemail. I didn't feel no type of way I just called Jay instead. Walking to my car Jay picked up on the first ring. "Where you at" I say getting ready to open the door. Dropping my keys and purse as some one picked me up I started screaming.
         "Calm down ma chill" Jay said laughing as he put me down. "Jay don't do that" I say holding my stomach. "I'm sorry mama" he say picking up my keys and purse. "You good" I say still holding my stomach. "Nahh is you good" he say handing me  my purse and not my keys. "Yes" I say reaching for my keys. "Nahh my let me drive" he say walking me around to the other side of the car. Opening the door for me I got in. As he got in the car he started laughing. I already know what he was laughing at so I just flicked him off.
         "Nahh you can't do that yet you pregnant remember" be say pulling off. "Shut up. Anyway where we going" I say change the music. When Down South by Kodak came on we both looked at each other. We bust out laughing as we came to a red light. "Mhmm" I said smiling. "Yea Mhm" he said as he pulled off. "Where we going" I say scrolling on my phone. "We finna go on a river walk then the movies then we might get something to eat knowing you. "That's alright to me" I say smiling.
         Getting out the car it was nice. It was warm not to hot, people walking with bathing suits and trunks, people sitting on benches and talking it was nice. "Sooo, What you been up to" Jay say as we start walking. "Nothing much just waiting to have these girls pretty much" I say looking out towards the water. "Matter of fact how my girls like there gifts" he say putting his arm around me. "How they gonna like it and they didn't see it" I say laughing. "You right" he say pulling me closer to him.
         "You looking good by the way" he say looking me in my eyes bitting his lips. "Thank you, you look good to" i say looking back at him. He had on a blue polo shirt with the red logo, light jeans, and blue jays. "Hey, I just wanted to say you guys look so cute together and congrats on y'all baby" this random girl came up to us. "Thank you" Jay said before I could even say something. "Thank you for speaking for me" I say sarcastically.
         "You welcome"he say smiling at me. We enjoyed our walk as it was getting darker.

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