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Journeè POV

     Turning around slowly, I didn't know what to do. Already knowing who it is I didn't know what to do. "Yea, go ahead and turn around" he said. I stayed turned around not listening to what he said. I felt him grabbed me and tuned me around to him. Now I was facing him scared shitless. "So you a stripper now, maybe you can come strip for me at my place. Or I can just strip you my self" he said stepping closer to me leaving me no space to move. "Javion get off of me" I say struggling to push him off me. He then grabbed me around my neck strangling me to death. He kissed me aggressively till he wanted to stop.
     He backed away from me not saying nothing. "Till next time babygirl" he said walking off smiling. I got in my car locking all the doors just in case he try to come back. I began to cry wondering why is he doing this to me, why he keep following me and threatening me. Starting my car ready to go home to a safe place, I never counted how much money I had. All I was really worried about was getting home to Kahlil.
45 mins
       Pulling into the yard never getting out I counted my money for the first time. As counting my money I see a car passing by me for the fifth time this night. Where ever I go I always see this car. I paid it no mind figuring it was a person lost in the neighborhood. As going back to counting my money I see the car headlights, this time there pulling into my driveway. Putting all the money in my purse, I start looking in the car for protection. As I'm looking for protection I hear a knock on the window. Praying to god that it wasn't Javion, I turned around slowly. Seeing  who the person was I sighed in relief. Getting out I was pushed against the car getting kissed aggressively. "Money, What are you doing" I said pushing him away from me. "Kissing you what you think" He said looking at me with the duh face. Seeing that Khalil wasn't home, I hope that he didn't pull up while Money is here. "Money you gotta go"I said getting my purse. "Why I gotta go" he said as he grabbed my waist. "Cause you just have to" I said slapping his hands off of me. "Well, alright I guess I'll text you then"he said grabbing my face smiling. I didn't say nothing, just watched him walk off instead.
     Before Money pulled off 5 mins later Kahlil pulled into the driveway . Looking up to the sky saying thank you to god, I walked to his car meeting him. "Hey baby" I said hugging him as he got out the car. "Damn baby you haven't been home all day. It's damn there 12" he said as hugging me back. "I'm sorry baby, while I was out with Toya I didn't even pay attention to the time" I said stepping away from him. "Mhm, well check the time when you go back out with her. Daddy be missing you" he said grabbing my hand as walking to the door.
Walking into the house I went straight to the bathroom as Kahlil sat on the couch to turn on the tv. Going into the bathroom I locked the door before pulling out the money. Counting the rest if my money. I had about $70. Smiling looking at the money, I knew this job was gonna be a fit for me. I tied the money up hurrying out the bathroom before Kahlil would come and see. Putting the money in my purse, I seen the two piece. "SHIT" i said under my breath. Not knowing what to do with the two piece i hear Kahlil coming up the stairs. Throwing the two piece back into my purse and sitting it on the night stand, I began to look for sleeping clothes. "You coming back down here with me or you staying up here"Kahlil said hugging me from behind.
"Yes baby I'll be down there" I said turning face to face with him. Kahlil goes back down stairs as I put my hands on my head not knowing what the fuck to do with the two piece. Deciding to just leave it in my purse, I began to get out my sleeping clothes. Running in the bathroom to take a 35 min shower just in case Kahlil came back up I jumped in immediately. Scrubbing all the kisses and the dirtiness and the lies off me I hopped out the shower. Walking into the room I see Kahlil sitting on the bed. My heart dropped to the floor hopping he didn't know nothing about the stripping job. He just stares at me as I walk in the room. "Mann is you gonna come down there or what" the says picking me up throwing me on the bed.
"Alright, alright let me get dressed"I said laughing. "Don't make me come up here again" he said getting off me. Hurrying to get dressed I was wondering if he saw the two piece but just didn't say nothing. As I walked out the room I was so nervous to go down there. Thinking all kinds of bad things in my head, I felt sick in the stomach. "What are you watching" I say sitting down next to him. "ESPN" he said not taking his eyes off the screen. "Oh no"I said getting back up. "Where you going" he said grabbing me pulling me into his lap. "I don't wanna watch this shit."
"Well what you want to watch" he said kissing me on my neck. "POETIC JUSTICE" I said jumping up and down. "Ok ok." Putting on Poetic Justice Kahlil was out in five mins. "What the fuck Kahlil" I said looking at him. Not shaking him I decided to let him sleep. Deep into the movie my phone goes off with a text message.
Money: Wassup baby
Me: Listen Money I'm not your baby. The only thing we can be is friends.
Money: Yea we can be friends aright. What you doing tomorrow tho.
Me: Nothing that I got planned.
Money : Good it's a date.
Me: Bye Money.

Putting my phone down I wonder why Money so into me. Even the first time I came to the job he was flirting with me. And the second time he tried to fuck me. Not worrying about it I just went back to watching the movie.

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