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Journeè POV

         Laughing softly while the girls was sleep, there was a car in the driveway. "Who that" I say looking at him confused. "My ex Genesis. Don't pay her no mind" he say pulling up. Looking at my phone Jákaden was calling me.
Me: Yes
Kaden: What you doing
Me: Me of course
Kaden: Man bring my kids by
After he said that he hung up. As Jay and his ex talked, she looked at me with a death stare. Getting out the car she walked up to me. "Why you always taking my niggas bitch" she say. "If they where so called your niggas why they fucking with me. Stay in a ex place" I say walking past her. Running inside to get my keys Genesis and Jay was fussing,
Putting the kids in the car and buckling them up Jay helped me put their bags in the car. "Where you finna head at" he say getting annoyed by Genesis presents. "Jákaden want to see the kids" I say getting in the car. "Oh ok bring yo ass back to" he say kissing me. "I will and make sure she gone. Don't want to bop a bitch"I say driving off.

40 minuets later

"So you just gonna stay on your phone the whole damn time" I say snatching his phone. Me and the kids been over here for a decent time and the only thing he been doing was typing on his phone. "If you don't give me my phone fuck wrong with you" he say snatching it back. "Didn't you want yo see the kids? Spend fucking time with them instead of texting that rat ass hoe" I say standing up getting in his face.
            "I supposed to be scared cause you standing up" he say getting up hovering over my short body. "All I want you to do is spend time with them. Ain't that's why you called me" I say still in his face. "Man listen I see them" He say sitting down. "Why I even bother fucking coming over. You ain't shit just like that bitch you fucking with.
             I gave you your first fucking child nigga and this how you fucking act. Are you serious my nigga. I swear I'm done with you" I say letting all my frustration out. "Bitch who the fuck you talking to" He say getting in my face. "I'm talking to you" I say as getting a slap to the face. "You letting that nigga Jay get in yo head. Yea I know you fucking with him. Let me find out he fucking something that belongs to me" he say standing over me.
             Getting up not saying nothing I walked over to the couch to get the girls bags. "Fuck you going" Jákaden say walking up behind me. "Kaden please move" I say tasting the blood in my mouth. "Where the fuck you going" He say knocking the bags out my hand. "Kaden back the fuck up" I say turning face to face to him. "Do some" he say looking at me. Next thing you know we was fist fighting in the living room.

20 minuets later

Sitting in the living room while the girls was sleeping he just stared at me. Holding a rag to my lips he was holding one to his head. We both had scratches in our faces and busted lips. As he got up and went to the back I got the my things and the girls things together. He walked back out but this time he didn't stop me. Picking the car seats up I was heading out the door. Not saying nothing he closed the door behind me and locked it.
Walking to my car my head was pounding. Getting the girls situated I got in the car and drove off. While driving I looked at the time on the radio and seen it was 11:44. Coming to a stop light I checked on the girls. "You girls always sleep" I say out loud but lowly. Driving off in the silence I was just thinking. Pulling up in to the driveway all the lights was off except for the tv.
Getting the girls and the bags out I walked to the door struggling. "Damn baby why you didn't blow the horn or some" Jay say running out the door. "I'm sorry" I say as he grabbed the car seats. Getting settled in the house the girls was still sleep. "Can you wash down the girls tonight I'm tired" I say to Jay. "Yeaa" he say slowly as he looked at my face.
As I walked in the room I stripped. Getting in the bed I thought about life. My life was really fucked up. I didn't finish school, got pregnant at a early age, and got beaten on. Sitting in the bed I just cried. Walking to my purse I got out a blade as I walked to the bathroom. Sitting in the floor I started making T shapes on my wrist. Digging in my skin, I took the pain.
" Aye the girls.. YO WHAT THE FUCK YOU DOING" Jay say running over to me. "Jay I'm tired. I can't do this no more. Life ain't shit to me right now" I say crying. "But you don't have to do this. You could've came to me" he say taking the blade. "I know. I'm just tired and want to get the fuck away from Detroit. Ain't shit here for me" I cried harder and harder.
"We can always move that ain't nothing. Just please stop doing this to yourself" he say picking me up as he carried me to the bed. "Jay I'm tired. I've been going through this all my life"I say as a tear escape my eye. "Well listen you don't have to worry about that no more cause you got me a your beautiful girls"he say laying beside me. "When can we move" I say looking up to him. "Whenever you want and wherever you want it doesn't matter to me" he say kissing my head. Next thing you know I was out in his arms.

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