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Journeè POV

There he stood Javion, the one person I thought I'll never see again. I start to think about all the times he beat me and threaten to kill me. That day when I found out he went to jail was the happiest day of my life. I don't know what that nigga went to jail for but if you ask me I didn't care, I was just glad he was out my life. Now the worst day came. He just standing there staring at me looking me up and down. I start to feel more and more uncomfortable so I tapped Toya shoulder and told her I want to go to another store. "Whyyyy I didn't find a outfit yet" Toya said whinnying. Let's go I said pulling her arm and rush out of the store. "Man what you do that for" Toya looked at me crazy. Javion was in there and I needed to get out fast. "J- Javion that nigga in jail what you talking about" Toya said with a nervous chuckle. I know Toya scared of Javion I would to if he ever said he'll watch me suffer in pain as he cut my body in pieces. This nigga was mad crazy, I really don't see how I ended up with him. "Yes he is now let's go"! We walked into Belk's. Belk's really not Toya style but I don't give a fuck just as long as I'm way from that nigga. "What we doing in here, you know I don't do this" Toya said with a stank face. Alright alright man come on I said frustrated and scared all in one. Toya walked out first leaving me behind. I try my hardest trying to find her but instead I get pulled by my arms. "Wassup baby"Javion say with his deep voice sending chills to my body. H-Hey ummmmm Javion. "Sound like you don't miss me" Javion said with a smile. I don't nigga I said in my head scared to say it out loud cause I don't wanna get hit. "What you been up to" Javion said. Nothing I gotta go I said trying to leave. Javion started laughing hard. "You must forgot who I am girl don't play with me, you don't want that pass to be brought up" he said smiling then to a straight face. I satarted shaking cause I was back in this damn situation again. "Wanna go for a walk" he said looking deep inside me. I- I can't right now I have something thing to do I said telling a lie. He just stared at me with his veins popping out of his neck and forehead. That happens every time he starts to get mad and knows that I'm lying. I just start walking back slowly and turned to walk off. When I felt his hands griped me hard it brought back so many memories. "It's not over I'll find you another day and your coming back with me, don't get scared now babygirl this time gonna be worst" he said in my ear. I snatched away from him walking fast trying to find Toya. I found her in the toy store. For what I don't know she acts like a lil kid to me. I walked in the store and dragged her out. How the fuck you gonna leave me knowing this nigga is near me, I said with anger in me. "I'm sorry, I was just scared"she said so calm. I didn't say nothing. She followed me back to her car. The whole ride was silent and I didn't give a fuck. 20 mins later she pulled into my driveway, before she could even stop the car I opened the door and got out. I bust in the house door with no one home. I head towards my room while looking at my phone to see if Kahlil texted me back yet. Me being pissed off that he didn't, I just laid in my bed just thinking what the fuck just happened.

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