Joyner Inc.

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K'aori's Pov

"What do you think of the idea Ms.Joyner?"

I was distracted sitting in the business room of my company, Joyner inc.. We were currently discussing the next move we'd planned to make to continue to expand our already, fairly large business. Our company consisted of everything from, clothing lines, to toys, shoes, jewelry, housing decorations and now our next move targeted children. 

I tapped my pin on the table, shuffling through papers zoned out as everyone pitched their different ideas for moving the company forward.

"Ma'am, if you look here." Connie Mitchell, my head of ideas, placed a poster board decorated with our company's expansion for everyone to see. "If our primary targets for this next move include children's books and schooling supplies, we could skyrocket! Our income would be bigger than any year we've ever had."

Almost as if I didn't hear her, I continued tapping my pin, staring at the board that looked more like a colorful road map than business plans.

"Kai." I looked over to see my best friend and executive assistant Toni laughing silently.


"Girl are you good?"

"Yeah," I answered chuckling.

"Well honey, Ms. Connie has been asking the same question for like two minutes and its starting to get on my last nerve."

I looked back at Connie whos face was red as she stared directly at me, awaiting a response.

"That's sounds good." I nodded.

"Did you make sure to track the statistics well into the future?" Toni chimed in. 

"Yes, ma'am. I made sure to look into it over several years with the current hypothesized income rate."

"So is this really the next step we're taking?"  another department manager asked.

"I suppose it is,"I said standing up collecting my papers. "We're purchasing that small publishing company a few blocks down and start there. With the money, we'll have the perfect opportunity to provide people with more jobs with better income."

"Nicely said. Not only will we benefit from it, but we can bring back to the community." Toni nodded in approval.

"Will this really benefit us?!" Daniel, my head of finances, protested. "I mean, financially? A publishing company?"

"I don't see why it wouldn't. Connie just stated that it would be one of our greatest investments financially, didn't she?"

"Yes, but, I the long long run? As your head of finance, I recommend that you think about this a little longer Kai."

"She said what she said. End of discussion," Toni pointed her pin at him menacingly. 

"And if it doesn't work out, it's not that big of a loss Daniel, this is not a million dollar investment."

"I understand bu-"

"I said what I said. We leave in ten."

My driver pulled up at the small, dull looking building with the words Fishers Publishing. The red paint was faded along with the dirty off-white that covered the building. I'd honestly never even heard of this business till recently when I was looking for a small enough company to buy out.

"Kai, you're kidding right" What in the hell is this?"

"Girl, I do not know." I shook my head in disbelief.

"Ms. Joyner, this looks nothing like the building we saw in the picture." Connie looked horrified.

"Well, let's not judge a book by its cover. Nothing a little construction cant fix."

"Construction and a prayer," Toni laughed.

Inside, we were greeted by a very plain receptionist who lead us down a hallway, smiling and talking rapidly. 

"...and that's why I enjoy working in this place so much! I'm sure you'll love it as well..."

I tuned her out, taking notice of the building on the inside. It wasn't nearly as bad as it appeared on the outside but, the inside was no prize itself. The walls were white, almost like a hospital, with ugly painting placed on the walls. She continued to lead us, walking us through, what I assumed to be the work area for the lower ranked employees. 

"Mr. Smith is actually gonna meet here to give you a tour." the receptionist giggled. "He should be here in a mo-"

"Hello!" A man on the bigger side walked up to us, arms opened. He embraced Daniel, kissing both his cheeks. "Mr. Kai Joyner! Thank you for being here!"

It took everything in my power to keep me from laughing hysterically.

"Hello?" I cleared my throat, extending my hand for him to shake. The man looked utterly confused. "Nice to meet you, Mr. Smith, I am Kai Joyner."

"Oh." He apologized to Daniel quickly and turned his attention to me. "My apologies, I didn't know that you'd be.."

"Female? Well, yes. I am K'aori or as you might know me as Kai Joyner. I own Joyner incorporated and I am the one you will be speaking with about the purchase. Now, if we could get this started? I am on a schedule."

"O-of course," he stuttered. "If you don't m- mind, ill be giving a tour?"

"Are you unsure of the plans? You invited us here without any idea of what you are doing? I understand that this is your first business however, Mr. Smith, I am a long time business woman and id like to keep this prompt and professional. 

"N- no, I understand completely. Let us begin."

He began to lead us through the building in the same manner as the receptionist had earlier. Suddenly, my eyes caught sight of someone I recognized. He sat at a dest clearly too small for him sorting through stacks of paper. His hair was a dark brown, nearly black and even from where I stood, I could see his piercing forest green eyes. He looked frustrated trying to position his long legs under the small desk attempting to get comfortable. 

"Do you know him?" Connie had apparently noticed I was distracted.

"Isn't that the idiot that spilled the apple Martinie on you last night?" Toni squinted her eyes trying to remember.

Then it hit me. "Oh my god, it is!" I whispered loudly. It was, in fact, the moron who'd ruined my favorite white party dress.

As if he'd heard, he looked up, locking eyes with me.

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