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Lucas' Pov

A sigh involuntarily escaped my lips as I shut the door to her office. I closed my eyes, slumping down, imagining so many things I could've done differently. There were so many things I could've said. So many thoughts I could have made her think. I wanted to be on her mind all day.

I walked into the bathroom splashing water on my face trying desperately to recover. I didn't even know what had come over me, it happened so quick. One minute I was in her office having a normal conversation and the next, I was ready to fuck her so brutally that she'd have to call in sick the next day. I knew without a doubt, that in that moment, I wanted her more than I've ever wanted anyone or anything for that matter. I stared into the mirror shaking my head with a grin.

Ah, James, you're way in over your head this time.

After a few minutes, I walked out feeling much better. I headed back to my desk where I saw Ahmed looking around nervously.

"Whats up man?" I nodded at him, adjusting myself back into my seat.

"I'm just waiting for my turn," he wiped the sweat from his forehead breathing kind of hard.

"You alright man?"

"I'm just scared my interviewer won't like me. You know how that can be. I really genuinely enjoy working here."

"Who have you got? Cant be worse than getting who I got."

But that was the best interview I've ever had.

"I got the very beautiful, very intimidating, melanated queen over there," his eyes darted to the woman I saw with K'aori the day I spilled water on her.

"Ah, well, you'll do fine," I placed a hand on his shoulder, "people probably tell you this a lot but, just be yourself. Talk about how much you enjoy politics. Really be you, they want innovative people in here."

"Thanks, man."

I grinned, turning back to my desk and beginning to work on the new stacks of paper I've been given.

It was the same old stuff, looking for conspiracy theories, finding pictures, throwing away old articles, looking for old articles that were filed away, whatever people requested to see, I had to organize it and the people who worked in the back filed it away, this included digital paper as well.

After what seemed like an hour, the receptionist, whose name I learned was Stacy, this morning, approached me, placing a green post it on my desk.

"Whats this?"

"Apparently everyone who will be staying is getting one."

"Oh nice, did you do yours yet?"

"I'm going in a few minutes. I get to interview with Mrs. Joyner!" she squealed, "I'm glad too because I have a feeling she likes me anyhow."

I nodded with a light chuckle.

"Once we're all accepted, the office should have a bit of a celebration."

"Oh definitely, I think that's a great idea."

She smiled, walking off to continue what she was doing.

After hours had passed, it was finally time for me to go home. I packed my stuff as slowly as I could hoping to see K'aori on my way out. To my luck, she was heading out the same time as I was.

"Hey there Ms. Joyner!" I caught her at the door, smiling and holding it open for her.

"Hi." she managed a tight-lipped smile, keeping her voice as blunt as possible.

"Glad to know I get to stay." I waved the green post-it in front of her with a chuckle.

"Well, I think you're an important asset to this company."

"Really?" I grinned, helping her with her bags as we headed to her car, "or maybe you just like me."

She tired her best to conceal her now visible smile. "Maybe."

I continued to follow her, looking up at the now deep blue sky. I noticed little stars making their appearance and a glimmer of the moon which was being hidden by a small cloud. I took a deep breath taking in the nice air, it was rejuvenating after being inside for so long.

"Well.." we were stopped in front of her black 300.

"Woah, nice ride," I said opening the door for her.

"I do my best."

Once she was inside with her bags secure, I closed her door watching as she started it up and rolled down her windows.

"Well, ill see you tomorrow?" she asked it more like a question rather than a statement.

"For sure." I laughed softly. 

She smiled once more before driving off. I headed to the bus stop knowing that id missed my ride, but, it was worth it.

Spending time with her was worth it. 

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