"Nothing Is changing"

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Lucas Pov.

I couldn't help but feel irritated even though id played it off like it was nothing.
I didn't understand why she couldn't just tell me what the hell was happening. Id been a witness of something absolutely crazy and she couldn't even bother with telling me what the hell had happened.

I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath before heading back to my desk where Ahmed and a few new recruits sat chatting amongst each other.

"What did you need to talk to the big boss about?" Ahmed stopped his conversation with one of the newbies.

"Nothing really. Just work stuff."

"Trying for a higher position?".

"No but maybe I should. That sure as hell would help the bills get payed."

Besides, what a perfect way to use my favor.

"Defiantly am with you on that. The bills aren't gonna pay themselves."

Suddenly a sweet feminine scent touched my nostrils, a beautiful young lady who looked to be about the same age as myself, walked past us. Her tan skin glowing in the the white light coming from the window. Her dark red hair swaying side to side and she stutter past us. I nearly lost my composure as I saw Ahmed's mouth drop open like a spring highschool boy.

"Who is that?"

He shook his head. "I have no clue but, I hope she gets to work in this department."

"Same here," we both broke out in laughter.

🌙.                   🌙.                    🌙. 
"Alright everyone listen up," K'aori was standing in front of the office holding a stack of papers.  "By now, everyone should realize that they have been kept in the company. Now that that's understood, we can move e to the changes in job roles."

"Did you know this was happening?" One of the newer employees leaned over to me.

"Nope. No idea."

"Basically, everyone here who was a paper organizer will now be either upgraded to writer or editor depending on your skill which will be determined by this test." Toni, K'aori's friend began to pass out the papers that They'd been holding.

"The basic reasons for these changes is, it's come to my understanding that most of you only worked here in the first place in order to move up and now you've been given the opportunity. On top of that, we are in need of writer's and editors for these children's books. Any objections, see me in my office."

Is she doing this for...

I smiled, holding my face in my palms. She was subliminally apologizing to me.

"Now, you all may began the test. Where you're done just hand them to Daniel over there at the reception desk." Toni motioned over to an older man who sat at the entrance of the building. "Good luck."

I was relieved when the day had once again ended. I never knew that work could feel so much like being back in school.

"How do you think you did?" I turned around startled to see just the person I'd been thinking about all day.

"Hello there Ms. Joyner."

"Are you catching the bus home again?"

"Why?" I smirked.

"I'm just wondering. It's supposed to rain soon."

"Wow, it almost sounds like you care."

"Well, I wouldn't want you getting sick is all."

I followed her to her car where I slid in the passengers seat once again. This time it was a Porsche she was driving which made me wonder how often she switched cars.

"Before I take you home, we should go grab a bite to eat or something.."

I could detect the slightest bit of hesitation in her voice before it was masked again with unwarranted irritation.

"Or I can just not waste my time if you aren't going to answer."

"Is apologizing not an easy thing for you?' I chuckled, pissing her off more.

"I just don't know what else to do. I feel horrible about making you witness what you did then refusing to say what happened. I know how frustrating that must be for you too and it's not my intention... I just...I don't want you to think anything bad of me..I want us to remain how we were."

"I'm not the one who was changing up, Kai, that was you. What I saw the other night was admittedly disgusting and something that I wish I could unsee but, it didn't take away my attraction for you and it's not gonna change anything. If you don't wanna tel me the situation, I understand okay? I'm not gonna push it. Just don't treat me differently."

She nodded. I watched her face soften as she took in my words completely.

Nothing is gonna change between us. Have your secrets and I'll have mine, we're separate people.

"Anyways, I recall asking to take you out but I guess grabbing something to eat will work for now. What were you thinking?"

"Something simple, maybe Olive Garden?'

"Wow, simple she says.."

She broke out in the cutest fit of giggles id ever seen.

"It is simple, for me. Don't worry, I'll treat you." She winked, absolutely obliterating my masculinity.

"I guess," I sighed trying to hide my smile.

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