Shes Gone

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K'aori's pov

I sat in my office in bliss which was something that was a rarity at work. I had a meeting in a few hours and I just knew in my heart and soul that I was not in the mood. I missed Lucas who now worked on the second floor in publishing. I had given him and a few others a promotion so that it would be fair. He tried to decline at first but, looking at how nice that second floor was, he couldn't keep saying no for long.

"Kai, the meeting is about to start." Toni walked in, hands crossed over her chest, face on full attitude mode.

"Yes, yes, I'm coming."

"Mhm" she smiled. "This is gonna be a show. Apparently Daniel has some new idea to pitch."

"Another one?" I groaned slightly annoyed.

"Yes and some people have complaints about the recent promotion."

"Fire them" I sighed.

She just laughed, extending her hand to lead me out into the hall and towards the meeting room.

"So you see, I was thinking we should only promote strictly children's books rather than children's books and young adult books. Keep in a narrow demographic." Daniel was standing at the front of the room with a white board laying out his plan for Joyner inc.'s publishing project.

"No," my response was simple, blunt, annoyed.

"But Kai, think about it..."

"I did, the answer is no. Why should we keep to such a small demographic when there are so many young adults who equally enjoy reading. Woth that being said, it should be obvious that we would make three times the profit with kids and teens as our Target audience."

He stood there silently with nothing more to contribute. I'd shut anything else he wanted to add, down without even the slightest hesitation.

"Who's next?" I checked the clock behind me praying that we were nearly done but, we weren't even a half an hour in.

At last, the meeting was finished. Everyone had ideas and it was a pretty good vibe after Daniel was done. I didn't have time to dwell on it though, I had to make sure everything with Marshall was going alright. Claire should've been back at my house by now so I was ready to leave. I needed her to have done exactly as I had told her before. As I headed out the door, I was stopped by an upset Daniel, his blonde locks pushed into his face and skin as red as a strawberry.

"Ms. Joyner, if I could have a minute!"

"You had fifteen back during the meeting."

"You're making a mistake by rejecting my idea!" He shouted at me. I never realized how almost intimidating he was.

"Oh?" I placed my hand on my hip, leaning over slightly so I was propped up against the wall. "You think so?"

"You haven't been making rational decisions since you started fucking around with him!"

I watched his eyes glance in Lucas' direction. He looked lovely, completely focused on his work but a look of ease on his face as he glided the pen across the paper and transferred ideas onto his laptop. He was so beautiful.

"What I choose to do with my employees isn't really any of your concern, is it?"

"It's unprofessional!" He snapped.

"I don't care. Now, get out of my way or you will find yourself without a job!"

"You can't do that bitch!"

I raised my brow a bit taken aback. He must've been in his high horse today.

"The hell I can't!" I snapped back. "I don't wanna see you here tomorrow. If you would like to work for this company again you may apply online or at a local Branch."

"You- you cant?!"

"I did." Pushing past him, I walked out and back to my car. My plan was originally to go home but, I needed a breather first. He had lost his entire mind.

Later that evening, I returned home in pure Bliss. I'd gotten my nails done, hair trimmed and styled, and my car got a wash. I was good.

"Welcome back Kai," my Butler opened the door and bowed. He was so old-time.

"Hello Henry, how was your day!"

"Quite productive."

"Oh yeah?" I asked placing my purse on the table. "That's good. Do you know if Claire arrived?"

"Claire? Ma'am?" He looked slightly confused.

"Yes, she was supposed to be here."

"She did stop by but then she said something about going back to her apartment."

"She did?" I was irritated now, I gave her very clear instructions. If she wasn't gonna come here, she was supposed to turn herself in, but, if she had, Marshall would've called.

"Okay, I'll be back," I grabbed my purse again and headed back into my car. This girl was horrible at doing as I said.

In less than twenty minutes, I was parked in her driveway blowing her phone up. Call after call and no answer. I didn't want anyone to see me in her complex but, I had to go up.

Grabbing a coat I had in the back and an umbrella, I headed up about three flights of stairs and onto the third floor where her apartment was located. When I got there, the door was already open.

That's odd.

Claire didn't live in the kind of area where you could just leave your door unlocked.

Remaining cautious, I walked inside as quietly as I could. Stuff was thrown on the ground and all over the place, glass was shattered on the kitchen floor, it looked like she'd been robbed.

Slowly, but as quickly as I could, I made my way to her room. The door was closed but not locked and the sweet, sticky smell of blood touched my nose.

Now I was panicked, without even thinking about it, I kicked down the door but, it was far too late.

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