Dinner Date

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K'aori's Pov

I hadn't been really expecting the persistence he'd been giving. I was sure that after the situation a La Push, he'd certainly stop talking to me but, no. It almost seemed like he was more interested.

Especially today.

I had been thinking about what happened during his interview all day. The way his eyes had changed so quickly, the way his voice became rough...

I tried to dismiss the thoughts feeling embarrassed that something so little had turned me on so much. It made me even more upset with him for being the cause.

I slowed to a stop at a red light, lightly tapping my fingers on the steering wheel as I hummed to a song playing on the radio. Ahead of me, I noticed a man who strongly resembled Lucas walking towards the bus stop. I closed my eyes taking a deep breath, praying that I wouldn't severely regret what I was about to do.

As soon as the light turned green, I flipped a U-turn, pulling over, and rolling down the window. I watched his face light up as a smile made it's way to his lips.

Why am I doing this?!

"Need a ride?"

"I don't mind catching the bus. Honestly."

"Don't be silly," I waved a hand dismissing him.

"Are you sure? It might be out of your way."

"Look, don't worry about it. I'm offering aren't I?"

"I guess so," he said, opening the passenger door and sliding in.

"So,"I grabbed my phone, opening my GPS, " where to?"

"Here," he grabbed my phone and proceeded to put in his address quickly enough for me to not become impatient.

"You're right," I snarled "it is out of my way."

"Had a feeling it would be."

We drove in silence now. He seemed to be focused on whatever was on his phone and I had no intention of stating up a conversation, however, I was slightly upset that he hadn't made an attempt.

After about 20 minutes, I pulled up at a rather large apartment complex.

"Here I am." He smiled.

"Yep, I guess."

"You should come in, let me thank you for the ride." He gazed into my eyes with his forest like ones. I looked away in an attempt to not be mesmerized by them.

"No, it's really okay."

"Let me make you dinner. Please?"

The way he asked made my heart jump, there was no way I could say no. No way.

I cut off by car, turning to him with the most serious face I could muster.

"Just for a bit. I hope you can cook as well as you can convince people to do what you want."

He gasped dramatically.

"Me? I'm innocent." he chuckled softly.

The inside of his apartment was warm. It was the first thing I had noticed besides the sweet smell of lavender that had made it's way to my nose instantly relaxing me. There were unpacked boxes everywhere probably untouched since he had been working so much. I followed him into the kitchen that had an open bar so you could peer out into the living room, it was much smaller than that I was used to but, it was cute, to say the least.

"Where do you keep your dishes?" I asked, noticing he had no visible dishes around.

"Well they're in a box somewhere, I haven't gotten a chance to unpack so I haven't cooked for a minute."

"What have you been eating?" I sat down resting my head in the palms of my hands.

"Take out. Let me tell you, that shits horrible when you eat it too much."

I laughed, watching him rummage through boxes until he finally rattled one that sounded like a bunch of pots. After that, he disappeared into his pantry reappearing with two boxes, one wheat spaghetti noodles, and the other, linguini. He set those down, coming back out with two different pasta sauces.

"So, I'm thinking," he held up the box of linguini, "because I've got some veggies that I need to get rid of before they expire and some chicken that I've been craving for a while now."

"Mhmm," I giggled, "I love chicken alfredo."

"Yeah?" He grabbed a pot, filling it with water and cutting on the stove,"well you'll really love mine. I have s special ingredient."

I laughed again watching as he made his way over to me, sitting in the chair beside me with a sweet smile.

"What is it?" I could feel my heart rushing just as it had earlier.

"Nothing," he grinned, "why are you so tense, relax, I don't bite."

The way he uttered that the last word sent a wave of thoughts through my mind. I couldn't not imagine him biting me in places that I would most certainly enjoy.

Noticing my situation, he leaned closer, brushing his lips on my neck. I felt my body explode with heat. He was so close.

"K'aori," he mumbled softly, "I should'nt have invited you in here." He moved back, resting his arms on the bar, staring at me again.

I knew my face was flushed but, there was nothing I could do about it.

"I should have just let you go. I want you way too much to have you alone with me."

I took a deep breath, wondering how I should respond to that.

"Why.." I hadn't even realized I said it but, before I even understood what was happening, his arms looped around my waist, pulling me to his lap where I now sat face to face with him.

I could feel the intense warmth coming off of his body beneath his clothes. His cheeks were flushed, and his eyes filled with the desire.

"Lucas..." It was all I could manage being as close as we were.

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