Quick trip

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Kaori's Pov.

I had taken a very unexpected and truly unplanned trip to El Hotel Joyner. The only person who knew where I was headed besides Marshall, was my Butler and that was really it. I felt a bit guilty about not letting Toni or Lucas know but, it wasn't something I necessarily wanted them involved in. Besides, Lucas had too much involvement already.

I had arrived earlier during the day so I was already settled into my suite at the very top floor but I would be leaving very soon. The only reason I'd even come was to inform Claire of the situation and how I wanted her to handle her part.

Finding her was very easy, my receptionist lent me the spare key and she was obediently located exactly where I told her to be. She had even taken the time to change her haircolor and grab a new pair of contacts.


"Ms. Kay! How have you been?"

I ignored her question, walking over to the telephone to disable the line and I shut the windows and blinds.

"Listen to me very carefully, I need you to go back to the way you looked before so you aren't suspected of trying to change your identity. You are, in three days time, to return and turn yourself in to the police, specifically detective Marshall."

She nodded paying very close attention.

"You will then allow yourself to be arrested without any form of protest and then a court date will be assigned. Understand?"

"Yeah ma'am."

"After that, I will get you a lawyer recommended to me by my friends close to the law but that's neither here or there," I took a deep breath to relax myself, I noticed how tense I was even though there was no reason to be. "During the trial you will not say anything unless you are asked. Your lawyer will literally go over everything with you including the storyline, do not explain anything, all questions will be either yes or no, anything that will require detail will be rehearsed with you. That's all."

"Okay," she nodded once more. "I'm really sorry about all of this."

"It's fine," I sighed. "this is what I do, I knew my responsibilities when I decided to get into this line." I walked back over to the windows opening them up again and letting the light make it's way back into the room. "Never ever pull something like this again though Claire. I like you a lot but I'll put you out. Do you understand me?"

"Yes miss."

"Great. I'm heading out in a few hours, continue to do whatever it was you were doing with your time."

I let out a huge breath once I was in the hallway. This shit got so tiring every now and then. It was so rare that I even had to do this kind of thing. Thank God.

I made my way to the spa section of my hotel and decided to pamper myself, check my phone, relax a bit.

"40 missed calls, and 80 messages, hmm I wonder who that could be." My phone was buzzing out of control with messages from Toni. I knew she'd be pissed but really?

K'aori Joyner answer your damn phone!

Bitch wait till I see you, it's fade on sight.

Wifey please! Answer your phone!

Where the hell are you!?!

Istg don't ever talk to me again.

I miss you.

And they went on and on. One hilariously bipolar text after another.
The other messages I had were from...Lucas.

He'd only called about 7 times and left a simple four messages wanting to know if I was okay. I didn't know why but, it made me smile.

I should really just leave him alone, but, I can't.

After my day was complete, I headed to catch my flight back home. I couldn't wait to real in my own bed and get back to my prompt, structured lifestyle. Well, I wouldn't actually get back to that lifestyle until after the trial with Claire.

I didn't get home until about midnight. The flight had been slightly delayed because of bad weather, Luckily, the storm hadn't gotten too bad.

When I walked into my house, a strangely familiar smell touched my nose. I could tell someone had been in my house besides my keepers because things were moved around.

"I'm home!" I shouted, talking off my heels and heading up the stairs. "Can I have a bite to eat upstairs please!"

"Most certainly!" I heard one of my house maids call out.

"Thank you!"

I made my way into my bedroom where I got the shock of my day.

Lucas was there, in my bed, fast asleep.

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