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Lucas' pov

My uber sped down the rain-soaked streets like a bat out of hell. Claire was able to give me some kind of address but she wasn't for sure how accurate it was. All I knew with certainty, was that there would be a silver Honda Accord parked in the driveway and hopefully, it was the only one.

We stopped at a red light, causing me to take a deep breath. My heart was pounding with anticipation. I had no idea if she was okay or not. I had no idea if we were going fast enough.

What if I'm too late?

I shook my head dismissing any such thoughts and continued focusing on the road ahead. My driver seemed to sense my concern but, remained quiet.

Once the light turned green, he stomped on the gas pedal, exceeding the speed limit by ten miles.

Now, let's hope we don't get pulled over. I was grateful for his gesture.

He was able to manage turning a 30-minute drive into a 15 minute one without getting caught. We turned down the street she said the house would be on, peering out of the window trying desperately to see the cars parked outside. It was strange to me that most of the houses had their lights out. Was that normal?

He drove me down the road slowly, careful to make sure I was able look at every car. Not to my luck, the neighborhood had several streets to go down with many houses and many cars that were still too difficult to see from the car window which was now covered with raindrops.

At last, I decided to have him drop me off and head around on foot. I figured this would be easier and I had a sneaking suspicion that I was on the right path.

"Thank you."

"No problem. I hope you find her."

I nodded, opening my umbrella and walking across the street to the sidewalk. I knew it was here somewhere.

I walked for about five minutes before finally finding the house with a silver accord parked in front of it. It was an Erie house with old wood caked on the outside and dark curtains covering the windows. But, what was even more strange was that there was another car parked there. I walked over to it, placing my hand on the soaked hood, feeling the earth flood up my arm.

Freshly parked.

It had to had been sitting there a total of maybe 10 minutes at most. I walked around to the back of it, taking a look at the name.

I recognized this car. In fact, I had been in this car not too long ago. I peered through the back window looking for the bags that to my surprise, were still sitting there.

She didn't go home?

But what in the hell was she doing here? I walked up to the door, wondering if I should knock or just walk in. Choosing the second option, I turned the loose door job, opening it right up with no issues at all.

I walked inside of the dark, freezing house cringing as the floor creaked beneath me. There were clothes scattered on the floor and shoes everywhere. It definitely looked like something sketchy was going on.

"Hello? Claire?"

Something went bump upstairs making me nearly jump out of my skin. Reluctant, I headed up the wooden staircase into the hallway. My eyes focused on one room that was lit up. That was where the sounds had been coming from.

"Claire? Are you in there?" I continued walking. By this time, if someone was in here, they knew I was here too. I hadn't done a very good job at keeping quiet anyhow. Taking one last breath, I peeked my head into the room.

What I saw was almost too much to take in. Claire was on her knees with her face in her hands bawling her eyes out silently. I could see the redness of her cheeks as her dischieved hair stuck to her face. Next to her was K'aori she was holding on to a metal rod that had been covered with blood. Her face looked so different from when I'd saw it earlier. She looked almost demonic.

On the ground, not too far from her, was a man. I assumed he was the one who has brought Claire to the house in the first place. He was lying face down with blood pooling from his head.

I was horrified at what I was seeing. This had to be the most insane thing that I had ever encountered.

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