Desires through the Night

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Lucas POV.

I sighed when I let my front door close behind me. Just thinking about the way her lips fit so perfectly with mine made my knees weak. I loved that feeling. I couldn't remember the last time I'd felt something like it. It was really like I was back in middle school with a huge crush on a girl way to amazing for my comprehension. K'aori made me feel so many emotions, she made me happy, sad, upset, frustrated. She made me want to write. I wanted to write about everything she made me feel. I wanted to write about the way her body would press against mine if...

A knock stopped me in my thoughts. I wasnt expecting anyone and I had watched K'aori drive away, unless she left something but, she wouldn't come all the way back just to get it. Would she?

I crossed my fingers opening the door and much to my pure and blissful surprise, it was her. She looked out of breath. Her light brown skin flustered as if she'd been running on a hot day.

"K... K'aori is everything o..?" Before I could even get it out she'd pushed me inside and onto the couch I had finally managed to set up. She lifted her skirt so it was easier for her to move onto my lap where she smashed her lips into mine ferociously. Unable to control myself, I moaned and moaned. Her hands were everywhere, her lips everywhere and all I could manage to think about is how I wanted my tounge everywhere. All over her body. I wanted to pleasure the hell out of her in so many ways.

"Kai," I managed to get her name out even though it sounded half out of breath. "What's going on, are you okay?"

She stared at me with thoes sweet, submissive puppy-like eyes and all that helped to do was turn me on even more.

"I..I'm sorry. I...I just...I don't know what came over me...L.. Lucas. I should...go."

"Why?" I whispered in her ear running my lips down her neck and to her collar bone. "You're here. You can't just come in here, do that to me and leave...I want you so bad right now...Ms. Joyner." I felt her body tremble on top of mine. It felt so good to be in charge.

"Now, I whispered even more softly, "go to my room and undress for me. When I come in, I want you on my bed. Do you understand?"

I watched her hesitate quickly before knodding her head and slowly walking into my room.

When I heard the door close, I took the deepest breath if ever taken. My mind was so foggy I couldn't even really comprehend what had happened. I practically turned into a different person when I wanted someone. It was absolutely insane. In a good way.

I got up, going into my kitchen to down a glass of wine. When did she decided that she wanted this? I was so curious. When did she decide that she wanted me?

It made me wonder if it were that or just, maybe she was feeling lustful. I really didn't know but, I did care. My feelings towards K'aori weren't only sexual. They were far from it as far as I was concerned.

Heaving out a huge sigh, I walked to the door of my room, leaning up against it nearly out of breath though I hadn't even done anything yet. Images if the scene I was about to walk into kept slamming into me like waves in the ocean. It made my knees week.

After a few more minutes, I was okay again. Finally, I opened the room door and there she was. The most beautiful woman I'd ever layed my eyes on. The lights were off but I could see her as if a spotlight was shining on her, radiating off of her beautiful coffee with cream colored skin. Her hair was down, long and curly falling over her shoulders. She didn't look at me, just sat there covering herself, it was almost as if she were shy.

"Kai," I walked in, closing the door behind me. "I have to ask you something."

"What is it?" Her voice was soft, sweet.

"Are you okay with this?" I sat next to her placing my hand on her bare waist and turning her to face me.

"What do you mean?" She moved herself on my lap and began to unbutton my shirt. Her lips made their way up my neck and down my collar bone. I shivered.

"I..I mean, is this something that's gonna go further than this?"

"Lucas, please...don't ask me this right now."

"K'aori," I grabbed her face in my hands running my fingers through her hair. I needed her to look at me. "I can't do this if it isn't going to go further than this night. I am in love with you."

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